i miss talking about religion. or about issues.. regarding life, current affairs, society, religious practices, philosophy, environment, nature, the future, history.

i miss indulging myself with ilmu. you know what i mean? ilmu, ilmu, ilmu!

i know damn well that what i learn in sch is ilmu, but no, no... what i really miss is ilmu agama.. belajar something for the sake for belajar something. ilmu that im familiar with.. more depth.. more width..

ilmu that can widen my perspective, stretch my mind, teach me to be more wise..

i need some scholarly discussions.. more of them. urgh!

and im really really grateful there's usrah. with my NI mates, and thfz mates.. although i missed two recent ones, 1 NI, 1 thfz..

now, usrahs and majlis ilmu (however informal, with my friends) seem more important than whatever trainings and ALPs. yupz.

Munajat oleh Rabbani

Kubisikkan kerinduan

Kubisikkan kerinduan

Kusembahkan pengorbanan
Membuktikan kecintaan

Bisikanku untuk-Mu
Munajatku mohon restu
Semoga cintaku bukan palsu
Pada desiran penuh syahdu
Gelombang lautan rinduku

Kubisikkan kerinduan

Kusembahkan pengorbanan
Membuktikan kecintaan

Munajatku dalam syahdu
Merindui maghfirah Mu

Mardhiah Mu dalam restu
Harapan tulusnya hatiku

Ku rindukan pimpinan Mu
Keagungan Mu dalam doaku
Kebesaran pada qudrat Mu
Ia membina ruhaniku

Kubisikkan kerinduan

Kusembahkan pengorbanan
Membuktikan kecintaan

Ujian kepahitan
Di dalam perjuangan
Padanya ada kemanisan
Ketenangan dan kebahagiaan
Padanya syurga idaman

Munajatku dalam syahdu
Merindui Maghfirah Mu
Mardhiah Mu dalam restu
Harapan tulusnya hatiku

Kurindukan pimpinan Mu
Keagungan Mu dalam doaku
Kebesaran pada Qudrat Mu
Ia membina ruhaniku

Kubisikkan kerinduan

Kusembahkan pengorbanan
Membuktikan kecintaan
i asked her about solat taqwiyatul hifz - is there a dalil for it?

she answered me in arabic, and immediately i realised she wasnt answering my question directly; she was telling me something else.

she knows.

"cara menguatkan hafalan...... sebenarnya... orang yang menghafal quran.... tak
boleh buat maksiat... sebab ilmu tu cahaya.. cahaya Allah tu tak diberikan pada
orang-orang maksiat.. penting bagi orang yang menghafal al-Quran buat solat
taubah.... lazimkan..."

that's more or less the gist of it, that i can remember.

i was suddenly solemn. another sign.

terkedu. but i wasnt in the right place and moment to reveal my feelings. tahan dulu k?

now, i can think and reflect.

it's still on my mind.

thank you, for the naseehah.. and thank You, for thru this incident i know You love me..

childhood songs

i'd like to start with nasyid.

ingat dulu2... (below 7 year oldnye memory ah.. so, quite fade) time arqam, me dgr nasyid2 by nadamurni and other kumpulan2 nasyid yang ditubuhkan under arqam.. ade yang 'ummiku sayang' album tu - i finally found out that they're called Soutus Sofwa (but i dunno if tu nama yang original atau nama baru selepas pembubaran arqam).

dulu2 tu, kite dgr kaset ah... sedap2 jugak lagunye. most of the cassettes dah tak tahu ke mana.. but few, me tak tahu camne nak dgr sbb the hi-fi system is faulty (which has the cassette player).

so, bila ada imeem ni, me tercari2 lagu2 lama yang pernah me dgr dulu..

ade satu lagu.. dlm album 'ummiku sayang'.. (there are others: dengarlah sayang, adik-adikku sayang) i really dont know sape or tajuk ape.. tapi liriknye asyik terngiang2.

selamat tinggal ayah dan ibu.. izinkan kami pergi dahulu.. mengharap restu juga do'amu.. kami pergi mencari ilmu..


lagu from nadamurni:

and i think, the first moment that triggered back my 'memory of songs' was during a Saff 'R Us session kat perdaus hong kah. mase tu, tgh ade group discussion, then one of the brothers bukak satu lagu ni on his laptop. bila dgr je, terus hati ni berbisik, "eh! lagu tu! i had listened to it long time ago..!" mcm curious giler nak tahu sape nyanyi, tajuk lagu, mane nak dapatkan lagu tu..

