while waiting for the cab..
sis no. 1: so, you buat ape sekarang?
me: kite tgh tak kerja. focus on Re----.
sis no. 1: ohhhhhhh.....!! I got something for youu..!
me: Oh God..!!! *dramatic* I dont like the sound of it...!
sis no. 1: you know ape tu GGS?
me: aaaa... Girl Guide Singapore?
sis no. 1: bukanlah..! haha *laughing*
me: *thinking out loud* GGS eh? aaaa... Great Singapore Sale.. eh, tu GSS~ heh -.-"
in the cab..
me: so, GGS tu ape?
sis no. 1: it's G---- Go S-----. bukan Great Singapore Sale eh!
me: ohhhhh! korang nak revive G---- Go S-----? masyaAllah..!
(dlm hati: bestnyerrrr!!! ^__^)
sis no. 1: so we need someone who can...............................
senyum di bibir hilang sikit demi sikit.
terus terbayang ayah, dan pesanannya tadi. terus teringat tanggungjawab yang terbengkalai. terus teringat hal2 yang perlu diuruskan dalam NI.
me: hmmmm... oh, kite..................................
me: or, kite nak jadi anak buah. macam sekarang. it's a good experience for me.
(nak masuk dept ape eh? fnb dah pernah.. admin? dah.. ohh, logistics pon best jugak)
sis no. 2: ohh.. or we put u as mentor.
(dlm hati: HUH? mentor ape ke benda sey!)
me: taklah...! no, you see eh, mentor ni kena..
sis no. 1 cut off the conversation with something else..
sis no. 2 (or 1, tak ingat): ..be one of the 'think tanks'..
me: haaaa...? *put hand to face, terfikir yang sekarang ni dlm program dah byk kena fikir* tak nakkk
me: panggil lah kakak2 yang... macam...
sis no. 1: dah.. nama diorang ada..
sis no. 2: we are calling all u---- sisters
sis no. 1: ... so kita nak kacau2 (mix).. bila lagi you nak work dgn *insertname*...
(hmmm... got a point there)
sis no. 2: ..you are senior..
me: no! tak lah
sis no. 2: ...you have more experience..
me: hmmmppphhhhh...!
(okay, i gotta say something on this one --
personally, i dont get it. i dont believe i have more experience. to me, head atau vice head takde beza. pengalamannya lebih kurang sama. she had to work together with her head and vice-head.. mesti diorang delegate jobs kan. begitu juga kite. i wasnt 'at the top'.. instead, there were three heads.. me and two bros whom i believe had done much more than me. so what she and i had to go thru should be similar, if not the same. AND, it was just ONE experience. since then, i dont have any other experiences in S---. just that ONE. so, why did she say i have more experience?? astaghfirullah..!
senior? Ya Allah.. selepas RR'07, kite jarang terlibat dgn S---. i am not a senior. to me, a senior is one who's been there for many years AND have contributed so much.
afwan kak.. kite bukan nak marah kat kakak.. kita cuma tak leh terima bila orang kata kite 'have more experience'. kite yakin, kakak lebih banyak pengalaman dari kite. pengalaman yang diraih dalam S--- (sebab kakak aktif) dan juga di luar.
cakap ttg pengalaman, kita berbalik pada 'mentor'. kite nak jadi mentor?? tak boleh kak. sebab pengalaman kite sikit sangat. kite masih tgh belajar. kite rase, kite lebih suka buat kerja. on-the-job training. faktor umur pon kena diambil kira. takkan kite nak mentor mereka2 yang sebaya atau lebih tua dari kite? yes, umur mungkin kurang penting, sebab orang boleh kata dengan pengalaman lah kite boleh bimbing yang lain. tapi, kena match dgn 'profil' mentee jugak. sebab kalau mentor tu sebaya atau lebih tua dari mentee, lebih mudah dan cepat untuk mentee develop rasa respect dan 'mahudengardanmenerima'. lebih mudah juga bagi mentor untuk influence mentee. logik kan?
okay, klw kite nak jadi mentor untuk adik2.. mcm adik2 di beatty sec baru2 ni, mgkn boleh. tapi kalau nak jadi mentor untuk project S---, padahal kite baru setahun jagung, maaf, kite terpaksa tolak.
jika kakak tanye kite, 'tak layak atau tak nak?', kite kata, 'dua2nya sekali'. hmmm.. afwan, kite belom bersedia.)
and along the way in the cab, my thoughts were swimming.. couldnt quite concentrate on the conversation the sisters were having..
"...and i thought one is done and over with...."
"...have'nt u realised it yet?....why is it that....."
"...all these opportunities.... i tot i could run away. but, no. there must be something Allah has prepared for me to do.."
hmmm... meskipun kite minat sangat untuk menyumbang dalam G---- Go S-----, ada hal2 lebih utama yang menuntut tenaga dan konsentrasi kite selepas kem Re---- ni. tgklah camne.. taking one step at a time.
Mohon dipermudahkan..
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