"Mak.. Liyana nak sign up archery course, boleh?"

"..Tak payah lah.."

*buat muka tak percaya* "haa..?" (Intonasi bukan marah atau whining tau. More like terkejut+sedih jap. Faham ke?)

"Sekali-sekala mak cakap tak boleh.."

*terus dapat akal* "Tapi baitul maqdis mak dah cakap tak boleh.."

"Hmm.." *senyap sekejap*

"So.. boleh Liyana masuk archery course?"

"Boleh lah.."

"Terima kasih, mak!" *beaming, tapi tetap dapat rasa mak tak 100% setuju*

"Lepas belajar archery, Liyana belajar driving pulak." *cuba sedapkan hati by sharing with mak plan kite*

Kite do'a Allah lembutkan hati mak kite.. semoga mak faham kenapa kite nak belajar archery. (Tapi, kenapa mak kata tak payah in the first place, eh? Musykil tiba2. Mana lah tahu, ada sebab yang rational)

One thing i miss about ayah is.. his support. Mak dan ayah support. Tapi, ayah lebih in the forefront. Sungguh, kite sangat2 appreciate ayah kite izinkan kite gi situ, gi sini, buat tu, buat ni.. (mmg kadangkala mak dan ayah kasi red light, which i accepted.) Klw tak, rasanya kite tak jadi kite yang sekarang ni. Yang berkarakter sebegini, yang berfikiran sebegini, yang berpengalaman sebegini. (Note: maksud 'berpengalaman' di sini bukan 'ada banyak pengalaman' tau. What im saying is, i have the experiences that i have mostly because of what my parents allowed me to undergo, and be exposed to.) Mak agak 'reserved' dan hesitant sikit.. jadi bila ayah dah takde ni.. susah sikit lah. Hee.. susah sikiiit je. Kite nak kena convince lebih and be more selective of things (ie if there are 2 things i want to do/go for, i'd ask her permission for 1 only, or ask for 1 first then the second a few days after).

Apa pun, kite sedar bahawa di mana redha mak ayah, di situ lah redha Allah. Jadi kite pun do'a jugak agar Allah lembutkan hati kite dan buatkan kite sentiasa bersedia untuk menerima, bilamana mak tak izinkan sesuatu. Semuanya khair, inshaAllah.

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Where shall my next destination be...? Kashgar first, or Canada..? Or Russia?

Something to look forward to in my life..

Spotted at kak Halimah Latiff's FB timeline:

لو صدق المريد لوجد الشيوخ على الأبواب

Makna:Kalau seorang murid itu jujur niatnya (dalam menuntut ilmu),Dia akan dapati para syuyukh di pintu2 (iaitu mudah mencari).

kite rasa macam ada rasa rindu lah.. kenapa eh? kite tak pasti, samada 'rindu' ni rindu kat Mesir.. atau rindu kat akhawat di sana.. atau rindu nak bersama2 orang2 yang menuntut ilmu.. atau mungkin, satu keinginan sedang tumbuh sikit demi sedikit; keinginan untuk berada lebih lama di sana.. untuk belajar? untuk bermusafir?.. atau mungkin sebenarnya ada rasa ingin keluar bebas dari Singapura sedang mendidih?

semacam rindu gitu.. hmm.. kenapa eh? pelik.

i was meant to be there, and then here!

On Monday evening, 17 Sep, i made my way to Darul Arqam to attend the Stories of Prophets class. The day before, Marliyana shared that on last Monday (ie 10 Sep) the topic was Nabi Musa & Khidir. Couldn't help thinking, what a coincidence! The subject was about Nabi Musa, n there i was, rigghhtt.. in Sinai, a significant land in his story, on the same day (10 Sep) but different timezone. I also thought that particular session would've been particularly useful to me, coz believe it or not, during the time i was there, i was somewhat regretful that i came without having refreshed myself with Nabi Musa's history. 

And guess what?

When i saw the topic that was flashed on the screen, on the night i came to this class for the first time.. this past Monday, Allaaahh.. I felt like exclaiming out loud: this was indeed Fate! The speaker was going to share about Nabi Musa & Bani Israil: their life in Sinai! you know that warm fuzzy feeling? yeah, I was full of it during the class. Allah moved my heart to attend that session just as He had stirred a desire in my heart several months ago; a desire to go to Egypt. There must be something that Allah wants to tell me.. :')

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At 4.03am Cairo time, 11 September 2012

I've conquered Mount Sinai. Alhamdulillah thummalhamdulillah..!
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