I'm having positive vibes about NTU.

on a lighter note.........

Alf Mubarak to Kak Hidayati and Bro Rizal...!


'Umar 'Abdillah.. sedap nama tu. moga dia menjadi seperti kedua2 'Umar - berwibawa, telus, berani, berhikmah... humble and just ;)

i've been thinking about the name 'Umar for quite some time too. korang cube sebut. 'U-mar. *sighs and looks dreamily at nowhere* 'Umar al-Khattab. 'Umar 'Abdul 'Aziz. really ah.. bila teringatkan kisah mereka - perwatakan dan perbuatan, the characters of these two persons are strongly reflected in that one word: 'Umar.

'Umar + Mujahid = 'Umar Mujahid hehe.. *melts*

k k.. i know, kat Tautan Hati dah ade nama tu..
im at the 'asthma' stage now.

it's been quite some time since i last caught the common cold+flu.

so, it started last saturday. with coughs. as i was unstoppably (is there such a word?) reading Twilight til the wee hours of sunday.

on sunday, the cough continued and then my throat became 'uncomfortable'. hmm.. i dunno how to describe it. y'all should know, right? and i slept with my TP windbreaker on.

monday morning, still the same. but i suspected that the worse had yet to come. so i took a Panadol tablet in the morning. must have fallen asleep in the bus. i felt better in the afternoon. continued to read Twilight. then, it was time for me to get another pill, but i didnt have any. hmmm... on the way to muhajirin, felt like the fever and headache might be coming soon. I NEED MY PANADOL. on the way home - that was it. i was officially sick with fever. bought a box of Panadol Cold Relief at 7-Eleven. popped one into my mouth. did my prayers.

i was a zombie. slouched on the sofa, trying to watch the tv. uh-oh. there were 2 quizzes the next day. noOoOOoo.. i couldn't study. i didn't want to study. could i be absent? i would just get the MC from the polyclinic. fell asleep there. mum brought out the pillows and blanket. aaahh.. heaven. didnt sleep well though. cold? took another dose of Panadol on midnite. zZzZzz..

tuesday - oh! i felt much better, alhamdulillah~~ but but! i still hadnt touched any of my notes. what should i do? still go to the doctor and feign fever? i cant do that! mmmmmmmm.... last minute revision; not quite, more like first-time learning, coz the notes were fresh from the printer (on monday). read thru.. tawakkal.. selawat.. tawakkal.. thought and searched harder.. tried to remember bits and pieces.. please.. selawat.. tawakkal.. thank you Allah, for letting me see.. it couldve been much much worse.

anyway, my condition had moved on to runny nose and more sneezing. great! -.-" reached home, fell asleep on the bare floor of my bedroom, with my backpack as the pillow. woke up half past six. took a nice cold shower. felt better even though the mucous was still flowing occasionally.

and today, runny nose/sneezing subsided. but guess what? by now, im sure that the virus are dead. which means they are accumulated in the phlegm (and thick mucous) to be 'sent out' of the respiratory system. hell yeah, i can feel my airways are filled with 'em. hard stuff, ey? so.. am having difficulty breathing; since morning. used my inhaler to open up the bronchi and bronchioles every now and then. took a spoonful of dad's diphenhydramine, the last one, in the morning. only 40 minutes ago i consumed my second cough syrup of the day. errmmm.. no wonder my phlegm is still stuck in my trachea and air tubes. so, the whole day i coughed, and coughed (not too frequent though; it's irritating and can worry the people around you; and can be dangerous for your muscles and nerves).. you know, sometimes you feel that the phlegm is just right there, loosening, and you just have to cough a bit more to get that stubborn lump out? yeah.. it's hardwork.

plus, inhaling deeply, trying to get enough air, is tiring. more precisely: exhausting. your lung muscles work harder. you're desperate for air. your airways are constricting.. oh, you wish someone can give you a nebulizer straightaway! and, and, when you exhale, you wheeze.. so the person next to you may just hear how terrible your condition is.

just so you know, having asthma is not cool. if you have an asthma attack, it would be like having first-hand experience of how 'suffocating to death' may be.

i feel that im straining my lungs. chest feels kinda heavy :/
Kali ke-dua ke sini.

