I am inspired.

Y'know, these days i wish i have a credit card. Do you guys know about World Food Programme's 1 Billion project? let me say this again - i wish i have a credit card. Visa. Mastercard. whatever.

Even if i have PayPal, i still have to have a credit card, right? pfft. (and i dont think organisations accept PayPal)

Back to the video - inshaAllah! Heads up, liyana! Stay focused, stay determined!

nak share je..


yesterday (i.e. sunday) i went to Joo Chiat to find a book for my cousin. she just got married on saturday. so i thought this particular book would be nice for her. masuk ke Toko Warisan.. setiap shelf tu, aku tengok dari atas ke bawah. mane eh buku tu? nak tanya juru jual, alamak, mcm segan plak kat brother tu. jadi aku pun tanyalah pak cik yang pakai baju merah. 'Oh, awak tanya dia', referring to the brother ah.. (walaupon brother tu nampak agak berumur daripada aku, still segan ahh..) k, takpe. tanya je lah, buat muka selamba.

aku pun bersuara, 'hmm.. ada buku Aku Terima Nikahnya tak? karangan ustaz Hasrizal...'

terus lelaki kat depan aku toleh (masa tu dia tengah belek2 buku). fuh! tetiba aku rase malu! Ya Allah! kenapa orang ni pusing kat aku? pelik nah ke aku tanya tentang buku tu. aku rasa kan, orang tu pernah baca, paling tidak, pernah dengar tentang buku ni.. by the way, aku bukannya cakap kuat2 kat juru jual tu, ok? memang tempat tu dah kecil. aku cakap dengan nada biasa je (tak nak bisik2 kot? nanti orang suspek ape plak..). ish. malunya.

anyway, juru jual tu tanya aku balik, 'buku dari malaysia eh?...' 'ya saya' 'buku baru ke..?' 'eh, dah lama jugak' '...kejap eh..' aku rasa dia gi call kawan kerja ke, boss ke.. kemudian, dia beritahu aku buku tu takda. awww.... terus aku fikir, buku apa aku nak belikan untuk kak siti? (at the same time, conscious lah yang lelaki yang toleh tu masih ada kat spot yang sama. nak gi browse buku2 yang kat shelf dekat dia pun, tak jadi dibuatnya)

akhirnya, aku tak belikan cousinku apa2.. tapi beli buku untuk diri sendiri adalah! hehe.. nak katakan, tempting betul masuk kedai buku ni. kitab2 turath yang sudah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa melayu dah kat depan mata. berbolak-balik hati ni samada nak beli atau tak. kalau nak beli, nak beli yang mana satu. klw tak kitab2 turath pun, kitab2 yang judul dan topiknya menarik perhatian aku, ada a few jugak. hmm.. bukan apa, aku pun terfikir kalau aku boleh tanya kawan2 dan pinjam je dari mereka. hmm.. rupa2nya, aku belum bersedia nak invest dalam kitab2 'ilmiah ni. teringat perbualan 'adilah, ust sakinah dan kak mariam tentang ma'radh kat mesir. seronok betul mereka bila masuk bab book fair nih. hee..


sejurus mesyuarat selesai, bro tu tanya, 'anti belajar kat darul q---- eh?' i immediately went, 'huh? darul q----?' hairan sangat2 kenapa pertanyaan tu boleh muncul tiba2. sebelum tu, dia tanya aku buat apa kat airport tempoh hari. hantar kawan eh?.. 'adilah eh?.. anti dulu alsagoff? (dalam hati, 'duhhhhh -___-"') i dont mean to mock you bro.. ni sekadar expressi je. betul! harap tak tersinggung ye.

berbalik pada pertanyaan tadi -- kemudiannya dia tujukan pertanyaan cepumas. tak payah lah aku sebutkan apa pertanyaan tu. aku pun, 'huh? -------?' .. ' -nama- pernah kata dia belajar kat darul quran'.. aku membenarkan 'oh, ye, -nama- memang belajar kat sana'. k, meh kita pause kat sini.

bagi aku kan, kalau seseorang tu tiba2 tanya sesuatu, kemungkinan dia sudah tahu jawapannya, tapi bukan 100%. mungkin dia tahu dari orang lain, atau baca kat mana2. jadi, pertanyaan tu kira, nak confirmkan samada betul atau tidak apa yang dia dengar/baca. kadang2, dari cara orang tu tanya, kita boleh tahu yang dia ni betul2 tak tahu atau sebaliknya. i mean, dalam senario kat atas ni, dalam banyak2 benda yang boleh ditanya, kenapa soalan ni pulak yang timbul?

i dont think you read my blog, bro, but if you happen to stumble upon this post: afwan ye, saya tulis entry ni bukan bermaksud nak marah kat awak. bukan, bukan! saya cuma nak kongsi kisah pendek ni je, coz i find it somewhat amusing. (and a bit disturbing lah.. camne boleh agak nih?!).

dipendekkan cerita (yang dah sememangnya pendek), perbualan kami terputus. jadi aku 'terselamat' daripada menjawab pertanyaannya. i didnt, and dont, mean to be rude.. tapi aku tak tahu nak jawab apa. berat sungguh mulut ni. tapi pada masa yang sama, aku tidak mahu berbohong. hmmm...

kalau kau rasa kau penat, ada orang lagi penat dari kau, liyana!
kau tengok kak F tu, pengajian uni, apex, masjid, madrasah, tutoring.. dia lagi sibuk, lagi penat dari kau! kau buat apa? setakat seharian kerja kan? tak terlari sana, terlari sini.
kau tgk kawan kau, M, uni nya jauh, aktiviti belianya, madrasahnya, dan kem-kem yang dia rancang dan anjur. meeting sana, meeting sini.. dia lebih sibuk dari kau. meski memenatkan, masanya dihabiskan dengan benda-benda yang bermanfaat! liyana.. sebenarnya, kau punya lebih masa. siang hari, kau kerja, bukannya ada assignment mcm kat sekolah dulu. jadi gunakan masa yang kau ada ni untuk benda-benda yang bermakna. do something good, liyana! sebelum kau memasuki fasa seterusnya. bila kau masuk fasa tu nanti, masa akan jadi lebih sempit. kau tak tahu apa yang akan berlaku. jadi kau ada 'sekarang'. sekarang ni, kau nak buat apa?
aku kagum dengan kawan-kawan, lebih-lebih lagi yang masih belajar, yang luangkan masa dan tenaga untuk aktiviti-aktiviti luar. tapi, aku juga takut untuk mereka. aku risau tentang mereka. aku seperti mahu mengingatkan.. 'kawan, walau apa pun, belajar tu awla kan?'.. satu peringatan yang khasnya buat diri aku sendiri!
aku risau bila aku dengar, aku lihat, kawan-kawanku kepenatan, bercerita denganku tentang pelajarannya.. 'assignment banyak'.. 'argh, belom habis lagik'.. 'test!'.. 'itu.. ini..'.. aku risau tengok mereka risau. sebab aku takut pelajaran mereka terjejas. disebabkan penglibatan mereka dalam banyak aktiviti.
aku tahu, aku tak berhak nak larang mereka. aku tak berniat nak larang mereka. dan rasanya, nasihat 'manage your time well', 'balance k?' dah kerap didengar. tapi tu lah hakikatnya, kita MESTI TAHU bahagikan masa. sekali lagi, satu peringatan buat diriku terlebih dahulu.
aku tak nak sebab aktiviti kita, pelajaran kita sikit demi sikit terabai. aku tak nak ibadah kita terabai. aku tak nak tanggungjawab kita sebagai anak terabai. aku tak nak tanggungjawab kita sebagai ahli kumpulan terabai.
aku risau pisang akan berbuah dua kali bila aku masuk fasa seterusnya nanti. cukuplah aku mengalaminya masa tahun terakhir di politeknik.
i am worried for myself. i am worried for them.

dalam mrt tadi, bila ku dengar keluhannya, aku hanya mampu berdoa dalam hati..
rabbi yassir wa laa tu'assir alaiha..
rabbi yassir wa laa tu'assir alaiha..
daripada perbualanku dengannya (haa.. aku sengaja tanya itu, tanya ini..), aku dapat rasakan yang dia seseorang yang mahu dan suka membuat kebaikan. jadualnya sudah padat. dia nak buat, tapi takut tak mampu. amanah-amanah yang digalasnya sekarang pun, sudah cukup berat.
Mudahkanlah urusannya, ya Rabb, kerana ku yakin, dia punya kelebihan dan juga kesungguhan untuk memberi.

belajar tu awla, kan?

Winning is finishing...

Kite suker dgn lagu Miley Cyrus, The Climb. kite bukanlah peminat lagu2nya dan orangnya. tapi lagu ni lain sikit. lebih bermakna.

videoclip ni dari The Hannah Montana Movie. hehe.. you guessed it, I watched the movie. hah, ni kes tgh boring2 then takde movie best2 yang lain, so picked this one. i dont fancy the movie. pokok ceritanya taklah serious/substantial mana kot. but when it reached the scene above, i found myself concentrating on the song lyrics. relating it and reflecting upon it. yup, it was meaningful! touching too.

afterwards, kite teringat satu quote yang kite pernah cari dulu. bits and pieces. ape lagi, kite pon carilah kat notebook2 lama.. Yes! jumpa jugak akhirnya. di sini, kite nak kongsi dengan korang kata2 Joe Henderson. (tak ingat dari mana kite dapat ayat2 ni.)