when i asked the bro, lagu2 yang dia hantar salah uh.. tapi takpe, that was when i discovered 'selawat atasmu' by nowseeheart, and 'sa'ir' by, tak tahu sape.

i only know it starts with 'solla alaikallahu ya adnani' - tapi kan ade byk versi..

cari punye cari.. i found http://www.downloadnasyid.blogspot.com/ it was some time (a loOng time for me tho') before i found album 'untukmu rasulullah'.

i have satu cd 'untukmu rasulullah'.. tapi nombor 2 nye.. lagu tu dan beberape lagi lagu (yang pasti me recognise) ade kat cd nombor 1.

so.... click, click, click on the songs kat album tu, akhirnya:

oh, another nasyid that i had been painstakingly searching:

(to be continued)

lemme just ramble on...!!

k, i've LOTs to say... maklumlah, berminggu2 tak update kan... so, terpendam je kat pikiran ni..

TERM TESTS ARE OVER...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya Allah.... betapa leganya hati ni~ rasenye, this is the greatest relief ever since i entered year 2. imagine that!

it wasn't a sweet ending, as usual.. nevertheless, knowing that tomorrow's the start of term break (albeit 3 projects at hand).. is hart-warming!

and... i dare to say that i did put quite an effort this week. alhamdulillah.. terima kasih Tuhan..! although... my spirits were going down, down, down as the last day of test (that is today) loomed.. susah betul nak maintain semangat kite untuk belajar kan? haa... sebab tu lah my last paper tak alright sgt.. sebab start belajar pukul 11pm+ the night before.. tu pon tak concentrate and info tak masuk sgt, sbb dah ngantuk. and, esok paginya baru sambung.. and my cpu agak slow (coz of the semangat turon and the distraction 'cepat lah habis..!!!')..

looking on the bright side, i was able to do bpharm calculations!!!!

oh yeah, have i ever told you that i find calculations hard? i cringe whenever there's calculations question.. dari first year sampai sekarang. yup, most of the time i dont understand the question.. and i dunno how to start solving the problem. hmm.. i wonder where my math power has gone to. *need more practice*


aqila dapat 217 for her PSLE!! marha~ marha!! best kan? the highest kat sekolahnye (madr aljunied) is 240. dua orang. dua2 perempuan. gO GiRLsss~!!

and then, suddenly i thought.. "hmm... klw dulu aku ambil PSLE.. rasanye aku dapat berapa eh..?" talk about what if's!

another good news.. although agak terlambat is.... kamaliah got 3rd in her class!! yeSsA~ i know i've said this, but let me say it again: im PROUD of you, mate! *flashing my big toothy smile*

cerita lain:

1. i just discovered this website: http://www.iluvislam.com/ yesterday.. check it out gals! it was created by muslim lads from malaysia. and what's impressive that they, and their comm members, are students in overseas university!! muslims + malay + malaysia + europe + university =
future muslim intellectuals, insha Allah!!

oh, and what you get there:

Di sini anda berpeluang untuk menikmati pelbagai hiburan alternatif, info
universiti, koleksi artikel seantero dunia, perbincangan ilmiah, video islamik,
tv streaming, politik, perubatan dan kesihatan, cinta dan remaja, dakwah dan
jemaah, nama-nama anak anda, soal-jawab ustaz, ...dan banyak lagi!!

2. i was given the opportunity to help a sis mend a booth at masjid an-na'eem family carnival on 2 dec 2007. this sister is the woman behind http://www.nour.sg/ (promo ni!) and mewah apparel (located somewhere in bukit batok).. k, yang me betul2 nak promote ni is her designing service for customised badges, corporate stationeries, shirts (dry-fit), posters, etc etc etc.

and fyi, she was the main designer for Ramadhan Rocks 2007. yeah!

so, i know her from there. sehari sebelum RR'07 baru dapat bertemu 4 mata (or shall i say, 8? coz both of us wear specs. heh.) dgn Kak Hairani. your hard work is very much appreciated kak! =)

k, actually, what i want to share is....

remember i said i hadnt bought myself a gift in one of the previous posts?