"Tulisan ini merupakan satu wadah untuk aku sentiasa mengingati diri ini yang dhaif untuk terus mengkaji dan mengkaji. Bukan sekadar mengambil bulat-bulat apa yang didengar khususnya perkara berkaitan aqidah kerana aqidah yang diterima oleh Allah adalah aqidah yang benar mengikuti fahaman salafus-salih berdasarkan dalil-dalil yang sabit daripada Kitabullah dan Sunnah Rasulihi."
diambil dari penulisan bertajuk Di Mana? [bertarikh 1 December 2008]

cukup tepat.
Welcome to a new Dawn


Further Yet Closer

A weekend of...

.. Fort Canning Park with Sis (saturday, 20 dec '08, 2.30pm)

it was actually a recce, for NI retreat. invited a few sisters (too few, actually).. none of 'em could make it. then, i thought of postponing to one of the coming weekdays. but nah~ i needed to get fresh air anyway. so, i brought my sister along :)

we alighted at City Hall mrt station. sebab dah lama tak jejak kaki kat situ, i was feeling extra happy, and perhaps, jakOn, to see many people, from different walks of life, going this way and that way.

and for the first time of my life (im sure of it!), i stepped into Raffles City Shopping Centre. uWoW~ looking at the boutiques and window displays.. teringat Suntec City Shopping Mall. mewah betOl~ jalan2 kat tingkat satu je, then made our way to fort canning park based on the sole memory of NI Election back in 2006.

looks like a large area, ey? it is lah.. from the starting point ("you are here" sign) we covered one big round. yupz! oh, i should've brought insect repellent, though. or maybe, coz of the heat of the day, so we got sweaty and itchy.

scenic! scenic! right in front of this fountain are the steps down to the main entrance of the park. behind, is the Raffles Terrace. unfortunately, it's small. had the chance to read a plaque at the side of the so-called house; could be that the original house had been shrunk to the mere hall that we can see today, or it could've been situated somewhere else and this hall is just a 'symbol', memorial, or whatever you wanna call it.

The surrounding area is.. cantik! green, clean grass.. the trees are not so tall. or wide. which means, it's exposed to sunlight. so too bad, we cant have the retreat there.

from top left:

the sheltered area where we had our NI Election 2006. i was really new sey. tau2 je, was invited to go. and i remember the colour code: kuning! feeling2 royal ah.. coz this hill was where the sultan's palace once stood.

the Raffles Terrace. right in front, in the middle, is a flagstaff. tak ingat what's the significance.

a bench facing a lampost. i was amused; why on earth is the bench is there? a person sits there and he can only watch the fence, the lampost and the few trees. agak terperuk pon ade. haha. mcm tak strategic dan tak scenic. O.o

that's my sister, konon tgh tgk ape2 ntah.. klw takde the marquee, i think the shot would be a bit nicer. this is the open space in front of The Legends aka Fort Canning Centre, called Fort Canning Green. i am sure this is where arts events and concerts are usually held. mesti mahal, kan, sewanya? when we got to The Legends, rupe2nya ade orang kahwin. saw the bride and groom, tgh nak pose for wedding shoot. oh, we saw another couple earlier dekat2 Raffles Terrace. memang elok ah klw nak ambil gambar kat fort canning park.. as well as the many gardens kat Singapore ni.. cuma get ready with small towel ke.. sebab klw cuaca panas, alahai~ heh. good thing now ade 'sweat-proof' make-up. haha

this tree kinda fascinated me. dahannya panjang menjalar. you can see in the picture two of 'em are supported by poles. the red-orange flowers add beauty to this tree. it must be old, like many other trees that we saw. tapi kan, dekat2 roots of the tree, byk kerangga, those big fire red ants.

from top left:

kat tingkat paling bawah of The Legends Fort Canning Centre rupe2nya ade sekolah memasak. At-Sunrise GlobalChef Academy. must be a highly reputable school. sempat jugak me and aqila jenguk2 what's behind the glass-paned doors. anyway, there's this water feature (i dunno the correct vocab for this) beside the main entrance door. suker!