Winning is finishing the distance you set for yourself, however humble it might be. Speed is a gift your parents either gave you or couldn't give you. You had little to say about it, so the time you take to run your distance doesn't say much about your spirit. But endurance and persistence are qualities that are largely trained and learned. Finishing is a victory of strong spirit over weak flesh.

dalam lagu The Climb, it's about going up. vertical. quote ni plak, gives me the impression of running. horizontal. (Joe Henderson ni seorang pelari kot?) haha.. ni tak penting lah sgt. apa yang penting, mesejnya sama :) serasi jugak lagu dengan kata2 nasihat ni. iya.. dua2 sebagai satu ucapan perangsang untuk kite. dan awak juga! ^__^
gembira bila dapat baca blog kawan2 dan kenalan2.. rase dah lama terperuk dlm kehidupan sendiri. siang hari, tak ade leisure time nak jenguk banyak2 blog. malam hari, malas benar nak mengadap komputer meskipun sebentar.

hmm.. tapi macam ade perasaan lain gitu bila baca blog mereka.. sedih? terharu? .. atau, rindu untuk bertanya khabar dan bertemu empat mata dgn mereka? atau, terkilan sebab kesibukan (tapi tak lah sibuk sgt pon) menjauhkan diri ni dari kawan2, membataskan kebebasan dan tenaga untuk ke sana ke mari..? atau, cemburu melihat hidup mereka seakan2 lebih seronok dan lebih bermakna?..

hmm.. macam2 benda kite nak cerita, nak luahkan.. tapi.. mm.. cari alasan ke? .. bukan sahaja di blog, emel pon dah liat nak dikarang mahupun dibaca, difahami dan diikuti.

ape nak jadi ye?

kadang2, rase kehidupan ni lamaaaa sgt. belom pon masuk dekad ke-2. tapi terasa yang diri ni dah tua. penat dgn kehidupan. tapi, perasaan sebegini tak lah selalu dlm kepala dan hati kite. alhamdulillah atas ape yang telah diberi. pikir2 balik, aturan Allah ni.. cantik! (sebagai contoh, bila kite teringatkan mase kite pergi interview untuk attachment tahun lepas.) hmm.. kite selalu teringat karakter Fahri membuat life plannya. kita perlu ada matlamat, ye tak? ape yang ingin dilakukan, ape yang ingin dicapai.. yup yup, kite pon ade buat. tak lah complete mana. buat masa ni, cukup untuk memberi motivasi kat diri kite ni untuk lihat ke hadapan. sebab sebenarnya, kita kadang2 tak nak lihat. takut dgn sesuatu yang tak pasti kot.

cakap tentang plan ni, moga dipermudahkan. sebab boleh jadi pendirian kita goyah bila ada sesuatu yang timbul yang berpotensi mengubah hala tuju kita. boleh jadi kita panik sebab tak sure nak stick to the course, atau nak mempertimbangkan sesuatu yang baru tu. boleh jadi ade sesuatu timbul.. dan sesuatu tu adelah benda yang kite naaaakkk sgt, atau rase 'bestnyerrrr'.. tapi, kita tak tahu ianya baik untuk kita atau tak. Rabbi yassir. sebab kita tak tahu cabaran2 ape menanti kita.

tapikan, kite takutlah. kite takut kite tak kotakan ape yang kite dah tulis. mungkir janji kat bukan orang lain, tapi empunya diri! kan zalim namanya tu?

semenjak dua menjak ni, hati tak tenang sangat. fikirkan keadaan sekarang. keadaan masa depan. cube untuk muhasabah.. lebih2 lagi ttg tahap spiritual diri.

kata2 sahabat dlm blognya terngiang2 kat kepala.. lebih kurang begini: 'memilih jalan ini bermakna memilih untuk ditarbiyah'.. kadang2 kite ulang kata2 ni kat diri kite sendiri.. seolah2 nak mencari pengertian. seolah2 nak memujuk hati ni. nak memberi sedikit kekuatan. pertanyaan kat benak ni sama dgn sahabat.. 'bersediakah aku? mampukah?'


kite masih lagi mencari.
while in the train home just now, i was looking at my bag and realised that...


my RR'07 pin badge was missing!!!


sedih uh.. kenangan whoooaa...

mase kat meeting tadi, ade. so must have dropped some time between the end of the meeting and the train station platform.

hmmm... takpe lah.

(rasenyer, nak replace dgn badge ape eh? haiz~)

yang penting, pengalaman dan pengajaran dari RR'07 tu tersemat dalam ingatan.


mase kak aisyah sebut ttg seseorang yang dia lihat 'good.. saw him in action'.. tetiba teringat ttg facilitation. tak pasti lah kalau kak aisyah tgh refer to facilitation or something else.. tapi,

tu ah..

i suddenly miss facilitating. facilitating a group.

skill yang memang tak seberape nih, dah semakin berkarat. hmmm... tak nak skill ni jadi rapuh langsung hilang, sebab facilitation skill memang berguna dlm macam2 situasi. tapi camne ye? jadual padat. mane nak cari peluang2 untuk asah my facilitation skill?

hmmm.. k, takpe.

Wahai Diri,

dah dipanggil tu.. tunggu ape lagi??

another angelic voice

meet Andrew Johnston -

saw this clip on Oprah. mesmerizing, indeed! make the hairs on your back stand gitu. his voice reminds me of Jean Baptiste-Maunier, from Les Choriste. *aaaaahhh~~*

and then, meet Charice, who i first heard of two weeks back from my student-colleague, Marielle. Charice's voice is just :O whoa~~

when i first heard this song, from Marielle's hp music collection, i didnt quite pay attention to it. after a few times, barulah perasan that the tune is *nice* and the way she sings it.. kinda uplifting. whoa~ again. the lyrics is not bad too.
exams 12 june [T_T] LaZy 2 study says:
analiy - Uwais al-Qarni says:
analiy - Uwais al-Qarni says:
analiy - Uwais al-Qarni says:
how are you?
exams 12 june [T_T] LaZy 2 study says:
exams 12 june [T_T] LaZy 2 study says:
im good
exams 12 june [T_T] LaZy 2 study says:
analiy - Uwais al-Qarni says:
analiy - Uwais al-Qarni says:
im in the pink of health

got to know that she's coming to singapore in august. mudah2an sampai! hmmm... yes, it's been a long time~

bila nak jejakkan kaki ke Perth? *eyes 'adilah* inshaAllah, eh, ti!
Nothing beats supportive parents.


bismika nahya

Veuillez installer Flash Player pour lire la vidéo

heard this song one or two years ago.

then, minutes ago, i saw the name 'Amr Khaled' again. was reminded of this song. searched youtube. i think he is a.. talk show/documentary host? looks like he's got influence. hmm.. im curious about this guy.

anyhow, i was attracted to the song because of its title, Bismika Nahya. By Your Name, We Live. Dengan NamaMu Kami Hidup.

i'd like to find the arabic lyrics. some other time yea.
i am now at 2, 758 words and im only halfway done.

actually, i think i've typed way more that i should. they wouldnt want a 6-paged-and-counting article. but at the moment, i dunno how to cut down. so i'll just have to continue typing my original content. after which, perhaps, i can try to slough off some big chunks.


i've passed the deadline, which was 4 days ago. Help!

book club

Had a funN, kelakar usrah tonight. tak boleh angkat sey! anyway, each of us shared one or more books which has significant/universal values. books that shook our minds, or affected us deeply, or appealed to us. so, the featured books:

Faisal Tehrani's Tunggu Teduh Dulu
Taufiqurrahman Al Azizy's Musafir Cinta
Mitch Albom's For One More Day, 5 People You Meet in Heaven, and Tuesdays with Morrie
(Dr) Katherine Hamlin's The Hospital by The River
Tania Aebi's Maiden Voyage

I wanna recommend that you guys read 1511H Kombat by Faisal Tehrani. CooL sey jalan ceritanya! a simple description i could think of is that this book is an Islamic action-thriller.. perjuangan in the future, with the sophisticated technology.. and of course, a pinch of 'cinta Islami'. back then, kak Nadiah praised this book and recommended me to read it. together with Advencer Si Peniup Ney. one or two years ago, i read Advencer, tapi baca agak sloww.. somehow i found it hard to digest the story. i think got a bit of tasawwuf/sufi stuff. and then, i borrowed 1515, a story of a Malaccan Malay/Muslimah srikandi by the name of Nyemah Mulya. macam best kan? but i didnt even get to half of the book. terlalu banyak sejarah, dan agak mendak sikit perjalanan ceritanya. i like history, but i think, bab sejarah melayu ni, kite tak minat. or maybe, it was merely because i ran out of time to read it. kak Ummu said Detektif Indigo "best!", but i've yet to get my hands on a copy. oh, lastly, Bila Tuhan Berbicara was an interesting read.