pada hari tu lah, i got myself the Ultimate Birthday Gifts (macam betOl je ehh..). nak tahu ape? oh, lain kali kite cerita k? i want to post the pictures here too.. buat kenangan. *nak ambil gmbr then upload, tu yang leceh uh*

3. i've found some nostalgic songs.. you know, the songs that you heard/listened to when you're a kid. then you never heard it again.. but somehow, that memory is in the back of your head, and quite suddenly, one day, the rhythm just pops up, and you find yourself humming the tune, and if more lucky, some bits of the lyrics. but! you forgot what the song title is.. or who the singer is..

so, thanks to http://www.imeem.com/, i was able to retrieve these memories back!

amazing how 'playing music on your web' has evolved! just few years ago, i had wasted time and energy finding the html code to put song(s) in my blog.. even more ma fan if you have to 'upload' (i dunno what's the best word) the song of choice, like, manually, coz it wasnt available in any music codes sites. or even find the html for the music player.

now, everything's easy. the websites are there (music hosting webbies, eh? multiply.. flashfetish..).. all you have to do is upload the music (or just find it, like at imeem) and copy and paste the code. and voila!

videos also... youtube.. veoh.. haiz~ teringat dulu.. sedangkan nak letak lagu punyelah seksa, apatah lagi videos!

4. recently, i've been to 2 weddings.. got to see different perspectives... coming up, this sunday, my alsagoff senior, mariam hashim, is getting married!!

hmm... majlis2 nikah ni made me thinking, plus daydreaming, about my own wedding, calon suami (oops!).. hidup sebagai isteri.. bernikah muda.. even nama anak. what i prefer and what i dont. AND, the ultimate question whether i will live long enough to even get engaged. hah!

k, cakap pasal nama...

5. Mujahid ---- sedapkan bunyinya? with huruf 'jim' and 'ha' yang tebal.. bila sebut word tu.. seolah2 terlambang keteguhan, kesungguhan.. i had come to realise the depth of the word 'mujahadah' only this year.. around ramadhan.. when i reflected back on all the tribulations, emotional, spiritual, that i am facing.. and the word 'mujahid' appealed to me.

and kebetulan, masa hari raya yang baru lepas ni, i found out that my anak sedara (who's 21 years old) namanye muhammad mujahid. wow!

but i prefer simply, Mujahid.

another word that has been on my mind for quite some time is 'Dzulkifli'. yes, i prefer it spelled with 'dz'. sebutan kena tepat! i had thought of that name/word when i reflected on my personality. sometimes, i noticed that i was/is a 'pak sanggup'.. sanggup gi jauh to send a form to a friend, sanggup tunggu lama2, sanggup buat itu ini when nobody else did.. hmm... why did i go to the extra mile eh? kenapa menyusahkan diri eh? i remember my dad mentioned this behaviour of mine to me.. tak ingat lah bila.. but it kinda stuck in my head.

and i was reminded of makna 'Dzulkifli' dalam buku cerita kanak2 25 rasul (tak pasti colour biru atau bijau punye)... 'yang mempunyai kesanggupan'..


Raihan and 'Ibaadurrahmaan' pon mcm sedap eh nama? tapi im not sure of the latter's meaning ah.. 'ibad tu, is it 'worshipper' or 'worshipping'..

klw nama perempuan plak.. hmm... belum dapat inspirasi..

6. it's been a long time since i write a sensible, mature post about issues. serious stuff.

hmm.. maybe it's my lack of knowledge. but more possibly, because expressing myself and my opinions in writing isn't my strength.

and yes... it's been a long time since i read something substantial. masuk internet, baca blog orang.. suratkhabar pon, BH je.. but not-so-heavy news je..

haiz~~ apa nak jadi! gotta change, gottachange gottachange~~

ape lagi nak share eh?

oh, another webbie: http://www.islamicevents.sg/ where events/talks/seminars/classes are advertised. it's new.. so spread about it k? so more people will know about this wonderful service the web creators offer!

let's support the efforts by our brothers and sisters! with the IT knowledge that we have.. must utilise it optimally for da'wah, and for the ummah!
Sabar di Hati
Syukur pada Wajah


my sister bought Indulge's tiramisu for me... that's very thoughtful of her.. thanks, aqila!

i had never tried tiramisu before... and i had been eyeing, sort of, the tiramisu from Indulge since the shop opened few years ago. lama eh? tak mampu ah... plus, tak sampai hati nak keluarkan duit to buy a small thing (in this case, food) at a price at which i can buy 2 muffins instead.

