RR'08 - Another opportunity or otherwise?
nak ke tak nak~

sape pandai-pandai grab??

ish, tak puas hati uh.. i just found out, that ade seorang rajul grabbed my picture from friendster. klw perempuan tak pe ah.. kawan sendiri pe..

jadi, bila nampak nama 'Muhammad Maliki Ibnu Muhammad' as one of the 8 people who grabbed my photos.. terus rasa mystified.

k, kena sangka baik. mungkin dia ambil gambar yang 'general' punyer.. the ones that have quotes/words of wisdom.

masuk tahun ke-tiga

sungguh, aku belum bersedia untuk menghadapi tahun tiga.

dan aku sudah pun merasakan tekanannya!

hmm.. the same groupmates for ALL 5 modules (aka subjects) for the WHOLE year. k, im ok with that. jadi tak pening cari lain2 orang untuk projek/tugasan yang lain.


yang buat aku gerun, nervous, mcm-nak-break down, ialah aku dinamakan sebagai ketua kumpulan. a haste decision, i would say. sbb we were the last few people to write our names on a piece of paper. and each group must choose a leader.

quan jun dah sah2 volunteer dirinya, tapi ada satu member yang tak nak dia jadi. *tak tahu kenapa*. tup tup, yours truly yang jadi. hmmm... aku amat berharap quan jun tak kecil hati.

sebenarnya, ada jugak keinginan untuk menjadi ketua kumpulan. for once. coz since it's my last year, i thought the responsibility will be good for me - that is, will help me regain control of lazy myself and keep me motivated to learn more, to ask more.


bila fikir bahawa this grouping is PERmaNENT, terbayang dalam kepala ni betapa BESARNYA tanggungjawab yang akan dipikul! whole year's group assignments, for all subjects.. jangan jangan, Major Projectnyer grouping pon kena jadi ketua (ohh!! i hope not) - bermakna, aku mesti berusaha untuk menjaga kebajikan kawan2, motivate them, jaga amanah, lead by example, hmm.. apa2 yang seorang ketua patut laksanakan lah..

seram.. dah lah aku ni bukan pelajar contoh (tutorials tak buat! datang lecture lambat! assignments.. setakat ok2 je..)

hmm.. i should focus more on the positive side.. ni peluang yang Allah berikan untuk kau, liyana! masakan kau tak tahu! masakan kau tak nak gunakan peluang ni sebaik2nya! this is an opportunity, not a burden! nor is it a punishment.

teringat kata2 ayah pagi semalam - liyana mesti tunjukkan kebolehan liyana sebagaimana kat alsagoff dulu.. this is your last year.. either you make it, or break it!

ya, liyana, kau tak boleh nafikan, kau sebenarnya mampu..

Ya Allah... mudahkanlah..

pakai make-up?

tiba-tiba je ade mood nak blog. bukan nak ceritakan pengalaman di KL, atau the long-overdue TKD competition, tapi nak share pendapat.. dapat ilham dari blog seorang kakak =)

yup, kite memang setuju: mesti bersih, cantik dan presentable, sebab setiap saat Dia melihat kita.

tapikan, klw bab pakai make-up ni.. maaf ye, kite tak pandai dlm hal2 ni, jadi ape yang kite cakap, semua based on persepsi kite yang dhaif dan cetek ni..

hmm.. kite kadang2 sedih tgk adik2 yang sibuk berhias sana sini.. okaylah, paling simple, pakai eyeliner. perlu ke..? PERLU KE..?

dik, kak, awak pakai ni sebab nak lelaki pandang ke? maaf sangat2! kite bukan menuduh, kite tanye betol2 ni. sebab nak sangat tahu motif di sebalik awak pakai eyeliner..

kalau tak pakai, mata nampak bengkak? nampak kuyu? eyebag lebih obvious? hmmm... klw gitu, awak risau penampilan awak orang comment?

dik, kak, kite bukan apa, tapi rasanya, paling penting, mata kita ni takde tahi mata. tu yang aib, kan, klw orang nampak?

biarlah mata kita kelihatan semula jadi.. bengkak, mata kuyu, eyebag, usah dirisaukan... dik, kak, awak perasan tak yang consciousness about how your eyes, your face looks tu syaitan cuba bisik2kan?

klw beri alasan, saye dah lama pakai... klw tak pakai, mcm tak sah gitu.. insecure gitu..
dik, kak.. it's been years you've had that mindset.. it's been ingrained in you.. tapi adik and kakak tahu kan, semua tu boleh diubah kepada yang lebih baik?

yang kite pernah dgr, sunnah Nabi pakai celak waktu sebelum tidur. so, ape cerita nak pakai eyeliner gi sekolah?

make-up pergi mane2 pon, tak perlu kot.

sebenarnye kan, kite kagum dgn kakak2 dan adik2 yang tak pakai make-up bila keluar rumah.. sebab terbukti, mereka kelihatan natural... just beautiful the way they are.. awak tak percaya?
hmm.. mungkin, awak fikir, kite ni jenis yang tak tahu menilai penampilan fizikal, maklumlah, kite ni tak reti soal make-up, tak cerewet. tapi tak! kite rasa, ape yang kite lihat tu betul lah! bukan nak ambil hati mereka, atau berpura2..

apa pun, kite tetap dgn pendirian kite: kite suka sekali lihat kawan2 kite tak pakai make-up.. hmm.. if only they know how beautiful, how totally okay they look, without having to put on bedak, celak, eyeshadow, foundation, yada yada..

oh, tak lupa juga, kan LECEH setiap kali selepas ambil wudhu', nak pakai make-up lagi.. haiz~ tak tahu ape nak cakap..