Musafir Cinta.. wah, mcm adik-beradik Ayat-Ayat Cinta and Gang, eh? tapi tak lah.. instead, this book is part of Makrifat Cinta trilogy by Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy. the first book is titled Syahadat Cinta, second is Musafir Cinta, and finally, Makrifat Cinta. i dont know if the main protagonist is the same person throughout, or stories of different people weaved together.. about this book being a sequel pon kite baru je tahu dari internet. so ya, perhaps you all want to read 'em yourselves.

Mitch Albom's books are undeniably touching. the contents (and characters) are full of wisdom. and like what kak Hafizah said, they revolve around Death. i've read and watched For One More Day, and watched Tuesdays with Morrie. Ins.Pi.Ring. menginsafkan jugak; meskipun diorang bukan Muslim, but all of us can relate with the values, feel and appreciate the feelings and message that the author wants to bring across.

Dr Hamlin's story moved me. the sad state of affair in Ethiopia. the women with unfortunate lives. the suffering. the selfless effort by Dr Hamlin and her husband. their dedication. their expertise. their devotion to their religion. wooowww... this book has got me into thinking about what i wanna be, and can be, in the future. hmm.. somehow, it awakened something in me, but i dont know exactly what. amazing to see how far the two doctors have come, from the moment they stepped off the plane in Ethiopia to the establishment of The Fistula Foundation. one more thing that caught my attention: they were a strong team. as husband and wife, and as colleagues working together to build a system, an infrastructure, a safe haven for the many women in Africa.

I just finished Maiden Voyage very recently. im such a slow reader these days. whenever i take out the book to read, i prepared myself to be taken on a journey with her.. what she saw, what she experienced, in the different countries and on the oceans. i must admit, that i still dont understand all those nautical, nagivation, sailing, weather, and boat-related technical jargons. huhu.. there were times when i just couldnt digest, so i skipped the chunks of sentences. that aside, the mere idea of being in her shoes fascinates me. to go on a circumnagivation, on a sailboat, alone! and she was eighteen (i kept saying to myself, "what were you doing when you were eighteen, liyana???!"). seems like a dream adventure, ey? but no, it was tough and rough. more importantly, that was when she grew up and matured. Experiential Learning. On-The-Job Training. hmmm... wishful thinking, liyana?

Yupz, books are indeed a gateway to many things: fantasy, self-discovery, empowerment, wild imaginations....... and personally, i found it enjoyable to talk about books with each other. so that we can know who likes to read what sort of genres, or books/authors that we never knew exist but are awesome and loved by their readers..

May tonight's usrah be another session that brings us closer to each other and to being better individuals, inshaAllah..

Oh, oh! just before we ended, someone popped me an entirely unexpected question (sangat random sey!), to which my immediate answer was, "I'M STILL A KID!" *lol* nasib baik tak tersedak kite tadi. hehehehehehehe

Cant help but wonder though, was that a burning question, Marl? :P


the top 3 movies i am lookin' forward to:

1. Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen
2. Angels and Demons
3. Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince


by the way, how come the bad transformers are bigger, scarier and more powerful (i.e. they got more sophisticated and menacing abilities) eh?? TAK FAIR sey! Optimus Prime nmpk macam kecik je. and i have a feeling one or two autobots will die. *sobsob*

and i've just watched HP's theatrical trailer.. OHH MANNN!! i hope it's gonna be awesome. i know the ending is depressing, but seeing the superb effects lifted my mood. and this time, i wanna forget whatever i had read in the book. coz i can expect that the movie plot wont be the same as the book, like the previous installments (which caused me to end up getting disappointed!).

got to know that Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper has been made into a movie. i think im gonna put it in my 'Gonna Watch' basket, together with The Soloist.
I am the newest fan of Kris Allen!

His voice is just.... well, it melts me. *blush*

No, this time I am not following American Idol. Just so happen I was curious about the Top 5, so I watched the performance videos at the official website. And, my oh my.. Kris does show consistency and some professional singing. Quite an all-rounder. Adam Lambert and Danny Gokey are good too, though. I prefer them to be in the top 3. YEAH!
“ Ish..banyak tu. Macam-macam warna ada, “ tiba-tiba suara ayah menyapa dari belakang. Saya yang sedang asyik mengemas beg sebelum bertolak pulang ke kampus, menoleh dan melemparkan senyum malu-malu. Faham dengan sapaan ayah..apa yang dimaksudkannya banyak dan berwarna.

“ Mana ada banyak ayah. Tiga helai tudung lama, dua je yang masih baru“ saya menjawab ramah. Saya mengesot sedikit ke tepi dinding untuk memberi ruang ayah duduk bersila.

“ Baru atau lama tak penting. Yang utama tahu apa tujuan dan niat pemakainya. Bimbang tak terjawab nanti di akhirat sana, “ nasihat ayah. Masih sempat ayah menitip sepatah dua peringatan diri, walau nampak remeh tapi besar jika difikir jernih.

continue to read this blog post here.

"Yang utama tahu apa tujuan dan niat pemakainya. Bimbang tak terjawab nanti di akhirat sana."
cukup terasa. ya, satu peringatan buat diri.


visited kak khadijah's blog yesterday -

- few weeks back, there was an ijazah Syamail Muhammadiyah (it's a kitab describing Rasulullah 'alaihis salatu wassalam characteristics) at Jami' Salam somewhere near Jaubar, a city around 20 mins journey from Ruknuddin (the city my friends and me are currently staying in). Led by Syeikh Abul Huda Al-Ya'qubi -hafizahullah- , the event started at round 8:40pm and ended at almost 2 a.m.! no room to feel sleepy (although we all came after school) because Syeikh was reading the hadiths with endless enthusiasm, and from time to time, called out to the syabab below (the ladies were at the 2nd storey): "أين الصلاة على النبيّ؟؟" ("where's the salawat for our Prophet?"). so everytime the Prophet's name was mentioned, the jami' practically roared with salawat. Sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nah sgt!!! Terasa sampai ke lubuk hati…
!صلّوا على النبيّ

ghibtoh sangat2! Srikandi pula siap kata, "ya ALLAH... im jeles BIG TIME!!" *chuckles*

Kitab Asy-Syamaa'ilul Muhammadiyyah karangan Abu ‘Isa Muhammad Bin ‘Isa Bin Saurah At-Tirmidzi, ditahqiq oleh Sayyid 'Imran, diterbitkan (atau dicetak?) oleh Darul Hadith, Kahirah.

Last November, i met up with Suhailah, coz nak ambil kembali buku Salju Sakinah. bila dah jumpa, eh, rupe2nya ada bungkusan dari Mesir. Hadiah dari 'Adilah.... terkejut! dan terus terharu..

rasa lebih terharu bila kite buka bungkusan tu.. Ya Allah! 'Adilah ni macam tahu2 je ape yang kite nak. ;) belek punye belek.. maklumlah, first time dapat hadiah buku dari Mesir~ hati ni berbunga2.. berkobar2 nak belajar ilmu yang ade kat dalam.


nak belajar kitab ni, takkan nak sorang2, tak berguru? dah lah bahasa arab kite lapuk sangat. boleh faham sikit2 je, kalau dibantu kamus Marbawi kesayangan, faham lebih sikit je. lebih2 lagi part footnotes nya. coz ade explanation ttg darjat/source hadith dan lain2 yang kite tak tahu.

kite ade jugak hantar emel kat kawan2, kalau mereka ade translation buku Syamaa'il ni. sayangnye, takde jawapan dari sesiapa. sedih jugak, sebab kite nak belajar, tapi kite takut nak baca dan fahamkan sendiri. satu silap kite: kite tak cuba cari ustaz atau ustazah, ataupon kakak2 senior yang boleh ajarkan.

semangat untuk menelaah kitab ni masih belom pudar. beberapa minggu lalu, mase tgh cari hadith2 ttg budi pekerti Rasulullah sollahu alaihi wa sallam untuk Tawassi Hadith, kite terjumpa website ni: http://www.inter-islam.org/hadeeth/stmenu.htm. Wah, tersenyum lebar kite time tu. tak sangka ade kat internet. hah, ni lagi satu kesilapan: tak cuba cari online. aiyo~~

dan beberapa minit yang lalu, kite terjumpa website ini pula: http://www.sacredlearning.org/classrooms/hadith/shamail_tirmidhi/index.htm.

Hadith Sessions - Shamail of Imam Tirmidhi
This compilation of hadith provides detailed descriptions of all aspects of the Holy Prophet [Peace and blessings be upon him] including his physical being, his manner of sleeping, his manner of eating, his speech, his character, his death, etc. Each lesson references the Arabic hadith and then provides a detailed explanation. All lectures are in MP3 format.

Ya Allah...... Alhamdulillah..! *beaming*

k, liyana, Allah dah beri kemudahan, jangan sia-siakan! tak dapat belajar, talaqqi kitab dgn guru face-to-face, belajar online pon boleh lah =) sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit. yang penting, istiqamah!

to all my readers, jom! let's get to know our prophet Muhammad sollallahu alaihi wa sallam. other than reading seerah an-nabawiy, Syamaa'il is another channel for us to learn about him sollallahu alaihi wa sallam, inshaAllah :)
Hizamy's brother passed away very recently. Adiknya bernama Muhammad Hariz bin Md Tarmizy.