so, when i opened the fridge last night, and then, opened the box.. ooh! it's tiramisu~~

anyway, other than that, she bought my fav 'sweets' ah basically.. 2 pastries from Indulge, and chocolate fudge slice and peanut butter waffle from Prima Deli. *suker, suker, suker!*

and thank you, for those who wished me...


i'd like to think that i shouldnt expect anything.
and thus, i dont expect anything.
kena didik diri ah..
coz it's just one of the many days.
so there's no need for anyone to remember.
even myself, to an extreme extend.

nevertheless, i've yet to buy you anything..
just a du'a with the deepest hopes, and earnest feelings..
yang penting, you're happy k?
be strong, girlfriend!

check these out! *for muslimah*

knee-length shirts.
button badges.

whee~~ i like!

haiz~ kalaulah me ade duit untuk beli t-shirt2 tu... some of the colours and designs are nice!

1. http://deenarts.blogspot.com/
2. http://nurcahaya.wordpress.com/
3. http://www.anamuslim.com.my/
4. http://www.nour.sg/
5. http://www.seni-puteh.blogspot.com/
6. http://raiyanz.blogspot.com/2007/06/sambutan-tshirt.html
7. http://blogs.cjb.net/islamicbadges
8. http://www.wanitamelayu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13422 (bigger pictures of shirt designs)
9. http://muslimahtshirt.blogspot.com/
10. http://www.faeizonline.com/shop/
11. http://brotherhoodarts.com/
12. http://www.dapat.net/mms/actual/viewactual.aspx?Gambar=Gambarbaju1.JPG&Mesej=PRODUK%20TERBARU%20DARI%20TFM%20DESIGN!!
13. http://www.eelmoo.com/CasualWear/index.php?act=viewCat&catId=1

i need to..

- start going to tkd trainings and stick to them.

- start taking tkd trainings seriously, if im ever going to represent TP in pattern and sparring.

- start revising for term test, which starts on dec 10th. and it's a bunch of tests, not just one.

- treat myself something, to make myself happy.

- laugh less.

- be more friendly. i notice that i've been smiling less for the past, umm... i dunno.

- think how to help my family financially. holiday job?

- settle my choice of formal clothes for csas4 job interview test, although the test is more than a month away.

what else?

zina hati

an excerpt from an article/story:

"Betul, zina hati. Semua inilah yang Rasulullah jelaskan dalam hadithnya tentang bagaimana menghampiri zina tu. Anta boleh 'check' dalam Riyadahus salihin bawah bab larangan melihat wanita. Rasulullah bersabda, mata boleh berzina dgn melihat, lidah boleh berzina dengan bercakap, tangan boleh berzina dengan berpegangan. Kaki boleh berzina dengan berjalan ke arah tempat maksiat. Hati pula boleh berzina dgn merindui, mengingati dan membayangi si dia. Hakikatnye, macam mana pun anta buat, anta tetap tak dapat lari daripada zina hati."




in one of my previous posts, i told you that i lost the family's new camera, right?

well, we've gotten a new one. malam raya~ my sister was pushing my parents to buy one.. and she insisted that it's gonna be hers. like, duh?

anyway, for my part, although i was kinda happy if we would have a camera for raya, i was still worried.. hmm.. had (and still have) a tingling feeling (sometimes, like chill running down my spine, or suddenly my hands become cold; and i would rub my palms).. uneasy, a bit scared whenever i thought of holding a camera. til now.

but, yeah, ended up my sis n mum went to buy a pentax 8.1 megapixels after maghrib at the photo shop near our house.

of course, i still enjoy taking photos *sukerrrr* but i still feel the repercussion of that fateful day.

and no, im not camera-phobic.

about me.

do you know, the time, the place, the situation, where you have to tell people about yourself (tell me/us about yourself?), or in your profile in webbies, such as friendster.. or even blog, you gotta describe your personality and whatnots..?

well, i've decided to write some things about myself.. in case i lose my memory one day. so my friends can show me my own blog, and specifically, this post, to help me refresh my memory.. so friends, take note, ey? but hopefully, nothing bad will happen to me..

whatever that comes to mind:

1. i dont wear jeans

2. im usually insensitive to people's criticism. i welcome feedback, comments, even potentially hurtful ones. i understand that some people find it hard to be tactful.. so rather than let them test their sentence-building skills, i prefer to let people shoot whatever they want.