dik, kak... pandangan siapa yang kita nak? siapa sebenarnya yang kita nak impress?

mendapat pandangan Allah tu lebih mahal dari pandangan sape2... tu sebenarnya yang kita kena kejarkan..

buat kawan2, adik2, dan kakak2 kite,

kite bukan nak marah awak,
nak malukan awak,
nak action baik,
tapi kite cuma nak luahkan perasaan kite je..
kite nak jugak nasihatkan awak..
kite nak yang terbaik untuk awak..

hmmm... cakap pasal bedak, k, kite tak leh nak sangkal, bagi sesetengah orang, bedak boleh help serikan wajah yang nampak penat, etc etc.. tapi tgk jenis bedak lah ye? tipis2 je pakai, tak usah nak tebal2 plak.

heran~ heran~

klw ade yang soal: klw gi majlis camne? jalan hari raye ke.. makan malam ke.. graduation day ke.. DnD ke.. date ke.. takkan tak nak pakai make-up kottt??

haaa.. tu kite malas nak jawab. jawapan kite sama je dgn ape yang kite tulis kat atas.

kalau jadi pengantin? tu pasti perlukan make-up lah kan?

tu soalan cepumas! sampai skrg, kite pon tak pasti.. bingung jugak biler fikir kalau time kite nye turn kahwin. sebenarnye, kite ade terfikir, boleh tak pengantin tak yah pakai make-up, walau secalit pon? agaknye, pelik tak citarasa kite ni?

seganlah biler pikir rijal and orang luar nampak kite berhias. segan sangat2!

okaylah, kite rase dah cukup panjang dah pendapat kite ni..

pendek kata:

oh, and bagi sape2 yang berpendapat pakai make-up tu menunjukkan 'bersih, cantik and presentable', please eh, cuba fikir dalam2 balik. klw tak dapat nak fikir gak, takpe, contact kite. kite sedia membantu.

k, sekian. terima kasih.

april updates

1. today's farhana's birthday! fyi, she's my classmate in TP, the only other madrasah alumni in biomedical science batch 2006/2009. yeah!

2. work is good. lately i've been using the pc a lot. meaning, straining my eyes. and there isnt any good view outside the window. but.... i like the place.. not many people. except for mondays to wednesdays, the place is peaceful. cuma.. kadang2 rasa macam nak tido. alahai~ tempting betol ah sofa kat volunteers room tu!

3. went to KL last thursday (3 april) til saturday (5 april). naik keretapi! first time~ suker lah jugak. tapi, bila kat dlm keretapi tu, asyik tgk jam, bila lah nak sampai KL sentral. heh. btw, it wasnt a family trip. guess!


went with adilah and nafisah! and..... met up with kak ummu and afeyah kat KL. yessa!

k, ceritanya panjang. cut short, highlights of the short trip are Pertosains at KLCC and....

KL International Book Fair 2008 at PWTC ^_^

4. gi majlis walimah bro hafiz mustaffa and kak khairiah on 29 march. i like the lime green theme colour... or is it soft green? ntah lah..

anyway, biler tgh dok makan baru me perasan satu lagu... bukan ape, ade satu lirik tu yang caught my attention: "istri cerdik yang solehah" and... terngiang2 sampai dah kat rumah.

haaaa... teka lirik lagu ape tuh??

tak tahu?

oohhhh... dlm post lain, me beritahu k. hehe!

k, rasanye tu je buat mase nih.

last but not least, kite rinduuuuu kat kawan2 kat syria!! rindu kat ust sakinah jugak!

and.... rindu kat kawan2 alsagoff...! insha Allah, kita jumpa kat simpang bedok eh!

'cause it's us against the world

rasanya, dlm banyak2 boyband, i like westlife the most. not the guys, ya! im talking about the songs.. and mark's singing voice. subhanallah~

plus, they're not too high-profile, banyak scandal ke ape ke.. and they are still standing tall..

so, baru2 ni, terdengar abang bukak lagu baru westlife kat pc.. sedap ah..

liriknye pon, cukup bermakna!

Us against the world
Against the world
Us against the world
Against the world

You and I, we’ve been at it so long
I still got the strongest fire
You and I, we still know how to talk
Know how to walk that wire

Sometimes I feel like
The world is against me
The sound of your voice, baby
That's what saves me
When we're together I feel so invincible

Cause it's us against the world
Me and you against them all
If you listen to these words
Know that we are standing tall
I don't ever see the day that
I won't catch you when you fall
Cause it's us against the world tonight

Us against the world
Against the world

There’ll be days
We’ll be on different sides but
That doesn’t last too long
We find ways to get it on track
And know how to turn back on

Sometimes I feel
I can’t keep it together
Then you hold me close
And you make it better
When I’m with you
I can feel so unbreakable

Cause it's us against the world
Me and you against them all
If you listen to these words
Know that we are standing tall
I don't ever see the day that
I won't catch you when you fall
Cause it's us against the world tonight

We’re not gonna break
Cause we both still believe
We know what we’ve got
And we’ve got what we need alright
We’re doing something right

Cause it's us against the world
Me and you against them all
If you listen to these words
Know that we are standing tall
I don't ever see the day that
I won't catch you when you fall

Cause it's us against the world tonight

Us against the world
Me and you against them all
If you listen to these words
Know that we are standing tall
I don't ever see the day that
I won't catch you when you fall

Us against the world
Yeah it’s Us against the world, baby
Us against the world

Us against the world
Against the world
Us against the world

and, when i saw the music video, i realise that the song is about them, westlife. hmmm... the years they've been together, the friendship, hardships and happy times.. aahh... i guess this song is relevant for many people out there =)

sorry, the video-embedding function has been disabled. you can still view the video at youtube though. click here.