Hizamy is the current NPMSS president. a chubby funny guy with a quran-reciting voice that is masyaAllah..~

Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji'uun.

i remember saying few weeks ago, during a relite meeting at ghufran, that i might not even live to see the D-day. and now, 3 days after the camp, i am still alive.

Allah is still letting me live.


i am reminded of a song, played during D-Talk 2. Farshi Turab.. Dust is My Bed.

فرشي التراب يضمني
وهو غطائي
حولي الرمال تلفني
بل من ورائي
واللحد يحكي ظلمة
فيها ابتلائي
والنور خط كتابه
أنسي لقائي

والأهل أين حنانهم
باعوا وفائي
والصحب أين جموعهم
تركوا إخائي
والمال أين هناءه
صار ورائي
والإسم أين بريقه
بين الثناء
هذي نهاية حالي
فرشي التراب

والحب ودع شوقه
وبكى رثائي
والدمع جف مسيره
بعد البكاء
والكون ضاق بوسعه
ضاقت فضائي
فاللحد صار بجثتي
أرضي سمائي
هذي نهاية حالي
فرشي التراب

والخوف يملأ غربتي
والحزن دائي
أرجو الثبات وإنه
قسما دوائي
والرب أدعو مخلصا
أنت رجائي
أبغي إلهي جنة
فيها هنائي

with arabic lyrics and english translation --

dan seterusnya..

while waiting for the cab..

sis no. 1: so, you buat ape sekarang?
me: kite tgh tak kerja. focus on Re----.
sis no. 1: ohhhhhhh.....!! I got something for youu..!
me: Oh God..!!! *dramatic* I dont like the sound of it...!

sis no. 1: you know ape tu GGS?
me: aaaa... Girl Guide Singapore?
sis no. 1: bukanlah..! haha *laughing*
me: *thinking out loud* GGS eh? aaaa... Great Singapore Sale.. eh, tu GSS~ heh -.-"

in the cab..

me: so, GGS tu ape?
sis no. 1: it's G---- Go S-----. bukan Great Singapore Sale eh!
me: ohhhhh! korang nak revive G---- Go S-----? masyaAllah..!
(dlm hati: bestnyerrrr!!! ^__^)
sis no. 1: so we need someone who can...............................

senyum di bibir hilang sikit demi sikit.
terus terbayang ayah, dan pesanannya tadi. terus teringat tanggungjawab yang terbengkalai. terus teringat hal2 yang perlu diuruskan dalam NI.

me: hmmmm... oh, kite..................................
me: or, kite nak jadi anak buah. macam sekarang. it's a good experience for me.
(nak masuk dept ape eh? fnb dah pernah.. admin? dah.. ohh, logistics pon best jugak)
sis no. 2: ohh.. or we put u as mentor.
(dlm hati: HUH? mentor ape ke benda sey!)
me: taklah...! no, you see eh, mentor ni kena..
sis no. 1 cut off the conversation with something else..

sis no. 2 (or 1, tak ingat): ..be one of the 'think tanks'..
me: haaaa...? *put hand to face, terfikir yang sekarang ni dlm program dah byk kena fikir* tak nakkk

me: panggil lah kakak2 yang... macam...
sis no. 1: dah.. nama diorang ada..
sis no. 2: we are calling all u---- sisters
sis no. 1: ... so kita nak kacau2 (mix).. bila lagi you nak work dgn *insertname*...
(hmmm... got a point there)

sis no. 2: ..you are senior..
me: no! tak lah
sis no. 2: ...you have more experience..
me: hmmmppphhhhh...!
(okay, i gotta say something on this one --

personally, i dont get it. i dont believe i have more experience. to me, head atau vice head takde beza. pengalamannya lebih kurang sama. she had to work together with her head and vice-head.. mesti diorang delegate jobs kan. begitu juga kite. i wasnt 'at the top'.. instead, there were three heads.. me and two bros whom i believe had done much more than me. so what she and i had to go thru should be similar, if not the same. AND, it was just ONE experience. since then, i dont have any other experiences in S---. just that ONE. so, why did she say i have more experience?? astaghfirullah..!

senior? Ya Allah.. selepas RR'07, kite jarang terlibat dgn S---. i am not a senior. to me, a senior is one who's been there for many years AND have contributed so much.

afwan kak.. kite bukan nak marah kat kakak.. kita cuma tak leh terima bila orang kata kite 'have more experience'. kite yakin, kakak lebih banyak pengalaman dari kite. pengalaman yang diraih dalam S--- (sebab kakak aktif) dan juga di luar.

cakap ttg pengalaman, kita berbalik pada 'mentor'. kite nak jadi mentor?? tak boleh kak. sebab pengalaman kite sikit sangat. kite masih tgh belajar. kite rase, kite lebih suka buat kerja. on-the-job training. faktor umur pon kena diambil kira. takkan kite nak mentor mereka2 yang sebaya atau lebih tua dari kite? yes, umur mungkin kurang penting, sebab orang boleh kata dengan pengalaman lah kite boleh bimbing yang lain. tapi, kena match dgn 'profil' mentee jugak. sebab kalau mentor tu sebaya atau lebih tua dari mentee, lebih mudah dan cepat untuk mentee develop rasa respect dan 'mahudengardanmenerima'. lebih mudah juga bagi mentor untuk influence mentee. logik kan?

okay, klw kite nak jadi mentor untuk adik2.. mcm adik2 di beatty sec baru2 ni, mgkn boleh. tapi kalau nak jadi mentor untuk project S---, padahal kite baru setahun jagung, maaf, kite terpaksa tolak.

jika kakak tanye kite, 'tak layak atau tak nak?', kite kata, 'dua2nya sekali'. hmmm.. afwan, kite belom bersedia.)

and along the way in the cab, my thoughts were swimming.. couldnt quite concentrate on the conversation the sisters were having..

"...and i thought one is done and over with...."

"...have'nt u realised it yet?....why is it that....."

"...all these opportunities.... i tot i could run away. but, no. there must be something Allah has prepared for me to do.."

hmmm... meskipun kite minat sangat untuk menyumbang dalam G---- Go S-----, ada hal2 lebih utama yang menuntut tenaga dan konsentrasi kite selepas kem Re---- ni. tgklah camne.. taking one step at a time.

Mohon dipermudahkan..


kite nak kongsi dengan korang semua perbualan antara kite dgn seorang ukhti kite pada Isnin lalu, 6 April 2009. sebab kite rasa info yang ada dalam perbualan ni sangat berguna buat kita semua, inshaAllah. best, kan, bila dapat ilmu baru? ^___^

me: assalamu'alaikum, ustazah
my senior: wa'alaikumuusalam
my senior: ye
me: hadith yang 'hasanun gharib' bahasa melayunya ape?
my senior: hasan gharib
me: klw bahasa inggeris?
my senior: hsan gharib juga
my senior: heheh
me: gharib tu maknanya ape?
my senior: istilah itu tidak diterjemahkan
me: ooohh
my senior: mana dapat istilah ni
me: http://www.islamweb.net/newlibrary/display_book.php?bk_no=2&ID=1327&idfrom=1865&idto=1867&bookid=2&startno=2
me: coz ana tgh cari2 hadith yang suitable untuk tema 'ambassadorship' ... then, klw boleh nak gunekan hadith ni
me: untuk diberi pada facilitator kem
my senior: ana bimbnag hadithnya ada sedikit masalah
me: oh?
me: jadi klw ade hadith2 yang 'hasan gharib', lebih baik jgn gunekan is it?
my senior: no\
my senior: tidak juga
my senior: liyan kena tahu
my senior: istilah hasan gharib adalah istilah yang digunakan oleh imam al- Tirmidi dalam kitab sunannnya
my senior: ianya merupakan salah satu metod beliau dalam menyatakan hadith2 dalam kitabnya
my senior: hasan gharib di sisi
my senior: aimam al- tirmidhi bermaksud
my senior: hadith yang melengkapi syarat2 hadith sahih
me: okaaaay
me: hmmmm
my senior: tapi..klau nak guna
my senior: tidak ada masalah
my senior: cuma kena pastikan ada tak dalam kitab2 lain hadith tersebut
my senior: kalau ada dalam bukhari muslim
my senior: tak de masalah
my senior: *smiley*
me: ana ade check kat islamweb.net... hadith tu ada dalam 'mustadrik alassohihain', 'sunan tirmidhi', 'sunan darimi' dan 'musnad imam ahmad'
my senior: ok
my senior: http://www.dorar.net/enc/hadith/%D8%AE%D9%8A%D8%B1+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B5%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%A8+%D8%B9%D9%86%D8%AF+%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D9%87/+p