3. my all-time favourite.. ermm.. im not sure what you call it - 'food' is very general, 'snack' sounds like it's not healthy - let's just say, 'snack'.. k, my all-time fav snack is roti bakar. yupz! loooovvvvee it. sampai bila2 pon me takkan naik muak makan tu.. ok, klw tak paham, bahasa inggerisnya ialah 'kaya toast'. huu.. dari kecil ku makan makanan ni.. teringat dulu2, whenever i went to ang mo kio library, bila singgah kedai kopi dekat2 situ (yang ada kedai maria mariana or something).. mesti order roti bakar. cuma, nak komen: KENAPE ROTI BAKAR SEKARANG MAHAL NAH??!! $1 UNTUK 2 KEPING ROTI (aka 2 triangles - 2 roti square, then dipotong shape triangle) APE SEHHH!!! ni bermakna kan... me kenalah bikin roti bakar sendiri...

4. another all-time favourite snack of mine is.. milo sejuk + biskut. whee~~ me suke sangat.. klw dlm satu hari, makan tu dua tiga kali pon ok. tak makan nasi tapi makan tu je pon ok. again, ni dari zaman kecil2 dulu.. n selalunya, me cecah biskut yang square shape (hup seng ke.. jacob's ke.. tiger ke..). *sedap nye~~*

5. i dont wear make-up. foundation, bedak, lipgloss and whatnots.. tak reti uh.. nak pakai celak pon, keberatan. pernah dgr yang pakai celak ni sunnah.. tapi sejauh mana kebenarannya eh? klw ditunjukkan bukti yang sahih, baru me pakai kot.

6. i like instrumental songs. usually, kinda new age, or soundtracks, or some foreign language songs. oh.. klw nak cerita ttg music, lain post je ah. plus, im trying to reduce listening to songs - im progressing well, cuma kadang2 tu, still dgr lagu jugak~.

7. ms. grammar. when i check documents, i would usually look for grammatical n spelling errors. takes time! other than that, im very particular about standard format.. i mean, klw marginnya senget, tak sama, bla bla bla.. meticulous but kadang2 leceh.. but, i cant help myself sometimes. heh.

8. 1 eye is bigger than the other. im not talking about the diameter of my eyes. im talking about the appearance. oh ya, and i wear glasses - my vision is slowly deteriorating everyday.

9. the only educational magazine that interests me so far is national geographic magazine. although it's been a while since i read a copy. and.... i borrow them from libraries. i only own one copy. bought it with my own money. some time this year, i think. you know the feeling, when you were a kid, and you wanted a certain candy (or whatever stuff lah), it costed higher than the average and you didnt have money. and you waited (for a loOng time) til you had enough money. and finally, you succeeded in getting your first candy, using your own money? you know, that personal satisfaction? yeah.. that was how it felt when i managed to buy my first nat geo mag. it costs $7.50, i think.

10. i had wanted a bicycle. i still do. though i dont really see a point of having one. yelah, bukannya boleh bawak gi east coast park ke mane2 yang jauh to ride it. and maybe, one day i may leave singapore. so takkan nak bawak dlm aeroplane.

11. i keep stuff for memoirs.. yeah, well, maybe im sentimental? or nostalgic? when i had to 'bongkar' my almari and reorganise my stuff last ramadhan coz i got a new almari, i realised that i have many things (cant think of an example now), small and medium, papers, souvenirs..

12. and i tend to hold dear to my stuff.. such as my old school shoes, and my broken umbrella, or my alsg school bag, or my old notebooks, or my old watches.. i have this mentality 'haiz~ benda ni dah banyak berjasa sey'.. berat betul hati ni nak buang...

13. im not the eldest of my siblings. some people may think im anak sulung, coz of my character.. umm.. sebenarnya, me tak paham sgt ah kenapa orang boleh pikir that im the eldest. ok, so, im the 4th child. or in another way, im the 2nd child. tak paham? tak pe.

