dia itu..

hari ni merupakan hari yang bersejarah buat kau, liyana!

kau tak pernah bermimpi yang kau akan berjumpa empat mata dgn orang tu. well, pernah jumpe ah.. as in, setakat nampak or ternampak je.. kau tak pernah terpikir yang kau akan duduk, berdiri, dgn orang tu kat tempat yang sama. kau tak pernah menduga yang kau akan berada dekat dgn orang tu - less than 2 metres!! 2 jam lebih pulak tu!

ape ke benda yang aku cakapkan nih?! hah, buat panduan kau (bila kau bace balik post ni), cube tgk balik kat diari/calendar 2007 'saturday, 21.7.07' dan kau akan ingat ape yang aku tgh refer to.

klw kau nak tahu, bila kau dgr name orang tu disebut sebagai salah seorang wakil institusi, kau rase.... "hahhhh? dia? alahai~~" hmm.. rase panik sikit pon ade lah. tibe2 kau macam dread gitu untuk berada kat tempat tu. bila orang tu datang, dan akhirnya kau nampak muka orang tu setelah.. mmmm.. let me see, nak dkt setahun..., kau tak rase ape2.. tak berdebar pon. yang kau rase ialah "hmm.. whatever. aku buat keje sendiri diam2.."

baguslah~ nasib baik perasaan kau tu dah lame terpadam. klw tidak, mungkin kau tak boleh duduk diam tadi.

terima kasih Tuhan, kerana memudarkan perasaan kawan aku yang sememangnya tak patut dan membuang masa. terima kasih Tuhan, kerana telah menenangkan hatinya..

cuma, aku harap orang tu tak kenal kau sape ah... or ade ape2 idea, atau hint, tentang kau.. ish~ malu sey kalau orang tu tahu yang kau pernah dotdotdot...

oklah, aku tak nak cakap banyak... seperti yang pernah kau katakan (dlm sms kpd seorg senior kau kat TP): "semoga hati ana tak bergetar disebabkan mana2 lelaki dan semoga tidak ada lelaki yang tergetar hatinya disebabkan ana", aku harap kau akan istiqamah, stay focused dlm mengejar cita2. jaga hati, jaga iman. haa, jaga pandangan jugak, sbb takut terkena panahan syaitan! minta dijauhkan...~

old blog??

eh, i just found an old blog of mine http://www.123freehost.co.uk/sites/khaulahufayrah/default.asp

wah, terperanjat sey...

i was doing a yahoo search for 'nor liyana'. saje je.. http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oGkjJAB59GUuwA_NBXNyoA?p=nor+liyana&fr=yfp-t-501&fp_ip=SG&rd=r1&meta=vc%3Dsg sekali, nampak the description:

a girl, age 13, muslim, studying in alsagoff arab school....get to ... teens : Nor Liyana. Home. Your Ad Here. The Spoken Word Dies, The Written ... Nor ...

and i thought... eh????? sape ni......??

wow! dah nak masuk 5 tahun sey.. and i dont remember creating an account in 123freehost!

i find this statement very intense, deep with meaning and seriousness indeed.

of three wishes

did any of you watch Three Wishes today, 10.30am - 11.30am on channel 5?

i did. and it made me ponder about wars, and lives, and sacrifices..

seeing the soldiers being hugged and kissed, simply surrounded by their loved ones at their homecoming event, when the officer said "fall out" and the soldiers broke into smiles of relief and happiness..

oohh~~ i was just so touched.

as much as they're americans, they're also humans. men of families, men of nation who go to war under the order of their country.

and some of them got injured, some of them died, while the lucky ones, truly lucky i'd say, finally got to go home.

mcm sedih gitu. and im not talking about the soldiers featured in the show just now, but soldiers all over the world. hmm... they fight, uncertain about their own safety, whether they were going to be kidnapped, bombed, ambushed, or shot.. only God knows how hard their situation is..

alangkah baiknye klw kat dunia ni tak de peperangan, tak perlu ade peperangan. jadi takde sape2 yang perlu takut, baik keluarge si askar, ataupon mangsa perang, kedua2 saling hidup dgn kebimbangan.. one is afraid to get a phonecall, or a knock on the door, that may suddenly bring heart-breaking news, the other one is afraid of going to the shop, or letting his/her child go out to play, for a tragedy might happen..

memanglah kite kat singapore ni sukar sangat nak empathise, nak bayangkan diri kite dlm keadaan yang serupa dgn mereka2 di luar sane... sbb kite belum tempuh war yang sebenar.. but for me, watching the show was enough to make me realise how peace is important, how family is important, how brotherhood is important. and how disruption of peace and understanding can bring unwanted doom and sadness. and loss.

just to be back home, safe and sound, is very hard and seemingly impossible for the soldiers out there. can you imagine??

i dont care whether they are soldiers or freedom fighters... in the end, they're just humans and they have their own families..

i pray that you will be safe. and ultimately, i pray that you will find the hidayah from Allah.. Ameen~

microtome blade

i feel cut off from my alsagoff friends.
yeah, whatever.