my senior: ana dah takhrij
my senior: ok lah tu
my senior: boleh guna
my senior: kat web tu..ada beri martabt hadith nya di sisi ulamk2 yang lain
me: waaaaaaaaaaahhhh
my senior: ?
me: tak sangka ade kemudahan camni
me: *big smiley*
my senior: ehhehe
me: *jakun jap*
my senior: kalau nak tahu martabat hadith le check kat web site tu k?
my senior: *smiley*
me: okay!
me: nak kata ni first time ana cari2 hadith
me: pusing2 kat sohihmuslim.com, sohihbukhari.com , islamweb.net~
me: haiz~
me: susah jugak eh
my senior: hmmm..hadith mmg susah
my senior: heheh
me: i mean, klw nak gunakan hadith ni untuk penulisan ke ape ke.. tak leh main2
my senior: *smiley*
my senior: tahniah
my senior: kerana peka ttg hal ini
my senior: barakallahu fik
me: syukran ustazah = )
me: dan maaf sebab ganggu ust time sibuk2 ni
my senior: cuma kaedah basic nya
my senior: bila jumpa satu hadith selain bukhari muslim
my senior: perlu disahkan
my senior: statusnya
my senior: dan jika sekiranya ianya dhaif
my senior: tidak bermakna ianya dhaif secara mutlak
my senior: sesebuah hadith dhaif
my senior: boleh naik tarafnya kepad hasan dan sahih
my senior: jika sekiranya ada sokongan dari pelbagai jalur periwayatan hadith yang lain
my senior: itu je...mgkn sebagai pendahuluan
my senior: *smiley*
me: syukran sgt2!
my senior: dan tak ganggu pun
my senior: ini kan amanah
my senior: *wink*
me: ohh... lastly,
me: klw ade 'rijaaluhu thiqah'
me: boleh digunakan jugak kan?
my senior: boleh
me: ana dah gunakan website yang ust bagi tu
me: heeeee
me: k best!
my senior: maknanya
my senior: periwayat hadithyan thiqah
my senior: kalau periwayat hadithnya thiqah...maknanya
my senior: tiada masalah
my senior: *smiley*
me: hmmm
me: lagi satu soalan
me: imam tirmidhi ade gelaran tak?
my senior: gealaran?
my senior: maksudnya?
me: http://www.islamweb.net/newlibrary/display_book.php?bk_no=2&ID=1327&idfrom=1865&idto=1867&bookid=2&startno=2

me: ada ayat 'qala abu isa hadza...'
me: so, im just wondering if abu isa tu imam tirmidhi
me: or if its someone else
my senior: ooo
my senior: mmg imam al- Tirmidhi lah tu
my senior: hehe
me: ohhhhhhhhh
me: k best!
me: = )

ta'ajub dengan kata-kata ini..

gambar: The Horsehead Nebula

dipetik dari: Ketika Cinta Bertasbih oleh Habiburrahman El Shirazy
gambar: butterflyrubrics.wordpress.com

The Aftermath

yesterday, as a lovely sister of mine and i stood at the side of the road, our backs on the glaring evening sun, she told me, "..we were chatting, happily talking to each other.. we didnt know what could hit us..." and i said to her, "yeah," i snapped my fingers, "like this."

and as i sat on the grass waiting for the cab to arrive, with her beside me, i stared at the greeneries, the branches and leaves with the sky as the backdrop, i thought about the people in the World Trade Centre, on that fateful day.. yeah, they had no idea what would happen to them.. never crossed their minds.. i imagined people busy clicking away their pc mouse, or talking over cups of coffee..

another of her words to me, that "life is fragile."

hmm.. and finally, after 30-40 minutes of waiting, the taxi came. and we left the scene.


worried that she wouldnt reach home for asar on time, she, for the first time in her life, prayed at the side of the road. never mind that vehicles were passing along~

and as she was praying, a simple thought came to my mind, "how nice it is to sujud anywhere.. it is His grass, His earth.." and i captured the picture of her praying into my memory ;)


she admitted that she was quite traumatized. "but you, you look cool and calm."

i guess i was.

funny, how there are people who, after a tragedy happened to them, have the time to think, have enough composure to ask themselves, "how should i feel about this?" like what my senior said in the sharing session during the meeting later that night. almost like a delayed reaction.

i guess i am one of those people.

and then i wondered, if i am actually in self-denial. trying to block out the images, to avoid from replaying that moment and reflecting on it. or maybe i am just physically and mentally tired, so i cant quite register the reality of what had just happened.

and today, as i was switching on my pc, already thinking of what i was going to share here, i suddenly felt that what happened yesterday evening was a distant memory. almost an illusion. and i still do not know how i should feel and react.


she asked me if i was alright. and i answered, "yes". only that my glasses were slightly bent. and because one of the nosepads was already missing, the metal grazed my skin, leaving a small scratch under my left eye.

but actually, i felt as though i was a bit giddy. i didnt know if it was my eyes or the lens of my glasses that suddenly show the world with extra clarity. wait, 'clarity' isnt exactly the right word.. hmm.. it's like.. 'bulging'.. but.. errrr... that's not accurate either. heh.

i was kind of afraid that i might be having a slight concussion. but hamdan lillah.. i was fine throughout.

she said i should go home. but i insisted on going to the meet. although i was a bit skeptical if i could concentrate, given the long day at the bukit gombak adventure centre (i dont know the actual name of the place) and insufficient rest from post-malay camp. and i was a bit worried my thoughts would wander around causing me to fall into silence and break down inside. but alhamdulillah... seeing the sisters at ghufran and discussing about the programme helped maintain my energy, my enthusiasm, my normal self.


i have yet to deal with what happened. hmmm... i pray that she and i will be alright.


Al-Agharr al-Muzani who was from amongst the Companions of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) reported that Ibn 'Umar stated to him that Allah's Messenger (may peace 'be upon him) said: O people, seek repentance from Allah. Verily, I seek repentance from Him a hundred times a day.

Hadith no. 6523 in The Book Pertaining to the Remembrance of Allah, Supplication, Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness (Kitab Al-Dhikr) of Sahih Muslim
you know, just now as i was teman-ing fatimah solat asar, as i was leaning on the table, looking out the window, i said softly to myself, "why am i doing this?" as i gazed at the leaves of the trees, i asked myself again, "why am i doing this?" after she finished praying and we walked down the stairs to the canteen, that question disappeared again into the mist. then, as i was waiting for the bus, fidgety and anxious to get home, i repeated to myself, "why am i doing this?"

i couldnt convince myself of the right answer. i couldnt invoke the deep thinker in me.

i've realised this for quite some time now: that i'm always engulfed in the rush, in the technicalities, in the frustrations.. i keep forgetting to see beyond the sphere of work that eats up my energy, my time. i keep forgetting to reflect, to renew my niyyah, to always have faith and to work with a clear objective in mind. i keep forgetting the purpose of it all.. it seems that i'm always short-sighted.

i notice that i don't give enough time to sit down, to ponder and wonder about this. i need to do some soul-searching.

i need to get out. May Allah grant me the time, the money, the opportunity. may Allah ease my plan.

i can choose to stop and not be bothered, but my better half says that i must go out and give.

still trying to figure out..
can anyone lend me $800?????

i wanna buy a laptop.


but seriously ah, geram je tgk the deals offered at gumtree singapore.

got this HP Pavilion laptop dv4-1104TU at $800~

there's also Fujitsu E8410 at $850~

Lenovo S10 at $600~ wait, is this a mini? errr.. kite kurang minat mini notebooks~

and yang paling tempting: Sony Vaio VGN-CR353 at $1,100.

i know nuts about specifications, but, can always ask my brother or other brothers.

hmmm... dalam mimpi je lah eh, liyana.

earn your own money first, then can buy a laptop, alright?

*sighs and nods head slowly*

Ada Apa Dengan Facebook?

siang tadi, pukul 3 lebih, i checked my mail. okay, semua emel dah clear.

sepuluh minit yang lalu, checked again. haa..? 34 new messages..???

ku pikir emel-emel baru tu mungkin yang penting2.. atau yang bernas2.. ada isi. ku picit tab 'Inbox'.

oh laaaaa.... rupe2nye notification that si fulan "tagged/commented on a photo of you". aiseyman.. banyak sgt! macam menyemak lah pulak.

hmmm... sejak beberapa hari nih, ade je emel yang bertajuk "-- added you as a friend on facebook". ye, saye ade facebook account. tapi klw awak tak add saye pon tak rugi (heh), sebab saya tak gunekan (or rather, belom gunekan) ape2 kemudahan/applikasi yang ade kat situ.

conclusion: i dont understand why people semangat nah dgn facebook. -_-"

found :)

Last Friday, hati ni tergerak nak gi KPR. selama ni, pernah dengar dari marl, mus, kak maryam.. so, memandangkan hari tu last day exam, jadi konon2 nak 'celebrate' habis2an (mcm betOl je eh), i tot to myself, jom ah gi!

sampai ghufran around 7pm gitu.. after solat maghrib then we made our way to the classroom. someone was already there. immediately after i salam-ed her, a sense of familiarity struck me. a name was forming in my head..

"what's your name?"

"sekolah mana..?"