14. i dont eat food from fast-food restaurants, except for fries, drinks, apple slice (from McD's), apple/pineapple pies, McD's hotcakes. i dont mind if my friends decide to eat at those places, i'll just buy fries (although sometimes, i may have to suppress my hunger). why, you may ask? oh.. ceritanye mudah je. cuma.. kite tak nak share kat sini. if you ask me directly personally then i may be able to explain it to you. but then again, maybe not. coz some opinions are best kept to self.

ok, i think that's enough for now. shall add on to the list if i remember more.

15. im a passive smoker.

16. i dont like missing the traffic light. you dont understand? it means, tertinggal traffic light... dah nak dekat lampu hijau, and yet im not near enough to cross.. err.. k, klw tak paham takpe.

17. a sweet tooth! chocolate, pastries, muffins, ice creams, desserts.. it's heaven! choices are limited, coz banyak nah yang tak halal. but im still thankful that there are chocolates and other sweet delights that i can eat and cake shops i can go to.. woo hoo~~

18. thriller films are ok, but horror (!!) films are a big NO-NO!! =S

self examination

this semester kan, im studying a subject called communications skill for applied science 4. in short, csas4.

andd...... the main topics for this subject are resume and cover letter writing... and job interview!

yupz, that's right. TP's preparing me, and my BMS year 2 mates, for the world. *chewah~ mcm bet0l je -.-"*

so i had to find 3 job ads, in the newpapers, job ad webbies... that suits your field of study or interest. initially, i found 3 that kinda alright.. err.. sebenarnye, 1 je yang appealing: management trainee for times bookstore. lagi 2 tu.. ade kena mengena dgn science ah.. tapi... maahh-cam tak minat.

so... the night (or shall i say, the weeeee morning) of the day that we were to submit the resume/cover letter.. i searched online. akhirnya.. me jumpe satu job yang boleh dikatakan suit my interest, my qualification (diploma) and field of study (biomedical science).

haaa.... ape interest gue?

well, i have this teeny-weeny hope and ambition in my head and mind that i want to pursue genetics studies. kinda fascinate me, although i got C for molecular genetics last semester.

so, the job ad that i found has to do with doing genetics stuff.

and then, apabila sudah ku temui pekerjaan yang ku inginkan... ku mula menulis (aka typed) resume dan cover letterku.

fuyo~~ resume tu senang jugak nak buat. cuma part 'achievements' 'skills' 'extra-curricular activities'.... errr... mcm segan nak tulis.

k, nak katakan, when writing the resume n cover letter, we had to pretend we've already graduated.

klw 'extra curricular activities' tu... taklah byk sgt kan...

eh, sidetrack kejap -

i actually looked thru my file of certs. then, i realised that i cant use practically most of my certs to show relevant achievements and whatnots. betul! regret? takde ah... i take the certs as memoirs of what i had done during my pri-sec-poly years. relevant ke tak, they're for my own personal.. umm.. keepsake?

k, back to the main story -

part 'achievements' plak, takkan nak concoct yang tak benar... dan yang sebenarnya, i couldnt find any achievements relevant to the job that im applying. pening~ pening~.. but then, ape kisah! this is just a draft resume n cover letter. i just put what i have uh... later, teacher can give feedback whether it's appropriate or not.

n then, 'skills' ade few sub-titles: biomedical skills, language, and leadership/organisational skills.

for the last one tu.... i put my role in RR'07. rase mcm bersalah gitu bila letak tu.. nama je 'head' tapi pada hakikatnya, i didnt lead. i just played as a team member. yes, i do realise that maybe, just maybe, this involvement in RR'07 would look good, or nice, in my future real resume. tapi macam.. macam bedek ah. k, senang cakap, i dont feel that i deserve to state '........ in ramadhan..... a youth development.... by... bla bla..', coz i feel that i never did enough to even speak of it.

k, next!

cover letter. waduh~~ leceh banget! i was like, fidgeting in front of my computer screen.. at 2 plus in the morning i think... or was it 1am+.. pikir, pikir.. cari ilham... browsed the sample letters that i have, browsed the net.. flipped thru the 'guide to writing cover letter' section in my csas4 handout.

finally, i managed to come up with a decent letter, albeit a not-so-persuasive-let-alone-impressive one.

yang penting, tugas dah selesai. and i can rest in peace. ^.^v


bila tengah cari job ads... baru lah me sedar betapa susahNYA(!!) nak cari kerja yang sesuai dgn minat kita.. klw ikut qualifications, ade lah jugak some available positions.. tapi yang nak kerja ni diri kita... kita yang tanggung.