sitting on the steps leading right into The LegendsFort Canning Centre. actually nak ambil gambar berdua on the steps, tapi couldnt get the camera position right. padahal ade orang2 kat situ to help ambilkan, eh? heheh.. ape2 je karenah kita kat situ. oh, the 'orang2' there were actually para jemputan yang gi majlis kahwin tu. haha

that's me leaning on a coconut tree. it's actually on a small slope, so that tree kinda bends outwards.. hmm.. if you know what i mean.

trees and clouds. blend in beautifully.

memorial plaques, lined on the two walls outside The LegendsFort Canning Centre. A lof of the inscriptions begin with SACRED. Angelina was 3 years old. Charles Henry was 21, a most dutiful and affectionate son and brother. Hier Ruhet means here rests in German - Carl Wilhelm Andreas Albert (i think it's one person's name, not two) who was born 135 years before i was. These plaques, they are actually tombstones. the Fort Canning Green was once a christian cemetery. wooOooOOOoo..~

The Battle Box! i saw the door to the underground far east command centre first. apparently we had missed the 5pm, the last, visiting slot. i dunno if this building is part of the Battle Box, but the ticket counter's there.

at The Spice Garden. didnt pay much attention to the plants. instead, we took multiple shots sitting on this bench. i think it was past 5pm. legs were getting to get tired. but we made our way to the archeological excavation site and Keramat Iskandar Shah. i think the former is creepier. especially if you're by yourself walking inside the not-that-long gallery to see the pieces of ceramics, jewelleries and whatnots.

as aqila was signing the guestbook at the archeological site, i took these pictures.

Prehistoric Singapore - Although no evidence of prehistoric man has yet been discovered on Singapore, sites with stone tools have been found on Pulau Tekong and on the south shore of Johor. Probably prehistoric people occasionally occupied Singapore, and gathered food here.

The Founding of Temasik - By the early 14th century, Singapore had its own government: the kingdom of Temasik. Chinese traders had already come to settle here by 1330. The palace was built on Fort Canning Hill.

peering thru the window.. nothing inside actually. just a white-walled room. as the sign said, "White Studio".

after ~3 hours of sight-seeing, we returned to our starting point. we didnt descend there, tho. we walked towards the Raffles Terrace fountain and exited via the Hill Street Entrance. we strolled along the Parliament House (fuyo~ first time jejak sana!) and reached the bridge. i dunno its name, but it was surely my first time crossing it on foot. then, we passed all the restaurants and pubs, towards OUB Plaza. again, it was my first. my sis' too. dapat tgk crabs lobsters and whatnots.. the different on-the-table arrangements, deco.. nampak sah kita dua macam tourist kat situ. local. tourist.

bila tgh jalan2.. i was taking it all in. the sights. cantiknya~ it's the river lah.. makes the difference. Rabbij'al hadza baladan aaminaa.. Ya Tuhanku, jadikanlah negeri ini negeri yang aman..

we didnt end there. after taking rest on one of the many seats overlooking Empress' Place, we took a walk in the middle of the CBD.. tak tahu ape nama area tu. it's where people mostly exit from the mrt station below. time ni, dah masuk maghrib. we took train to Bugis. coz i felt like going to the National Library pulak. and Chewy Junior. :p at last, tak gi library. went to Banquet at Raffles Hospital. ate fruit salad while waiting for abang to pick us up.

that's how our day went. i felt happy the whole time. alhamdulillah..!

