caribbean blue by Enya

... Eurus ...
... Afer Ventus ...

... so the world goes round and round
with all you ever knew -
They say the sky high above
is Caribbean blue ...

... if every man says all he can,
if every man is true,
do I believe the sky above
is Caribbean blue ...

... Boreas ...
... Zephryus ...

... if all you told was turned to gold,
if all you dreamed were new,
imagine sky high above
in Caribbean blue ...

... Eurus ...
Afer Ventus ...
... Boreas
Zephryus ...
... Africus ...

pictures 2006

hey there.... hmmm... if you guys notice, this year i dont have as many pictures to show you as i have last year.... haiz~~ sejak semenjak me masuk poly nih.. mcm tk byk gmbr yg me ambik untuk buat kenangan.... even events kt alsagoff, ie pasar amal 2006 n peraduan syarahan inter-madrasah me tk ambik gmbr.... well, not so accurate there.. i took few pictures during the latter. then, events yg related to MS (muslim society) pon... hmm... tk byk sgt ah...

entah lah ye... mungkin lagi a few months baru me jadi more 'hyped up' untuk take pictures again..

anyway...i still got some pictures for this year, 2006. so ENJOY!


tige beradik...

my new-found cousin. sabrina. very the peramah indeed! 'new-found' is a bit exaggerated, eh.. it's my first time interacting with her, seriously!

with nenek sebelah ayah n 2 younger cousins.. dah besar dah diorg...sec 3 n 1..


kt raffles place.. dlm perjalanan pulang dari kgchaichee iftar.. i found a new friend: kak hawanis, from NYP =)

kak fadzillah (event IC, NI member), mdm hafifah n kak haswani (NI vice-chair)

the crowd =)

kak maryam O, farhana, kak khadijah .....


lined up.... hehe...sape yg terpendek?? =p

kt AVA room... where i used to sit... huda too..

first time gitu ambil gmbr dgn tige2 guru lelaki...kt bilik guru lelaki plak tu!

RAMADHAN ROCKS 2006 - 29 & 300906

malam2 buta...pukul 12 lebih pagi....or was it 1 in da morning??? *still can smile seyyy*

baru habis cuci dulang, pinggan, gelas, water dispensers, baldi yang org letak makanan tu.. (ape namenye eh??) dan sebagainye....fuh! my baju, tudung were smeeeelllly! hahahahah! pagi2 org solat, kite cuci-mencuci... cewah~~


most of my classmates are here

the muslim girls in AG12

some of the Nur Ikhwan's girls.... *it was kak haswani's birthday...she got a card! =>*


tkd grading at toa payoh sports hall in july..... it was my first! i wasnt anywhere in this pic... just to give you the idea of how it is.

aaliyah~~~ *oops! blm mintak izin dari kak deena!*

during graduation day... back in january..

our first-prize winner..... from ALSAGOFF... yeah~~! takbir!

a day out with thfz classmates.... but here are my two friends from alsagoff