im at the 'asthma' stage now.

it's been quite some time since i last caught the common cold+flu.

so, it started last saturday. with coughs. as i was unstoppably (is there such a word?) reading Twilight til the wee hours of sunday.

on sunday, the cough continued and then my throat became 'uncomfortable'. hmm.. i dunno how to describe it. y'all should know, right? and i slept with my TP windbreaker on.

monday morning, still the same. but i suspected that the worse had yet to come. so i took a Panadol tablet in the morning. must have fallen asleep in the bus. i felt better in the afternoon. continued to read Twilight. then, it was time for me to get another pill, but i didnt have any. hmmm... on the way to muhajirin, felt like the fever and headache might be coming soon. I NEED MY PANADOL. on the way home - that was it. i was officially sick with fever. bought a box of Panadol Cold Relief at 7-Eleven. popped one into my mouth. did my prayers.

i was a zombie. slouched on the sofa, trying to watch the tv. uh-oh. there were 2 quizzes the next day. noOoOOoo.. i couldn't study. i didn't want to study. could i be absent? i would just get the MC from the polyclinic. fell asleep there. mum brought out the pillows and blanket. aaahh.. heaven. didnt sleep well though. cold? took another dose of Panadol on midnite. zZzZzz..

tuesday - oh! i felt much better, alhamdulillah~~ but but! i still hadnt touched any of my notes. what should i do? still go to the doctor and feign fever? i cant do that! mmmmmmmm.... last minute revision; not quite, more like first-time learning, coz the notes were fresh from the printer (on monday). read thru.. tawakkal.. selawat.. tawakkal.. thought and searched harder.. tried to remember bits and pieces.. please.. selawat.. tawakkal.. thank you Allah, for letting me see.. it couldve been much much worse.

anyway, my condition had moved on to runny nose and more sneezing. great! -.-" reached home, fell asleep on the bare floor of my bedroom, with my backpack as the pillow. woke up half past six. took a nice cold shower. felt better even though the mucous was still flowing occasionally.

and today, runny nose/sneezing subsided. but guess what? by now, im sure that the virus are dead. which means they are accumulated in the phlegm (and thick mucous) to be 'sent out' of the respiratory system. hell yeah, i can feel my airways are filled with 'em. hard stuff, ey? so.. am having difficulty breathing; since morning. used my inhaler to open up the bronchi and bronchioles every now and then. took a spoonful of dad's diphenhydramine, the last one, in the morning. only 40 minutes ago i consumed my second cough syrup of the day. errmmm.. no wonder my phlegm is still stuck in my trachea and air tubes. so, the whole day i coughed, and coughed (not too frequent though; it's irritating and can worry the people around you; and can be dangerous for your muscles and nerves).. you know, sometimes you feel that the phlegm is just right there, loosening, and you just have to cough a bit more to get that stubborn lump out? yeah.. it's hardwork.

plus, inhaling deeply, trying to get enough air, is tiring. more precisely: exhausting. your lung muscles work harder. you're desperate for air. your airways are constricting.. oh, you wish someone can give you a nebulizer straightaway! and, and, when you exhale, you wheeze.. so the person next to you may just hear how terrible your condition is.

just so you know, having asthma is not cool. if you have an asthma attack, it would be like having first-hand experience of how 'suffocating to death' may be.

i feel that im straining my lungs. chest feels kinda heavy :/