check these out! *for muslimah*

knee-length shirts.
button badges.

whee~~ i like!

haiz~ kalaulah me ade duit untuk beli t-shirt2 tu... some of the colours and designs are nice!

8. (bigger pictures of shirt designs)

i need to..

- start going to tkd trainings and stick to them.

- start taking tkd trainings seriously, if im ever going to represent TP in pattern and sparring.

- start revising for term test, which starts on dec 10th. and it's a bunch of tests, not just one.

- treat myself something, to make myself happy.

- laugh less.

- be more friendly. i notice that i've been smiling less for the past, umm... i dunno.

- think how to help my family financially. holiday job?

- settle my choice of formal clothes for csas4 job interview test, although the test is more than a month away.

what else?

zina hati

an excerpt from an article/story:

"Betul, zina hati. Semua inilah yang Rasulullah jelaskan dalam hadithnya tentang bagaimana menghampiri zina tu. Anta boleh 'check' dalam Riyadahus salihin bawah bab larangan melihat wanita. Rasulullah bersabda, mata boleh berzina dgn melihat, lidah boleh berzina dengan bercakap, tangan boleh berzina dengan berpegangan. Kaki boleh berzina dengan berjalan ke arah tempat maksiat. Hati pula boleh berzina dgn merindui, mengingati dan membayangi si dia. Hakikatnye, macam mana pun anta buat, anta tetap tak dapat lari daripada zina hati."




in one of my previous posts, i told you that i lost the family's new camera, right?

well, we've gotten a new one. malam raya~ my sister was pushing my parents to buy one.. and she insisted that it's gonna be hers. like, duh?

anyway, for my part, although i was kinda happy if we would have a camera for raya, i was still worried.. hmm.. had (and still have) a tingling feeling (sometimes, like chill running down my spine, or suddenly my hands become cold; and i would rub my palms).. uneasy, a bit scared whenever i thought of holding a camera. til now.

but, yeah, ended up my sis n mum went to buy a pentax 8.1 megapixels after maghrib at the photo shop near our house.

of course, i still enjoy taking photos *sukerrrr* but i still feel the repercussion of that fateful day.

and no, im not camera-phobic.

about me.

do you know, the time, the place, the situation, where you have to tell people about yourself (tell me/us about yourself?), or in your profile in webbies, such as friendster.. or even blog, you gotta describe your personality and whatnots..?

well, i've decided to write some things about myself.. in case i lose my memory one day. so my friends can show me my own blog, and specifically, this post, to help me refresh my memory.. so friends, take note, ey? but hopefully, nothing bad will happen to me..

whatever that comes to mind:

1. i dont wear jeans

2. im usually insensitive to people's criticism. i welcome feedback, comments, even potentially hurtful ones. i understand that some people find it hard to be tactful.. so rather than let them test their sentence-building skills, i prefer to let people shoot whatever they want.

3. my all-time favourite.. ermm.. im not sure what you call it - 'food' is very general, 'snack' sounds like it's not healthy - let's just say, 'snack'.. k, my all-time fav snack is roti bakar. yupz! loooovvvvee it. sampai bila2 pon me takkan naik muak makan tu.. ok, klw tak paham, bahasa inggerisnya ialah 'kaya toast'. huu.. dari kecil ku makan makanan ni.. teringat dulu2, whenever i went to ang mo kio library, bila singgah kedai kopi dekat2 situ (yang ada kedai maria mariana or something).. mesti order roti bakar. cuma, nak komen: KENAPE ROTI BAKAR SEKARANG MAHAL NAH??!! $1 UNTUK 2 KEPING ROTI (aka 2 triangles - 2 roti square, then dipotong shape triangle) APE SEHHH!!! ni bermakna kan... me kenalah bikin roti bakar sendiri...

4. another all-time favourite snack of mine is.. milo sejuk + biskut. whee~~ me suke sangat.. klw dlm satu hari, makan tu dua tiga kali pon ok. tak makan nasi tapi makan tu je pon ok. again, ni dari zaman kecil2 dulu.. n selalunya, me cecah biskut yang square shape (hup seng ke.. jacob's ke.. tiger ke..). *sedap nye~~*

5. i dont wear make-up. foundation, bedak, lipgloss and whatnots.. tak reti uh.. nak pakai celak pon, keberatan. pernah dgr yang pakai celak ni sunnah.. tapi sejauh mana kebenarannya eh? klw ditunjukkan bukti yang sahih, baru me pakai kot.

6. i like instrumental songs. usually, kinda new age, or soundtracks, or some foreign language songs. oh.. klw nak cerita ttg music, lain post je ah. plus, im trying to reduce listening to songs - im progressing well, cuma kadang2 tu, still dgr lagu jugak~.

7. ms. grammar. when i check documents, i would usually look for grammatical n spelling errors. takes time! other than that, im very particular about standard format.. i mean, klw marginnya senget, tak sama, bla bla bla.. meticulous but kadang2 leceh.. but, i cant help myself sometimes. heh.