"were you from alsagoff..?"

indeed! she is the Yasmin, my classmate wayyyy back in primary level. Yasmin Hamzah.. she transferred to another madrasah when she was in primary 3 gitu..

masyaAllah...! what a coincidence.. what a coincidence. k, i need not explain further how i felt. im sure you've read my previous posts about meeting people whom i've not seen for a loOng time.

primary 2 or 3 kot

from the left --

1. Shahriza, is it? i forgot her name.. she also left the school some time during the primary school days.. but i know she has an elder sister who has bulu mata yang lentik and suka cubit hidayah johari.. sebab hidayah johari ade bulu mata lentik jugak. hehe.. i've no idea how to find her.. :(

2. Yasmin! yeah, i remember her as a short, quiet girl.. suara serak2 basah. sekarang.. lebih tinggi dari kite kot.

3. Hafizah Sariupua. alhamdulillah... both of us stayed on til sec 4. altho we didnt graduate the same year. oh yes, she is tallll.. macam syarafina jugak. and sweet, too :)

4. Mariam Said. another lost friend. we were play mates back then.. together with Kamaliah and Suraya. would like to meet her again..

so yeah, after 11 years, with His Will, i was in the same room as Yasmin again~ were busy chit-chatting til right before the class started.. aahh.. so much to ask, so much to know ^_^

you know, moments like this, kan, or particular points in life where i found or met someone with whom i've lost contact or not seen for ages, remind me of how long i have lived. it's like, wow.. it's been 11 years.. Allah has let me live to see today, now, this moment. mcm 'benchmark' gitu.. ermm.. not sure how to describe it exactly.. another example is RR. when RR'08 and ramadhan 1429H arrived, i realised.. "Ya Allah.. i'm still alive. You've given me another year (that is, measuring from RR'07).. one long year..*reflective mood*.."

hmmm... recently, on 15 feb, i bumped into kak Hafizah.. kat luar tpt solat perempuan kat mks. terus peluk dia erat2. one of the best feelings ever! alhamdulillah~ alhamdulillah~~~ sayangnya, kita sempat bertanya khabar je, coz she was leaving for a meeting. takpe, takpe. another time. oh, i also saw kak Izzah.. earlier ah.. mase CPR last.. umm.. december?.. meskipun tak rapat/kurang kenal, kite tetap rasa gembira dpt jumpa a senior :) haaa... sekarang ni, tgl kak Raihana je kite belom dipertemukan lagi.. in time, InshaAllah~

here's another picture, taken on the same day as the above pic. back row from left --

1. Syarafina. met her recently mase raihana's nikah ceremony. haiz~ sungguh dah dewasa dia ni! hehe.. seriously ah.. i feel like a child sey next to her. she is currently in KUIS, taking usuluddin klw tak silap. final year.

2. Hafizah Sariupua. dah lama tak jumpa dia. 2 years gitu kot? i think she's working now.

3. Farhana. she is in ma'arif, taking pre-u. (or dah grad?)

4. Sharifah. she's another long lost friend~ her sister, Khadijah, was also in the same class. two of my good friends that time. they left during primary 4 or 5 gitu. after that, terus tak dengar khabar. i really really hope to see them both again..!

5. Shari'ah. aaahh.. i wonder if i can recognise her if we were to pass each other in the streets?

middle row --

6. Khairunnisa Said. adik kepada Huda Said. i wonder how both of them are doing.. and how many kids Huda has now..

7. Mariam Said.

8. Shahriza.

im looking forward to more suprises that Allah has for me. i'm sure, bila Allah temukan kembali diri ni dan seseorang tu, it is at the right time. so, i shall wait =)

contoh anak mithali

Wasalam!on saturday eh..im really not sure bole tk coz tktau dad keje tak..but i'll try my very best to come n once i get e permission,i msg u ASAP..sori n thank you!


this message was about the retreat which was going to be held on that weekend.

cuba teka, yang hantar sms ni lelaki ke perempuan?




lelaki? perempuan?




if you guess 'lelaki', yup, you're right! heee... klw perempuan yang hantar message sebegini.. tak lah hairan sgt smpi post kat blog, ye tak? haha..

bila baca kiriman di atas.. dlm hati ni terdetik, "alahai~ sweeetnyer dia" tersenyum sendiri kite dibuatnya. mcm terharu ah lihat anak lelaki *remaja* yang baik (insha Allah!). ingat untuk meminta izin dari mak, ayah. (tapikan, klw umur dah masuk 20-an, masih ade ke yang teruskan amalan ni? atau dah 'upgrade' kepada sekadar beritahu "mak, ali balik lewat malam ni. ada hal dgn kawan"? atau langsung tak beritahu apa2?) ye lah, bukan dia seorang je, bahkan, alhamdulillah.. banin yang lain pon baik-baik belaka :)

Ya Allah.. Jadikanlah kami anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah buat ibubapa kami.
Semoga apa yang kami lakukan disenangi dan direstui mereka.
Assalaamua'laikum wr wb

Beloved brothers and sisters,

Would like to say a big syukran jazeelan to one and all for your dedicated resolve and sacrificing spirit today!

May you be duly rewarded indeed. Barakallahu fikum!

As of 2200 hours today, the operation ended with 218 donations all accounted for and safely transferred over to Certis Cisco for processing. Insya Allah we will have full knowledge on the amount of proceeds on Friday.

Meanwhile, the donation drive also saw the activation of 400 activists, youth and volunteers who came from all walks of life to help in this cause, muslim and non-muslim alike.

This is an interesting number, and I think affirms that with a collective effort and driven activists, the road to igniting others into activism and perhaps, just perhaps fabrics or early steps towards social (re)construction is indeed possible.

Also, I sincerely hope that this network of activist will be binded further together thus being able to create bigger change into the society in the future. Doesn't matter what platform(s) we ride on but simply with a common fikrah or ideals and principles hence functioning in a collectivism that manifest into some impact and, yes, change.

Let's be a part of this wave of activism!

Thank you again and Hayakumullah ...

the street donation

alhamdulillah.. alhamdulillah.. alhamdulillah..

im glad i was there, at mjd sultan today.

[oh, before i go further, i just wanna request something: please dont go and cut-n-paste this post or send the link to your friends/organisation(s) with that note - heyy, we got good feedback from a volunteer! *insertsmileyface*. this is for your own read~]

most of the time i just manned the booth. to kill time, i tried to continue reading a book about the life of a neurosurgeon [informative, insightful, and kelakar gak! hee]. or, i would listen to the brothers' chatters. best jugak dgr diorang berbual nih. tanye diorang ttg course yang diorang ambil. tanye pasal army. bla bla bla.. well, kite ni suker tanye. dapat gak ilmu sikit2, info2 baru dari diorang.

dapat berkenalan dgn 2 particular sisters.. kak ida and one more.. uh-oh.. i dont know her name.. from NUS.

bila tgh jaga booth tu, byk kali gak someone just came and inserted $$ into the donation tins. pakcik, makcik, kakak, abang.. foreigners.. non-muslims. masyaAllah.. masyaAllah.. terharu! kita ade letak signage kat 2 of the front gates. they must've seen. yes, cukup gembira bila lihat tangan2 yang menghulur.

before zohor gitu, the crowd outside masjid got bigger. coz there was a function kat audi, so mereka ni nak pulang ah. ape lagi, me and another bro angkut the collection tins and approach them. tahmid.. tahmid.. my spirits lifted. i went around the masjid. eager to approach anyone in my way. just do it!

then, i kinda felt im not doing what im supposed to do. why on earth am i sitting in this chair? i was getting too comfortable and lazy ah.. hmm.. so,

after asar, 5.15pm; ohh.. 45 more minutes to 6pm. supposedly end at 6pm. so me ajak the sisters, "jom! lagi 45 minit je. let's do what we can!"... so me and the NUS kakak walked along sungei road *first time whoaaooo* turn to ophir road, then to bugis village. wah, kat sini baru kite nampak: people's behaviour and their response towards those who are collecting donations. their indifference. wooww [saying this slowly].. and myself, how i had this 'reluctance' to approach people.. kira pilih bulu ah.. you should just go, liyana! go! just do it!

we left bugis village and walked outside BHG, crossed the small field to raffles hospital and made our way back to mjd sultan. along the way, yeah, we held out the donation tins. i realise i like to smile. i mean, i feel happy.. no wait, it's more like, i feel good greeting people with a smile.. even though they may respond by looking away.. looking straight ahead.. yada yada. ntah lah eh.. i say to myself, go liyana.. just go.. show your enthusiasm. your spirits. treat people with courtesy. "thank you very much!" smile "thank you..!" heh, ade some moments gak nak cakap jazaakallahu khair out loud. managed to suppress it though. klw tak, mesti orang tgk kite lain macam.

haha.. i kinda braced myself when approaching a group of mat saleh teenagers.. my gut said they wouldnt donate. but what the heck? just go ah. yeah, and so, they didnt donate. it's okay. at least, i overcame the apprehension feeling, or whatever you call it lah.

i think, basically, what i got from here is.. to just forget about being shy. just do your thing, ya know? smile and ask politely. forget about being hesitant. yeah, i was trying to shed that.

but at the same time, perceptions were forming in my mind.. e.g. who are the ones who show most indifference and/or ignorance.

and it's touching to see people putting $$, especially notes.. some big notes too, into the donation tin.. especially, non-muslims.. Ya Allah, mudahkanlah urusan mereka.. Ya Allah, kurniakanlah HidayahMu pada mereka..

felt the warmth of joy when listening to sisters sharing their stories, some are cute, some are funny, some are 'grrrrr', some are 'awwwww'.. all in all, i enjoyed myself. since most of the time, i was glued to the booth.

it's humbling. knowing that He puts me in this, to learn, to experience. tahmid.. tahmid..

adding to that, i became more informed about 2 particular initiatives by our muslim youths: IM4U and MGN. im thankful for the conversations i had with bro ashraf and kak nadiah. it's humbling. knowing that there are fellow malay muslim youths, students, whom despite their school workload, have this passion. to islah. to improve. to change. now that, is inspiring!