and i realised... 'eh? what do i want to do?? i dunno what i want to work as...!' ni memang soalan n pikiran cepumas!

dah tu... my tutor gave us 2 handouts: 'self profile' and 'job fit'.

yang 'self profile' tu kena letak kat my APEL portfolio.. im supposed to evaluate myself.. reflect.. and write my strengths and weaknesses in the paper. with neat handwriting. mcm mudah kan? oh, tidak~~~ i must support my strength with 'what i have done to show that i have this strength'..... leceh!!!! tak kuasa ah nak pikir2 balik.. rasanye, mcm takde pon! weakness plak... oooo... banyak nah~ cuma, takkan nak sebut semua kan? mesti yang relevant je uh..

oh, n i still havent finished the 'self-profile'.

'job fit' gotta correlate the job requirements with what i have.. eg, good team player.. so kena write ape2 yang dilakukan to show that im a good team player. this one, i think kena submit kat tutor some day kot. *belum habis buat jugak*

yupz.. basically, ni je yang me nak share buat masa ni. i think im gonna write a post that lists my strengths and weaknesses.. maybe i'll update it every time i remember 1 point or so..

what is your profession?!

found the track below while browsing imeem for soundtracks and whatever songs that came to mind.

which reminds me of something.
smiling to myself. amused.

same old story

it's been two weeks since school reopened, and now im halfway thru my poly studies.

and that 1 1/2 years have seen a lot of changes in me; or rather, traits, good and bad, that had been hiding under my skin before i enter this self-discovering, self-destructing tertiary life.

and it is at this point i realise that my chances for getting into a decent university, let alone a well-established one, lie in my own bare hands. and the bottle is half-empty now, due to my own wrong doing. but, looking on a brighter side, i still have space to fill.. as much as i can muster.

and looking as it is now, while squinting to predict a slice of what might become in that far horizon...

i've wasted a lot
and therefore,
i've double the burden,
double the responsibility..
i've to make up for all the loss..

i am halfway til the end
what do i want my end to be like?

i can taste that bitter future
if only i can reassure myself
that i can change what is not yet done
i can, i can, i can!

i am so afraid
that i might fail.

lend me double the strength,
double the will,
chain my desires!
lock up the devil in me!
for i only wish to strive
for that sweet victory in the end.

she says:
u wanna knw wat motivate

analiy says:

she says:
whn i'm so tired of struggling

she says:
well ALLAH's love i used 2 aim for my dreams for my parent but sohow tt just not enough. n i do not feel tHey appreciate it

she says:
but whn i fight for HIM i knw indirectly n sohow i feel HIS present n motivation tt how or not i'll drop all n not fight anymore cz it's v tiring on my part

analiy says:
i dont understand your last sentence

she says:
well if i fight 4 anyone else beside HIM i'll give up. cz i'm v tired

she says:
i an emotionally n physically

analiy says:

analiy says:

analiy says:
thanks for sharing

analiy says:
what you shared kind of enlightened me...

analiy says:

she says:
n insY it help u through

analiy says:

she says:
cz i start getting fed up of skol until well i rember tt hope it help u cz i knw at the finisng line HE's waiting

analiy says:

analiy says:
yes, He's waiting

analiy says:

she says:
n of cz no suffering goes with HIM noticing

she says:
cz it show HE love us n pls remind tis whn i forget cz i do forget it

analiy says:

analiy says:

thank you, O Allah, for this subtle reminder thru the lips and hands of this friend of mine.

Guide us thru and thru, Ya Rabb~

htech lab + semangat national day pics

found a photo album in my shutterfly account while going to upload pictures from 'adilah-azizah-liyana-zakiah outing.

got pictures from htech (histological techniques) lab session (slack habissssss! i think it was the last lab session for the subject), from the last french tutorial (my tutor's the dark-haired one), and pics of the AG12 malay girls at the back of Flavours, the AS canteen.

*the link has been removed. sorry.*

few pictures from thumbdrive (but no french tutorial pics)

finally! =)

Alhamdulillah~ akhirnya.. rinduku terubat jua..!

tak dapat dibayangkan betapa gembiranya aku dapat bertemu kembali dengan rakan2 seperjuangan. aku cukup terharu. rasa gembira bercampur sedih dan bersyukur silih berganti.. at several points, airmataku bergenang.. ku cuba sedaya upaya untuk membendung perasaan yang kadang2 terlalu overwhelming..

ahh.. aku dapat menarik nafas lega.