8. 1 eye is bigger than the other. im not talking about the diameter of my eyes. im talking about the appearance. oh ya, and i wear glasses - my vision is slowly deteriorating everyday.

9. the only educational magazine that interests me so far is national geographic magazine. although it's been a while since i read a copy. and.... i borrow them from libraries. i only own one copy. bought it with my own money. some time this year, i think. you know the feeling, when you were a kid, and you wanted a certain candy (or whatever stuff lah), it costed higher than the average and you didnt have money. and you waited (for a loOng time) til you had enough money. and finally, you succeeded in getting your first candy, using your own money? you know, that personal satisfaction? yeah.. that was how it felt when i managed to buy my first nat geo mag. it costs $7.50, i think.

10. i had wanted a bicycle. i still do. though i dont really see a point of having one. yelah, bukannya boleh bawak gi east coast park ke mane2 yang jauh to ride it. and maybe, one day i may leave singapore. so takkan nak bawak dlm aeroplane.

11. i keep stuff for memoirs.. yeah, well, maybe im sentimental? or nostalgic? when i had to 'bongkar' my almari and reorganise my stuff last ramadhan coz i got a new almari, i realised that i have many things (cant think of an example now), small and medium, papers, souvenirs..

12. and i tend to hold dear to my stuff.. such as my old school shoes, and my broken umbrella, or my alsg school bag, or my old notebooks, or my old watches.. i have this mentality 'haiz~ benda ni dah banyak berjasa sey'.. berat betul hati ni nak buang...

13. im not the eldest of my siblings. some people may think im anak sulung, coz of my character.. umm.. sebenarnya, me tak paham sgt ah kenapa orang boleh pikir that im the eldest. ok, so, im the 4th child. or in another way, im the 2nd child. tak paham? tak pe.

14. i dont eat food from fast-food restaurants, except for fries, drinks, apple slice (from McD's), apple/pineapple pies, McD's hotcakes. i dont mind if my friends decide to eat at those places, i'll just buy fries (although sometimes, i may have to suppress my hunger). why, you may ask? oh.. ceritanye mudah je. cuma.. kite tak nak share kat sini. if you ask me directly personally then i may be able to explain it to you. but then again, maybe not. coz some opinions are best kept to self.

ok, i think that's enough for now. shall add on to the list if i remember more.

15. im a passive smoker.

16. i dont like missing the traffic light. you dont understand? it means, tertinggal traffic light... dah nak dekat lampu hijau, and yet im not near enough to cross.. err.. k, klw tak paham takpe.

17. a sweet tooth! chocolate, pastries, muffins, ice creams, desserts.. it's heaven! choices are limited, coz banyak nah yang tak halal. but im still thankful that there are chocolates and other sweet delights that i can eat and cake shops i can go to.. woo hoo~~

18. thriller films are ok, but horror (!!) films are a big NO-NO!! =S

self examination

this semester kan, im studying a subject called communications skill for applied science 4. in short, csas4.

andd...... the main topics for this subject are resume and cover letter writing... and job interview!

yupz, that's right. TP's preparing me, and my BMS year 2 mates, for the world. *chewah~ mcm bet0l je -.-"*

so i had to find 3 job ads, in the newpapers, job ad webbies... that suits your field of study or interest. initially, i found 3 that kinda alright.. err.. sebenarnye, 1 je yang appealing: management trainee for times bookstore. lagi 2 tu.. ade kena mengena dgn science ah.. tapi... maahh-cam tak minat.

so... the night (or shall i say, the weeeee morning) of the day that we were to submit the resume/cover letter.. i searched online. akhirnya.. me jumpe satu job yang boleh dikatakan suit my interest, my qualification (diploma) and field of study (biomedical science).

haaa.... ape interest gue?

well, i have this teeny-weeny hope and ambition in my head and mind that i want to pursue genetics studies. kinda fascinate me, although i got C for molecular genetics last semester.

so, the job ad that i found has to do with doing genetics stuff.

and then, apabila sudah ku temui pekerjaan yang ku inginkan... ku mula menulis (aka typed) resume dan cover letterku.

fuyo~~ resume tu senang jugak nak buat. cuma part 'achievements' 'skills' 'extra-curricular activities'.... errr... mcm segan nak tulis.

k, nak katakan, when writing the resume n cover letter, we had to pretend we've already graduated.

klw 'extra curricular activities' tu... taklah byk sgt kan...

eh, sidetrack kejap -

i actually looked thru my file of certs. then, i realised that i cant use practically most of my certs to show relevant achievements and whatnots. betul! regret? takde ah... i take the certs as memoirs of what i had done during my pri-sec-poly years. relevant ke tak, they're for my own personal.. umm.. keepsake?

k, back to the main story -

part 'achievements' plak, takkan nak concoct yang tak benar... dan yang sebenarnya, i couldnt find any achievements relevant to the job that im applying. pening~ pening~.. but then, ape kisah! this is just a draft resume n cover letter. i just put what i have uh... later, teacher can give feedback whether it's appropriate or not.

