
visited kak khadijah's blog yesterday -

- few weeks back, there was an ijazah Syamail Muhammadiyah (it's a kitab describing Rasulullah 'alaihis salatu wassalam characteristics) at Jami' Salam somewhere near Jaubar, a city around 20 mins journey from Ruknuddin (the city my friends and me are currently staying in). Led by Syeikh Abul Huda Al-Ya'qubi -hafizahullah- , the event started at round 8:40pm and ended at almost 2 a.m.! no room to feel sleepy (although we all came after school) because Syeikh was reading the hadiths with endless enthusiasm, and from time to time, called out to the syabab below (the ladies were at the 2nd storey): "أين الصلاة على النبيّ؟؟" ("where's the salawat for our Prophet?"). so everytime the Prophet's name was mentioned, the jami' practically roared with salawat. Sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nah sgt!!! Terasa sampai ke lubuk hati…
!صلّوا على النبيّ

ghibtoh sangat2! Srikandi pula siap kata, "ya ALLAH... im jeles BIG TIME!!" *chuckles*

Kitab Asy-Syamaa'ilul Muhammadiyyah karangan Abu ‘Isa Muhammad Bin ‘Isa Bin Saurah At-Tirmidzi, ditahqiq oleh Sayyid 'Imran, diterbitkan (atau dicetak?) oleh Darul Hadith, Kahirah.

Last November, i met up with Suhailah, coz nak ambil kembali buku Salju Sakinah. bila dah jumpa, eh, rupe2nya ada bungkusan dari Mesir. Hadiah dari 'Adilah.... terkejut! dan terus terharu..

rasa lebih terharu bila kite buka bungkusan tu.. Ya Allah! 'Adilah ni macam tahu2 je ape yang kite nak. ;) belek punye belek.. maklumlah, first time dapat hadiah buku dari Mesir~ hati ni berbunga2.. berkobar2 nak belajar ilmu yang ade kat dalam.


nak belajar kitab ni, takkan nak sorang2, tak berguru? dah lah bahasa arab kite lapuk sangat. boleh faham sikit2 je, kalau dibantu kamus Marbawi kesayangan, faham lebih sikit je. lebih2 lagi part footnotes nya. coz ade explanation ttg darjat/source hadith dan lain2 yang kite tak tahu.

kite ade jugak hantar emel kat kawan2, kalau mereka ade translation buku Syamaa'il ni. sayangnye, takde jawapan dari sesiapa. sedih jugak, sebab kite nak belajar, tapi kite takut nak baca dan fahamkan sendiri. satu silap kite: kite tak cuba cari ustaz atau ustazah, ataupon kakak2 senior yang boleh ajarkan.

semangat untuk menelaah kitab ni masih belom pudar. beberapa minggu lalu, mase tgh cari hadith2 ttg budi pekerti Rasulullah sollahu alaihi wa sallam untuk Tawassi Hadith, kite terjumpa website ni: Wah, tersenyum lebar kite time tu. tak sangka ade kat internet. hah, ni lagi satu kesilapan: tak cuba cari online. aiyo~~

dan beberapa minit yang lalu, kite terjumpa website ini pula:

Hadith Sessions - Shamail of Imam Tirmidhi
This compilation of hadith provides detailed descriptions of all aspects of the Holy Prophet [Peace and blessings be upon him] including his physical being, his manner of sleeping, his manner of eating, his speech, his character, his death, etc. Each lesson references the Arabic hadith and then provides a detailed explanation. All lectures are in MP3 format.

Ya Allah...... Alhamdulillah..! *beaming*

k, liyana, Allah dah beri kemudahan, jangan sia-siakan! tak dapat belajar, talaqqi kitab dgn guru face-to-face, belajar online pon boleh lah =) sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit. yang penting, istiqamah!

to all my readers, jom! let's get to know our prophet Muhammad sollallahu alaihi wa sallam. other than reading seerah an-nabawiy, Syamaa'il is another channel for us to learn about him sollallahu alaihi wa sallam, inshaAllah :)