[start lament]
hmmm... should've done more. should've taken one tin and gone all the way to cityhall or esplanade. raffles would be nice too. i admit, i sat more than i walked. guilty. somehow, i didnt go all out like i thought i would.
[/end lament]

btw kan, klw kita tgk, aktiviti ni macam biasa je. tak gah pon mcm RR. tapi, pengajarannya.. hmmm.. packaged in subtle ways. *breaksintoasmile*

alhamdulillah.. alhamdulillah..

when you read this post again, remember that you were thankful for today, liyana..

and then, i thought to myself.. about where i wanna go after this. should i stay, and contribute through these initatives and/or organisations.. or should i venture out, taking what i've learnt and sharing 'em with those out there.. and get a better worldview. coz i know i will learn something from new people, new places, new situations.

go out, and be the strength that people need.

be the strength.
be. the strength.

-inhale deeply and let go-

should i really go out?

there are already many people working towards the betterment of the community here. im glad for that. a lot of initiatives, movements, groups, programmes..
but what about outside singapore? do they have as much effort done there as here? how are the muslim youths there creating change to their muslim communities? how? who? how much? can i play a part too?

i gain strength from the wonderful people, brothers and sisters, i've crossed paths with, and from the experiences that Allah has allowed me to keep, remember, reflect upon and share. i know very well that it's not enough. maybe not yet enough for me to step foot on a new, foreign ground and start giving.

but the people here need your strength too. need not go far. look around and you'll see there's a lot of work to be done.

Ya Allah... help me..

[about 2 more weeks til NUS/NTU admission exercises end]

i shall end this post with a sort of conclusion, or rather motivational reminder, that could sum up today's lesson:

Give all that you've got.
But if you can't -
More importantly,
Never stop giving.. never.

Are You pleased with what we have done today, Ya Allah..?
*head bows down*
I'm having positive vibes about NTU.

on a lighter note.........

Alf Mubarak to Kak Hidayati and Bro Rizal...!


'Umar 'Abdillah.. sedap nama tu. moga dia menjadi seperti kedua2 'Umar - berwibawa, telus, berani, berhikmah... humble and just ;)

i've been thinking about the name 'Umar for quite some time too. korang cube sebut. 'U-mar. *sighs and looks dreamily at nowhere* 'Umar al-Khattab. 'Umar 'Abdul 'Aziz. really ah.. bila teringatkan kisah mereka - perwatakan dan perbuatan, the characters of these two persons are strongly reflected in that one word: 'Umar.

'Umar + Mujahid = 'Umar Mujahid hehe.. *melts*

k k.. i know, kat Tautan Hati dah ade nama tu..
im at the 'asthma' stage now.

it's been quite some time since i last caught the common cold+flu.

so, it started last saturday. with coughs. as i was unstoppably (is there such a word?) reading Twilight til the wee hours of sunday.

on sunday, the cough continued and then my throat became 'uncomfortable'. hmm.. i dunno how to describe it. y'all should know, right? and i slept with my TP windbreaker on.

monday morning, still the same. but i suspected that the worse had yet to come. so i took a Panadol tablet in the morning. must have fallen asleep in the bus. i felt better in the afternoon. continued to read Twilight. then, it was time for me to get another pill, but i didnt have any. hmmm... on the way to muhajirin, felt like the fever and headache might be coming soon. I NEED MY PANADOL. on the way home - that was it. i was officially sick with fever. bought a box of Panadol Cold Relief at 7-Eleven. popped one into my mouth. did my prayers.

i was a zombie. slouched on the sofa, trying to watch the tv. uh-oh. there were 2 quizzes the next day. noOoOOoo.. i couldn't study. i didn't want to study. could i be absent? i would just get the MC from the polyclinic. fell asleep there. mum brought out the pillows and blanket. aaahh.. heaven. didnt sleep well though. cold? took another dose of Panadol on midnite. zZzZzz..

tuesday - oh! i felt much better, alhamdulillah~~ but but! i still hadnt touched any of my notes. what should i do? still go to the doctor and feign fever? i cant do that! mmmmmmmm.... last minute revision; not quite, more like first-time learning, coz the notes were fresh from the printer (on monday). read thru.. tawakkal.. selawat.. tawakkal.. thought and searched harder.. tried to remember bits and pieces.. please.. selawat.. tawakkal.. thank you Allah, for letting me see.. it couldve been much much worse.

anyway, my condition had moved on to runny nose and more sneezing. great! -.-" reached home, fell asleep on the bare floor of my bedroom, with my backpack as the pillow. woke up half past six. took a nice cold shower. felt better even though the mucous was still flowing occasionally.

and today, runny nose/sneezing subsided. but guess what? by now, im sure that the virus are dead. which means they are accumulated in the phlegm (and thick mucous) to be 'sent out' of the respiratory system. hell yeah, i can feel my airways are filled with 'em. hard stuff, ey? so.. am having difficulty breathing; since morning. used my inhaler to open up the bronchi and bronchioles every now and then. took a spoonful of dad's diphenhydramine, the last one, in the morning. only 40 minutes ago i consumed my second cough syrup of the day. errmmm.. no wonder my phlegm is still stuck in my trachea and air tubes. so, the whole day i coughed, and coughed (not too frequent though; it's irritating and can worry the people around you; and can be dangerous for your muscles and nerves).. you know, sometimes you feel that the phlegm is just right there, loosening, and you just have to cough a bit more to get that stubborn lump out? yeah.. it's hardwork.

plus, inhaling deeply, trying to get enough air, is tiring. more precisely: exhausting. your lung muscles work harder. you're desperate for air. your airways are constricting.. oh, you wish someone can give you a nebulizer straightaway! and, and, when you exhale, you wheeze.. so the person next to you may just hear how terrible your condition is.

just so you know, having asthma is not cool. if you have an asthma attack, it would be like having first-hand experience of how 'suffocating to death' may be.

i feel that im straining my lungs. chest feels kinda heavy :/
Kali ke-dua ke sini.

"Tulisan ini merupakan satu wadah untuk aku sentiasa mengingati diri ini yang dhaif untuk terus mengkaji dan mengkaji. Bukan sekadar mengambil bulat-bulat apa yang didengar khususnya perkara berkaitan aqidah kerana aqidah yang diterima oleh Allah adalah aqidah yang benar mengikuti fahaman salafus-salih berdasarkan dalil-dalil yang sabit daripada Kitabullah dan Sunnah Rasulihi."
diambil dari penulisan bertajuk Di Mana? [bertarikh 1 December 2008]

cukup tepat.
Welcome to a new Dawn


Further Yet Closer

A weekend of...

.. Fort Canning Park with Sis (saturday, 20 dec '08, 2.30pm)

it was actually a recce, for NI retreat. invited a few sisters (too few, actually).. none of 'em could make it. then, i thought of postponing to one of the coming weekdays. but nah~ i needed to get fresh air anyway. so, i brought my sister along :)

we alighted at City Hall mrt station. sebab dah lama tak jejak kaki kat situ, i was feeling extra happy, and perhaps, jakOn, to see many people, from different walks of life, going this way and that way.

and for the first time of my life (im sure of it!), i stepped into Raffles City Shopping Centre. uWoW~ looking at the boutiques and window displays.. teringat Suntec City Shopping Mall. mewah betOl~ jalan2 kat tingkat satu je, then made our way to fort canning park based on the sole memory of NI Election back in 2006.

looks like a large area, ey? it is lah.. from the starting point ("you are here" sign) we covered one big round. yupz! oh, i should've brought insect repellent, though. or maybe, coz of the heat of the day, so we got sweaty and itchy.

scenic! scenic! right in front of this fountain are the steps down to the main entrance of the park. behind, is the Raffles Terrace. unfortunately, it's small. had the chance to read a plaque at the side of the so-called house; could be that the original house had been shrunk to the mere hall that we can see today, or it could've been situated somewhere else and this hall is just a 'symbol', memorial, or whatever you wanna call it.