n then, 'skills' ade few sub-titles: biomedical skills, language, and leadership/organisational skills.

for the last one tu.... i put my role in RR'07. rase mcm bersalah gitu bila letak tu.. nama je 'head' tapi pada hakikatnya, i didnt lead. i just played as a team member. yes, i do realise that maybe, just maybe, this involvement in RR'07 would look good, or nice, in my future real resume. tapi macam.. macam bedek ah. k, senang cakap, i dont feel that i deserve to state '........ in ramadhan..... a youth development.... by... bla bla..', coz i feel that i never did enough to even speak of it.

k, next!

cover letter. waduh~~ leceh banget! i was like, fidgeting in front of my computer screen.. at 2 plus in the morning i think... or was it 1am+.. pikir, pikir.. cari ilham... browsed the sample letters that i have, browsed the net.. flipped thru the 'guide to writing cover letter' section in my csas4 handout.

finally, i managed to come up with a decent letter, albeit a not-so-persuasive-let-alone-impressive one.

yang penting, tugas dah selesai. and i can rest in peace. ^.^v


bila tengah cari job ads... baru lah me sedar betapa susahNYA(!!) nak cari kerja yang sesuai dgn minat kita.. klw ikut qualifications, ade lah jugak some available positions.. tapi yang nak kerja ni diri kita... kita yang tanggung.

and i realised... 'eh? what do i want to do?? i dunno what i want to work as...!' ni memang soalan n pikiran cepumas!

dah tu... my tutor gave us 2 handouts: 'self profile' and 'job fit'.

yang 'self profile' tu kena letak kat my APEL portfolio.. im supposed to evaluate myself.. reflect.. and write my strengths and weaknesses in the paper. with neat handwriting. mcm mudah kan? oh, tidak~~~ i must support my strength with 'what i have done to show that i have this strength'..... leceh!!!! tak kuasa ah nak pikir2 balik.. rasanye, mcm takde pon! weakness plak... oooo... banyak nah~ cuma, takkan nak sebut semua kan? mesti yang relevant je uh..

oh, n i still havent finished the 'self-profile'.

'job fit' gotta correlate the job requirements with what i have.. eg, good team player.. so kena write ape2 yang dilakukan to show that im a good team player. this one, i think kena submit kat tutor some day kot. *belum habis buat jugak*

yupz.. basically, ni je yang me nak share buat masa ni. i think im gonna write a post that lists my strengths and weaknesses.. maybe i'll update it every time i remember 1 point or so..

what is your profession?!

found the track below while browsing imeem for soundtracks and whatever songs that came to mind.

which reminds me of something.
smiling to myself. amused.

same old story

it's been two weeks since school reopened, and now im halfway thru my poly studies.

and that 1 1/2 years have seen a lot of changes in me; or rather, traits, good and bad, that had been hiding under my skin before i enter this self-discovering, self-destructing tertiary life.

and it is at this point i realise that my chances for getting into a decent university, let alone a well-established one, lie in my own bare hands. and the bottle is half-empty now, due to my own wrong doing. but, looking on a brighter side, i still have space to fill.. as much as i can muster.

and looking as it is now, while squinting to predict a slice of what might become in that far horizon...

i've wasted a lot
and therefore,
i've double the burden,
double the responsibility..
i've to make up for all the loss..

i am halfway til the end
what do i want my end to be like?

i can taste that bitter future
if only i can reassure myself
that i can change what is not yet done
i can, i can, i can!

i am so afraid
that i might fail.

lend me double the strength,
double the will,
chain my desires!
lock up the devil in me!
for i only wish to strive
for that sweet victory in the end.

she says:
u wanna knw wat motivate

analiy says:

she says:
whn i'm so tired of struggling

she says:
well ALLAH's love i used 2 aim for my dreams for my parent but sohow tt just not enough. n i do not feel tHey appreciate it

she says:
but whn i fight for HIM i knw indirectly n sohow i feel HIS present n motivation tt how or not i'll drop all n not fight anymore cz it's v tiring on my part

analiy says:
i dont understand your last sentence

she says:
well if i fight 4 anyone else beside HIM i'll give up. cz i'm v tired

she says:
i an emotionally n physically

analiy says:

analiy says:

analiy says:
thanks for sharing

analiy says:
what you shared kind of enlightened me...

analiy says:

she says:
n insY it help u through

analiy says:

she says:
cz i start getting fed up of skol until well i rember tt hope it help u cz i knw at the finisng line HE's waiting

analiy says:

analiy says:
yes, He's waiting

analiy says:

she says:
n of cz no suffering goes with HIM noticing

she says:
cz it show HE love us n pls remind tis whn i forget cz i do forget it

analiy says:

analiy says:

thank you, O Allah, for this subtle reminder thru the lips and hands of this friend of mine.

Guide us thru and thru, Ya Rabb~