hear! hear! im still here!!

heLLO people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccckk!!

*just for a while*

fuyo~~ dah lebih sebulan hamba tk update blog ni ye??????????? mesti korg nk tahu kan, mcmane kehidupan hamba kt polytechnic?????

haha.. life's been great! - minus the subjects n e awkwardness with my classmates -

skrg ni, me kt PC lab (remember i talked about PC orientation in the previous post? well, PC stands for Personal Computer - right?)....tgh break smpi pukul 12tghari... sebenarnye, hari ni sch starts at 12 noon, tp pukul 8 tadi ade PIPC (Principles of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry) make-up lecture...for 1 hour. so break from 9-12. nanti pukul 12, ade biochemistry practical...

leceh betul ah~~~~~ pagi2 ade lecture. n apparently, i didnt understand what Dr. Low said...btw, Dr. Low is a woman.

tapikan........bukanlah me tk suke langsung subject2 yg me belajar. for this semester, me belajar 7 subjects:

biochemistry 1
principles of inorganic and physical science 1
organic chemistry 1
human anatomy and physiology
mathematics and statistics 1
communication skills for applied science (CSAS)
applied principles for effective living (APEL)

yep. n so far, i like biochem. i understand, i like. i dont understand, i dont really like. HAP tk perlu kefahaman sgt......hafal je lah terminology yg berlambak tu... mesti pass punye! lecture nye pon tk happening sgt...good time to sleep! haha.. PIPC, aiyo! tk usah ckp lah... guru nye ajar cepat... dia expect SEMUA pelajar dah tahu certain things about chem... sedangkan ade pelajar (like me!) yg langsung tk pernah belajar chem!

maths......so far, i've gotten the gist of unit conversion....logarithm masih blur2... tp me suka buat practise nye... *klw tahu buat suka ah...klw tk dpt answer, tu yg buat me frustrated habis!!*

csas n apel.... hmmmm.... they're more about character building.. nothing much.

oh!!!!!!!!!!! let's talk about CCA...

jeng, jeng!

me masuk TAEKWONDO.


mcm betul je eh....?

tapi mmg betul ar....me sorang je pelajar perempuan melayu yg masuk. pelajar lelaki melayu ade 5/6 orang gitu... dah lah me pakai tudung..tp alhamdulillah.... instructornye understanding. oh! fyi, taekwondo training sessions are on tuesdays n thursdays, 6.30pm-9pm.

alahai~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nk dekat pukul 11 baru me smpi rumah..tp tkpe lah...im learning something, not wasting my time.

but the best part is... i got to wear GEE! *taekwondonye baju*.... hehe.. mcm macho lah pulak... lebih gerek drpd pakai labcoat! *hahaha...liyana merepek!*

i signed up for Experiential Learning facilitators, n sabtu lepas, i attended the selection process. hmmmmmmmmmm....i dont think i'll get selected, coz i didnt show the qualities that i have... hmmm... tkpe ah... klw tk dpt tu, me nk cube masuk salvo drums (big chinese drums..!), tp masalahnye, training days are WEDorFRI and SAT. mcm penat lah pulak kan.... lagi2 weekend me ade schedule to follow.

oh well.

ok lah, me stop kt sini je buat mase ni. nk pergi TP bookstore..nk cari asam-asin/chocolate/etc. rasa kerang masih melekat, so i want to get rid of it! actually tadi makan nonya laksa, tp aunty tu kasi kerang sekali..

another thing, as from now, most likely im not able to update this blog frequently. me gunekan computer sekolah je (kt TP ade banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkk computer!).. klw kt rumah tu, err... nanti computer buat problem la, ayah nak main la, aqila nk main la...

last but not least,

*im lovin TP library!!!!!!!!!!*

sbb boleh tgk movie kt situ..n blh pinjam music cds..n tempat tu tk bising =)