The surrounding area is.. cantik! green, clean grass.. the trees are not so tall. or wide. which means, it's exposed to sunlight. so too bad, we cant have the retreat there.

from top left:

the sheltered area where we had our NI Election 2006. i was really new sey. tau2 je, was invited to go. and i remember the colour code: kuning! feeling2 royal ah.. coz this hill was where the sultan's palace once stood.

the Raffles Terrace. right in front, in the middle, is a flagstaff. tak ingat what's the significance.

a bench facing a lampost. i was amused; why on earth is the bench is there? a person sits there and he can only watch the fence, the lampost and the few trees. agak terperuk pon ade. haha. mcm tak strategic dan tak scenic. O.o

that's my sister, konon tgh tgk ape2 ntah.. klw takde the marquee, i think the shot would be a bit nicer. this is the open space in front of The Legends aka Fort Canning Centre, called Fort Canning Green. i am sure this is where arts events and concerts are usually held. mesti mahal, kan, sewanya? when we got to The Legends, rupe2nya ade orang kahwin. saw the bride and groom, tgh nak pose for wedding shoot. oh, we saw another couple earlier dekat2 Raffles Terrace. memang elok ah klw nak ambil gambar kat fort canning park.. as well as the many gardens kat Singapore ni.. cuma get ready with small towel ke.. sebab klw cuaca panas, alahai~ heh. good thing now ade 'sweat-proof' make-up. haha

this tree kinda fascinated me. dahannya panjang menjalar. you can see in the picture two of 'em are supported by poles. the red-orange flowers add beauty to this tree. it must be old, like many other trees that we saw. tapi kan, dekat2 roots of the tree, byk kerangga, those big fire red ants.

from top left:

kat tingkat paling bawah of The Legends Fort Canning Centre rupe2nya ade sekolah memasak. At-Sunrise GlobalChef Academy. must be a highly reputable school. sempat jugak me and aqila jenguk2 what's behind the glass-paned doors. anyway, there's this water feature (i dunno the correct vocab for this) beside the main entrance door. suker!

sitting on the steps leading right into The LegendsFort Canning Centre. actually nak ambil gambar berdua on the steps, tapi couldnt get the camera position right. padahal ade orang2 kat situ to help ambilkan, eh? heheh.. ape2 je karenah kita kat situ. oh, the 'orang2' there were actually para jemputan yang gi majlis kahwin tu. haha

that's me leaning on a coconut tree. it's actually on a small slope, so that tree kinda bends outwards.. hmm.. if you know what i mean.

trees and clouds. blend in beautifully.

memorial plaques, lined on the two walls outside The LegendsFort Canning Centre. A lof of the inscriptions begin with SACRED. Angelina was 3 years old. Charles Henry was 21, a most dutiful and affectionate son and brother. Hier Ruhet means here rests in German - Carl Wilhelm Andreas Albert (i think it's one person's name, not two) who was born 135 years before i was. These plaques, they are actually tombstones. the Fort Canning Green was once a christian cemetery. wooOooOOOoo..~

The Battle Box! i saw the door to the underground far east command centre first. apparently we had missed the 5pm, the last, visiting slot. i dunno if this building is part of the Battle Box, but the ticket counter's there.

at The Spice Garden. didnt pay much attention to the plants. instead, we took multiple shots sitting on this bench. i think it was past 5pm. legs were getting to get tired. but we made our way to the archeological excavation site and Keramat Iskandar Shah. i think the former is creepier. especially if you're by yourself walking inside the not-that-long gallery to see the pieces of ceramics, jewelleries and whatnots.

as aqila was signing the guestbook at the archeological site, i took these pictures.

Prehistoric Singapore - Although no evidence of prehistoric man has yet been discovered on Singapore, sites with stone tools have been found on Pulau Tekong and on the south shore of Johor. Probably prehistoric people occasionally occupied Singapore, and gathered food here.

The Founding of Temasik - By the early 14th century, Singapore had its own government: the kingdom of Temasik. Chinese traders had already come to settle here by 1330. The palace was built on Fort Canning Hill.

peering thru the window.. nothing inside actually. just a white-walled room. as the sign said, "White Studio".

after ~3 hours of sight-seeing, we returned to our starting point. we didnt descend there, tho. we walked towards the Raffles Terrace fountain and exited via the Hill Street Entrance. we strolled along the Parliament House (fuyo~ first time jejak sana!) and reached the bridge. i dunno its name, but it was surely my first time crossing it on foot. then, we passed all the restaurants and pubs, towards OUB Plaza. again, it was my first. my sis' too. dapat tgk crabs lobsters and whatnots.. the different on-the-table arrangements, deco.. nampak sah kita dua macam tourist kat situ. local. tourist.

bila tgh jalan2.. i was taking it all in. the sights. cantiknya~ it's the river lah.. makes the difference. Rabbij'al hadza baladan aaminaa.. Ya Tuhanku, jadikanlah negeri ini negeri yang aman..

we didnt end there. after taking rest on one of the many seats overlooking Empress' Place, we took a walk in the middle of the CBD.. tak tahu ape nama area tu. it's where people mostly exit from the mrt station below. time ni, dah masuk maghrib. we took train to Bugis. coz i felt like going to the National Library pulak. and Chewy Junior. :p at last, tak gi library. went to Banquet at Raffles Hospital. ate fruit salad while waiting for abang to pick us up.

that's how our day went. i felt happy the whole time. alhamdulillah..!

.. Changi Village and East Coast Park with Family (Sunday, 21 dec '08, 10am)

had our nasi lemak breakfast at Changi Village. no, no, bukan dari kedai yang asyik long queue tu. but from another stall that my bro recommended. after that, pikir nak picnic kat Changi Beach je. tapi, sebab nak main basikal, we made our way to East Coast Park.

guess who's the one who doesnt know how to ride a bicycle?? XD

and since abang got his rollerblades inside the bonnet, i took them out to give rollerblading a try. another first time. oh God! forget about being shy or embarrassed - i fell down, stood in funny positions.. enjoyed myself alright! had abang and mak or aqila to hold my arm. yupz, susah nak balance. lagipon, the rollerblades' size is big. i look forward to try it again!

the sea is blue! i just noticed it. selama ni i have a bad impression of ECP ah. the water is brownish.. coz lots of sand, dirt or what lah.. i would prefer the two ends, especially the stretch leading to the airport. tapi, when i was on the jetty, Subhanallah! a beautiful sight every singaporean can be proud of. indah belaka :)

it was also a rare opportunity for me to dip my feet in the water. you see, ayah tak izinkan berenam/mandi kat laut. so, whenever im at a beach with my friends, kite rase bersalah nak jejakkan kaki sikit pon kat air. nak kata jealous kat kawan2, tak jugak. tapi, bila dapat chance ni, ayah pon bagi green light, waahh.. it felt really good. i guess, the restriction made me more grateful of this moment. simple and normal as it seems, it's wonderful for me~

the three of us on the signature jetty. it was hOt, mind you. i tried bro's shades. oh tidak, sungguh tak kena dgn mukaku. hehe.. eh, do you notice, that we wore the same colour? dark blue.

we left the beach at 2pm. next destination was rumah nenek kat Ang Mo Kio. wah~ lepak habis kat situ. after asar, kita bertolak. the rest of the family went home, tapi kite plak ke .....

.. Marina Barrage (Sunday, 21 dec'08, 6pm)

reached Marina Bay mrt stn aroud 6pm. waited for the other sisters. i was dismayed when i got to know that 2 brothers were joining us. tapi kite tak cakap ape2 ah. yang bagusnya, diorang lambat. so, me, kak fiza and kak ruqayyah took the shuttle bus. sampai, keluar dari bus, walked towards the entrance.. and we were greeted by a... oohhhh! what a sight! woww.. wowww.. waaahh.. ooohh.. serene. spacious. the sea. the sky. subhanallah, subhanallah..

as we made our way inside the complex, we couldnt stop ooh- and ahh-ing. yeah, it was awesome! below are some of the pictures taken:

me and kak ruqayyah main air jugak. wheee~~ couldnt get enough of it! best sangat2! you know, i think i found another side of kak ruqayyah. gila-gila jugak mcm yours truly nih. hahaha.. we talked crap and had quite a big share of smiles and laughter.

aroung maghrib gitu, kak fadz, kak saqinah and kak sarah with another sister (siapa namanya eh?) sampai. the two brothers too. i just acted as though they were not there. i didnt mean to be cold or anything, i simply dont have anything to say to them. them aside, i really enjoyed the company of my gal seniors!

we had a little picnic at the top floor of the complex. open-air. sejuk je rase.. boleh tertidur kat seats, floor or even the grass. this actually reminded me of Marina South Pier. bro brought aqila and me there one night, many many months back. peaceful. far from the sounds and lights from the towns. angin sepoi2 bahasa. mmmmmmm~~~

sempat jugak me and kak ruqayyah baring kat one of the cemented seats. staring into the dark sky. blissful, indeed!

the last shuttle bus was supposed to leave at 8pm. mase tu, kita semua belom puas dgn Marina Barrage, so we decided to give it a miss and suffer the long walk to the mrt stn later. we didnt even remember the exact route out. but i guess we couldnt care less at that time.

we left the place shortly before 9pm. and suprise suprise! there was a shuttle bus. if i remember correctly, the sign on the bus said "LAST BUS". *huge relief* and so, me, kak fiza, kak ruqayyah and kak saqinah took bus, while kak fadz and the bros with their motorbikes.

thank you for inviting me, kak fiza :) im glad i came.

on the whole.. i feel that this is the best weekend i've ever had. i cant remember the last time i felt happy, care-free. i think it's coz of the mixture of experience.. one with my sister, i took this as a time to be with myself and get away from everything. another with family (we seldom go out like this together, so i cherish 'em) and the weekend ended with a bunch of great sisters.

thank You.. thank You.