starting school...

my first day of school...this monday... can wait! for the first week, first years dont have to attend lab sessions and tutorials. but lectures are a must! so, this monday, there's only 1 class - communication skills for applied science 1 (CSAS1)..from 1300-1500..dah tu balik! (actually, CSAS1 ni kita wajib hadir..)

tuesday plak ada PC ingat plak PC tu stands for what...from 1200-1400..

wednesday baru ada lectures... *alahai~~~*

nak kata, my timetable blm termasuk electives... n i have 1-hour breaks...not 2 or even 3 hours =( it's ok... then, two days i go home at 6pm, 2 days at 4pm and 1 day at 5pm..

there are 100 students in BMS 1 class has 25 students...but my class ada 23 people je..maybe lagi dua tu masuk polytechnic lain kot. our care person a.k.a mentor is miss Ler Siok Ghee (mcm weird gitu kan namanye??????? i like her though!)

skrg me dah agak familiar dgn bangunan2 yg ade kt tp...thanks to the orientations that i've been to. anyway, the orientations were...GEREK! GREAT! (excluding the not-so-good stuff ah..) i really really want to write about the orientations.. but tgk dulu lah ye... if i have all the time and space to myself.. i'll try to write a complete story..

pasal CCAs plak, next week some clubs/groups will set up their booths.. me tgh pening pikir2 mane satu me nak masuk...applied science studies club mcm best, tp students' union pon mcm best, taekwando pon sama... chinese drums pon bagus jugak.. production crew pon bermanfaat.. adventure club nmpk mcm gerek gitu..experiential learning facilitators pon begitu jugak... aiyo~~~~~~~

and of course, i've found some friends =) ok ar.... *oh! makanan yg dijual kt kantin yang ber-aircon pon berpatutan!* but the rules, esp about MC and Leave of Absence (LOA), and plagiarism..fuyo! tk boleh main2 sey!

dah tu, satu teacher beritahu kita (my classmates n i) yang memang, MEMANG masa first year, students are going to get stressed! ohhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo.... *moaning loudly*

i really, really, really REALLY REALLY hope i can cope................ *feels like crying..or better, running away from all these!*

what's so good about me??

triplets says:
kak liyana masih awk jadi head prefect bez tau skng boring jgk tau no activity!!

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
hahahahaha..biar betik! masa ana jadi prefect, mana kita buat activity?? masa prisma tu adalah....

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
i tot prisma adekan kempen dwibahasa (english n arab)...tkkn tkde activity kot?

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
competitions ke...

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
i tot budak menengah 4 yang uruskan kedai games? (we were talking about mini pasar amal, n zafirah said her class will be running the games shop..)

triplets says:
de lah tp boring... ustazah2 sume ckp!!! cikgu suhana 24\7 puji awk!!! (eh! betul ke UST SUHANA puji me? sejak bila hiya in 'puji2' mode?? setahu me, hiya suka criticise!)

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
yeah right! mcm betul je! ..............errr.... apa ust suhana kata?

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
ana nk tahu jugak... (i felt that i need to know coz maybe what she said is a true reflection of my character..or maybe not..)

triplets says:
this yr prefect and ajk prisma no amik gmbr ame2... sume boring!!! (tkkn pasal tk ambik gmbr je, semua jadi boring??)

triplets says:
cikgu kate korng ume jd cam nor liyana pandai baek klw kwn tk phm die tlng... susah nk carik pljr cam die!! (hmmm...let me tell you this: im a pessimist, keyakinan terhadap diri sendiri agak rendah, i really dont think im pandai, baik - ick!... n senang nk cari org macam me.. even better people also can be found easily!)

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
mungkin diorg tknk kot?

triplets says:
bkn sume dissapointed!!

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
ish! biar betik ust suhana ckp mcm gitu... betul ke zafirah? ana serious ni...korg jgn nk tambah2 plak (yelah...manelah tau, budak2 nie tmbh2 gula...konon nk impress kita, padahal facts tak betul!)

triplets says:
sir kate sir blng sume keluarge sir abt ur o level result! sir bangge sal awk!! (wah! ye ke?? haiz~~ mcm tk layak gitu dpt 'publicity' sebegitu! terharu hamba..)

triplets says:
btol actually bnyk lg cikgu ckp tk ingat!! (hmmm...i wonder what she actually know, im also not sure why i care so much of cikgu suhana's opinion...maybe because her criticisms are worth it??)

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
sir mana plak ni??

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
sir kamar?

triplets says:

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
ish~~ pencapaian ana tklah bagus sgt...ana percaya, batch nirwana and huda asor, mesti ada org dapat 5/6/7 A's.. (ya, correct..i think someone WILL get better o level grades than me, perhaps even break the record!!)

triplets says:
enta la eh... tp kte tau setiap ustazah and ustaz bangge sal awk!! (aiyo~~ apa aje yg aku dah buat..! but i hope the teachers remember all the good things about nor liyana noor mohammad)

triplets says:
ari msk surat khabar sey!!

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
except for my IRK paper..

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
ler........tkkn masuk suratkhabar pun satu sekolah kecoh??!

triplets says:
btol tat day sape entah blng oi krng kak liyana msk suratkhabar tau!! kecoh marfua bwk paper sume nk ngok!!! cikgu pon ngok!! (alamak! ni baru setakat kt advertisement! 0_o~~)

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
cikgu suhana?

triplets says:

Khaulah al-Azwar says:

triplets says:
ustazah saniah katekan eh klw liyana msh ade mezti bgs!!! ******* tk cam liyana... bertanggung jwb!! (eeeeeeehhhhh?? betul ke UST SANIAH ckp mcm gitu?? tpkan, tk baik pulak hiya compare my junior with me...mungkin dia ada keistimewaan sendiri...n i am NOT that 'bertanggung jawab'...or am i???)

