I believe that he is indeed my other half. Alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmussolihaat :')

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It's the eve, and I'm busy typing an exam paper. Nak submit esok.

Belum gosok baju. Belum reapply inai (quite a disaster this afternoon). Belum vacuum (final!) bilik. Rumah belum betul2 kemas dan bersih.

OK best.

On the bright side, my bed looks pretty! All thanks to kak Maya~ Siap ada rose petals lagi. Tapi, nak tido nanti kenal kutip satu-persatu masuk dalam bekas. Apa kata kite beradu di atas sofa je? hehehehe..

Hmmm... nampaknya tak tido awal lah. Seperti malam-malam yang lepas. My 'Day Zero' started since Monday.. (extended punya Day Zero, eh!) Could feel the adrenaline since Monday. Couldn't sleep properly, fidgety, tangan gatal nak buat kerja sampai lewat malam.. Teringat RR'07 plak.

Ya Allah, saya penat. Sungguh, tiada daya dan tiada kekuatan melainkan denganMu.. Ya Allah, saya mohon kekuatan untuk melalui hari esok.

Feeling proud of myself right now. Finished painting the bedroom door..! Akhirnya!

Without abg's help, nor aqila's.

Sense of achievement lah :) a milestone gitu. Hehe..

Rasanya, first time kot kite cat tanpa pertolongan sape2. *pats own back* bagus lah, tak depend kat org lain kali ni.

Anyway! The painting blh tahan leceh eh. 2nd coat, 3rd coat.. still tak even at some parts. Buat lagi. Dabbed here, swished there.

I kept my mind occupied by occasional litanies and self-motivational talk in my head (like, why i am painting the door when it wasnt THAT necessary in the first place.. i do it coz im gonna stay in that room for a long time so i want it to be pleasant, for my future childran [jauh eh pikir] who will go in and out, coz nak sambut org baru so kena lah nampak decent sikit)

At the end of the 1.5hrs (kot? I know it was more than an hr), i was quite satisfied. That's it!

Put away the materials. Scrubbed away the paint on my hands and feet (it's enamel paint. Warggh! Susah nak hilang).. now, what am i going to do next?
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created a new folder

Am I loyal or whaatt..? =D

You. Must. Try. To let go, Liyana.

You've got 6 boxes of these to clear.

**sayaaaaaang nak buang! Sobs**
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happy new year~

Started to wipe clean the other closet 7 minutes to midnight.

As i was wiping, i reflected how my year had been. The biggest highlight, i must say, was the event that led up to me cleaning this closet tonight. The unexpected journey that Allah has made me go thru..

And then, i teared. "Alaa akuunu 'abdan syakuraa???" Terngiang2 terus.. how have i shown my gratitude? Have i held on and turn to Him subhanahu wa ta'ala? Have i become better spiritually thru this journey?

I could only frown and look down..

To a better self in 2014, in shaa Allah!
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