.. Changi Village and East Coast Park with Family (Sunday, 21 dec '08, 10am)

had our nasi lemak breakfast at Changi Village. no, no, bukan dari kedai yang asyik long queue tu. but from another stall that my bro recommended. after that, pikir nak picnic kat Changi Beach je. tapi, sebab nak main basikal, we made our way to East Coast Park.

guess who's the one who doesnt know how to ride a bicycle?? XD

and since abang got his rollerblades inside the bonnet, i took them out to give rollerblading a try. another first time. oh God! forget about being shy or embarrassed - i fell down, stood in funny positions.. enjoyed myself alright! had abang and mak or aqila to hold my arm. yupz, susah nak balance. lagipon, the rollerblades' size is big. i look forward to try it again!

the sea is blue! i just noticed it. selama ni i have a bad impression of ECP ah. the water is brownish.. coz lots of sand, dirt or what lah.. i would prefer the two ends, especially the stretch leading to the airport. tapi, when i was on the jetty, Subhanallah! a beautiful sight every singaporean can be proud of. indah belaka :)

it was also a rare opportunity for me to dip my feet in the water. you see, ayah tak izinkan berenam/mandi kat laut. so, whenever im at a beach with my friends, kite rase bersalah nak jejakkan kaki sikit pon kat air. nak kata jealous kat kawan2, tak jugak. tapi, bila dapat chance ni, ayah pon bagi green light, waahh.. it felt really good. i guess, the restriction made me more grateful of this moment. simple and normal as it seems, it's wonderful for me~

the three of us on the signature jetty. it was hOt, mind you. i tried bro's shades. oh tidak, sungguh tak kena dgn mukaku. hehe.. eh, do you notice, that we wore the same colour? dark blue.

we left the beach at 2pm. next destination was rumah nenek kat Ang Mo Kio. wah~ lepak habis kat situ. after asar, kita bertolak. the rest of the family went home, tapi kite plak ke .....

.. Marina Barrage (Sunday, 21 dec'08, 6pm)

reached Marina Bay mrt stn aroud 6pm. waited for the other sisters. i was dismayed when i got to know that 2 brothers were joining us. tapi kite tak cakap ape2 ah. yang bagusnya, diorang lambat. so, me, kak fiza and kak ruqayyah took the shuttle bus. sampai, keluar dari bus, walked towards the entrance.. and we were greeted by a... oohhhh! what a sight! woww.. wowww.. waaahh.. ooohh.. serene. spacious. the sea. the sky. subhanallah, subhanallah..

as we made our way inside the complex, we couldnt stop ooh- and ahh-ing. yeah, it was awesome! below are some of the pictures taken:

me and kak ruqayyah main air jugak. wheee~~ couldnt get enough of it! best sangat2! you know, i think i found another side of kak ruqayyah. gila-gila jugak mcm yours truly nih. hahaha.. we talked crap and had quite a big share of smiles and laughter.

aroung maghrib gitu, kak fadz, kak saqinah and kak sarah with another sister (siapa namanya eh?) sampai. the two brothers too. i just acted as though they were not there. i didnt mean to be cold or anything, i simply dont have anything to say to them. them aside, i really enjoyed the company of my gal seniors!

we had a little picnic at the top floor of the complex. open-air. sejuk je rase.. boleh tertidur kat seats, floor or even the grass. this actually reminded me of Marina South Pier. bro brought aqila and me there one night, many many months back. peaceful. far from the sounds and lights from the towns. angin sepoi2 bahasa. mmmmmmm~~~

sempat jugak me and kak ruqayyah baring kat one of the cemented seats. staring into the dark sky. blissful, indeed!

the last shuttle bus was supposed to leave at 8pm. mase tu, kita semua belom puas dgn Marina Barrage, so we decided to give it a miss and suffer the long walk to the mrt stn later. we didnt even remember the exact route out. but i guess we couldnt care less at that time.

we left the place shortly before 9pm. and suprise suprise! there was a shuttle bus. if i remember correctly, the sign on the bus said "LAST BUS". *huge relief* and so, me, kak fiza, kak ruqayyah and kak saqinah took bus, while kak fadz and the bros with their motorbikes.

thank you for inviting me, kak fiza :) im glad i came.

on the whole.. i feel that this is the best weekend i've ever had. i cant remember the last time i felt happy, care-free. i think it's coz of the mixture of experience.. one with my sister, i took this as a time to be with myself and get away from everything. another with family (we seldom go out like this together, so i cherish 'em) and the weekend ended with a bunch of great sisters.

thank You.. thank You.