Khaulah al-Azwar says:
e'eh! ust saniah ckp gitu???? tp ******* tk tahu lah kan?? klw tidak, nanti dia kecik hati

triplets says:
tk tau!!

n so....i wonder if i left any legacy in alsagoff...n if i did, was it a memorable one? a significant one? will it remain in the hearts n minds of the alsagoff family? coz i know i didnt contribute much...n i know i didnt give them my all...n i know i wasnt the best. ;(

update: maybe i care so much of what cikgu suhana said about me because from what i know, she doesnt think i potray a good character and attitude as a prefect, a leader and a top student as a whole... as some of you (my former classmates) might know, my attitude is bagus sgt ar..esp my attitude towards studies and the teachers...dah lah me ni slack masa pelajaran sastera! pelajaran bahasa melayu selalu hantar homework lambat, or worse, tk hantar langsung!

so ya, that's why im curious whenever i heard students say that cikgu suhana praised me..mcm unbelievable!

im WHAT??! animated. realist.

See My Personal Dna Report

Mouse over any part of the box or strip to learn more about the traits that the colors represent.

comment: well, some parts of the report are true, some are not. (at least, to me..)

pause mode.'s good to be writing here again..lots to tell but limited time and privacy to write.. so, now, it has passed midnight and the people in my house are sleeping..and im having the mood to write.

so.... school starts on april 24th. sch orientation is on april 20th & 21st. and TPSU's orientation 10-12 april.

i once wrote that im gonna be alone in TP, i.e. the only alsagoffian the.. hazimah's @ RP.. but now, i dont im gonna be ALONE, like, literally.. coz there will be other madrasah students who, insha ALLAH, are gonna be my TP mates...hehe =) i found out there's gonna be irsyadians, arabiah-ian(s) and maarifian(s).. not sure if there is any new mwtian too..

for the time being, im trying to find info on biomedical science and the related subjects such as biochemistry, histology, immunology, pathology..and other -logy.. a bit difficult though..i've tried woodlands regional library and pasir ris community library..but so far, i've borrowed only 2 books.

another problem is that....those science books that im trying to find and then read are obviously THICK..if not thick, then the fonts are small! ish~~ i dont like, i dont like, i dont like!! tapi, nampaknya, mulai sekarang aku kenalah sesuaikan diri dgn buku2 mcm tu.. -_-'

you know, i've been thinking..all this while, some people keep saying that im gonna be busy as a poly student.. poly life is gonna be busy, busy, busy... got no time.. limited time.. and those words are, frankly, poison to my ears. i dont think im gonna accept that fact anymore. im just so sick of being pessimistic!

yeah, yeah..i know that your intentions are good, people. and i know very well that the fact is quite - if not really - true. but i dont want the thought of it hinder my plans for other things... i dont want this 'busy' factor keep me from doing other activities... hmmm..

i've told you that i dont like teaching people, right? that i dont think im good at it? but it seems like im going to eat my words.

hmm.. right now, im teaching my younger cousin, preparing her for PSLE. and yesterday, my sister called to ask if i can teach the twins too! for PSLE! ... and i thought..."i'd like to help...but i lack expertise...i've no experience. that'll take a lot of commitment! that's take all my weekends!..what if i cannot cope?????? but i dont want to disappoint my aunt and my sister.."

ajar farah hari sabtu, petang. ajar haneesah n haseenah hari ahad, petang. then hari sabtu dan ahad, malam, pun ajar orang... bila nk gi tahfiz???????? mcmane dgn ahlulquranpts?????????? mcmane klw ada projek, assignment???????????????


and my dad's like, "oh good! PSLE is very them.." you know, that sort of thing..even though he does question if i have the time..if i can cope.. it clearly seems that he wants me to take that job.

and take the job i did. my sis called again petang semalam. i didnt get enough time to think through. and so, im going to start teaching the twins this sunday.

i really hope i can make a difference.. *im just soooooo afraid ='(*

does anyone know.......?


last saturday i went to my school annual function, the majlis ma'al hijrah. it was good to see the teachers and juniors.. cikgu ali and sir zain pon ada =D though it was wayyyy awkward talking to (or 'with'??) them.. there's this one kid..she's athirah banu's sister..namanya syahirah banu kalau tk silap... hehe.. dia kata, "awak ingat kita tk?"...the last time i went to school, she also said that. of course i didnt know who she was... (masa first time dia tanya tu)... i wasnt her mentor or anything.. so i looked at her name tag. and last saturday, i recognised her face but didnt remember her name... anyway, the point is, it's a bit weird coz i dont know her in the first place, and yet she knows me... bila nk balik tu, dia introduced me to her mum. and her mum said something like, "mereka/dia (athirah n syahirah/syahirah alone) asyik puji awak kt rumah.." and i was like, "astaghfirullah~~"...

really ah! what have i done to get this attention? is whatever that i was/have done sooo significant and marvellous to other people? *the attention is nice though, but im worried that i might become swollen-headed!!!*

i keep saying to myself,"this popularity will die off, liyana. so dont expect anything whenever you visit the school." "skrg, bila kau lalu je, diorang cakap "eh! kak liyana", "kak liyana lah..!", salam kau, tapi lama2 pelajar2 tkkn kenal kau lagi.jadi tk usahlah kau mengharapkan pujian dan sanjungan orang sampai bila2!!"

alamak! dah pukul 0109H! i got to go! dah malam sgt nie... insha Allah, esok me nk tgk Ice Age 2...yeah! =)