when i see her

there are a few sisters whom when i see them, i just feel 'oooOoOooo'.. y'know, rase hormat, rasa sayang, kagum, gembira.. kinda meshed up all together.

these sisters are ones that i treasure. sometimes i feel like i want to protect them.. and du'a for them, that good things will happen to them, and that they will meet someone soleh, and that Allah keep them safe, and that they be steadfast, and iman strengthened..

some of these sisters, i dont even know them that well. tapi dari jauh je, hati ni dah rasa suka kat mereka. just went to Facebook, and just got to know that a mutual friend is married. the only memory i have of her is a bus ride, from wak tanjong to tampines, the three of us, me, 'alimah and her. it was after the syarahan competition, peringkat saringan.. yes. i remember that.. i remember that we had a pleasant conversation. i dont hear a lot about her, but whatever i know so far, is good. and guess what, turns out that she is married to an ustaz of whom i've heard to be direct, passionate when it comes to 'pracitising your religion according to the quran and sunnah', and impress his students by his explanations and arguments. ohh... ini dia orangnya! anyway, back to this particular sister, i must say, she has an aura of maturity, tawadhu'.. segan plak rasanya bila ada dia. hee..

another sister of mine got married last week. hah! i dont remember how long it has been since i last met her. 2 years? or maybe, 3? jumpa je, kat masjid habib noh, on her nikah day! hehe.. can't help but feel suprised, macam-tak-percaya yang dia dah kahwin.. hee.. afwan kak, memori ana masih kat zaman kita kat MKS dulu. hehe.. kena fast-forward lah.. i dont know why i keep having this 'senyum simpul' when i think about her (being married). sweeeeeet~ and yes, i seriously would like to hear a first-hand account from her!

orang yang solehah ni, memang Allah jaga, kan? ^_____^

have you heard of a du'a, in which if someone thinks bad of you (for example, he/she thinks you are hot-tempered), may Allah protect you from actually having that character, and if someone thinks good of you (for example, he/she thinks you are very passionate about helping fellow youths), may Allah help you develop that character, but if you already possess that, may Allah keep it inside you and make you an even better person than what you are now? i am sure i've heard of it somewhere, but i dont know what sort of key words to use for me to google it. may be it is from a hadith or something.. hmm.. would very much like to know it, memorise and practise it.