Terima kasih, Tuhan.. kerana memberiku umur yang panjang, kesihatan dan waktu untuk bersama mereka di bulan yang mulia ini. meski aku tidak dapat berinteraksi dengan mereka dengan sepuas2nya.. aku tetap bersyukur di atas ni'matMu ini..

meski seorang kawanku tidak dapat datang, lantas aku berasa sedih sekali kerana kami berdua masih diuji dengan perpisahan.. aku tabah, Ya Allah... jika ada rezeki, kita pasti bertemu, sahabat..


di bawah ada beberapa gambar yang dapat aku petik sewaktu jalan raya kami ^.^ sebenarnya, ada banyak lagi.. tapi yang lain tu, aku simpan dahulu.. bila aku sudah dapat gambar2 lagi daripada kawan2ku, aku akan kumpulkan dalam satu online album.. selepas tu, baru aku letak linknya di sini.

wah... dah besar satu2 kawan aku nih! aszafirah, kamaliah, mardhiah, kak hairani dan kak ummu.. masing2 kelihatan lebih matang.. ada juga yang cukup bergaya! hehe..

di rumah ust ratnadumilah..

"awak nak buktikan kat saya kan.."
masya Allah.. tersentak aku bila mendengar ust mengungkapkan kata2 itu sewaktu bersalaman dengannya. terus aku menjadi sensitif.. aku hampir2 menitiskan airmata. Ya Tuhan.. terima kasih di atas peringatan ini.. ya, aku terlupa, bahawa aku telah menulis kata2 janji kepada guruku di dalam sebuah kad dulu.. hmm.. kad apa ya? kalau tak silap aku.. kad hari guru..
rasa terharu bersulam dengan rasa berat di hati.. terasa seolah2 aku tidak mampu untuk mengotakan janjiku.. Ya Tuhan.. berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk memikul amanah ini.. harapan guru2 serta ibubapaku..

huhu... kamaliah maintain muka ke pe...? =p it's great to see aszafirah, kamaliah and khadijah.. buat mel and dja, ana doakan persahabatan korang kukuh... moga takkan ada perang besar antara korang lagi. tapi yang pastinya, permusuhan yang dahulu kini berubah menjadi satu ikatan yang erat. alhamdulillah~ to me, that's one amazing miracle! Indahnya aturan Allah..!

kak hairani, murni, 'adilah, kak ummu dan nafisah.
Murni, pengorbanan anti takkan sia-sia, insha Allah..
Tuhan, berikanlah kelapangan kepada rakanku itu.. kurniakanlah rezekiMu pada keluarganya.. amiin~

naqi muzaffar. 2 tahun. adik murni. aku suka mendengar suaranya.. comel! and he was a good boy the whole dayy..! ohh.. aku mendukungnya dari traffic light sampai rumah ust suhana. fuh~ berat..!! bila tengah solat tu, rasa sangat yang pergerakan lenganku dah jadi slowww.. must be the muscles. heh.

bersama ust saniah

bersama ust damawiyah

di rumah ust suhana

murni, nafisah, 'adilah dan kak ummu

di rumah ust kamsinah.. nak dekat pukul 11 malam - walau penat, masing2 masih mengukir senyuman..
buat seorang sahabatku: anti, ana faham yang anti dah penat, lantas tak sabar2 menunggu sesi 'fotografi' selesai. tapi, ana tak suka bila anti merungut tentang 'inefficiency' pemetik gambar tu.. anti kawan ana, and i care for you, my dear friend.. besar harapan ana untuk melihat anti bukan sahaja lebih baik dari segi penampilan, tapi juga akhlak. bila anti merungut sebegitu, ana terkejut sedikit.. coz that part of you is still there.
walau apa pun, ana tetap doakan yang terbaik buat anti =)

dear 'adilah, aszafirah, kak hairani, hazimah, kamaliah, khadijah, liyana, mardhiah, murni, nafisah, kak ummu...

thank you for the company.

kepada teman2 yang masih belum ku jumpa dan bertanya khabar,

im waiting for that day to arrive, let's wait together k? moga dipanjangkan umur.. and i want you guys to know that i'm missing you.. :'(

what i've been up to

assalamu 'alaikum, semua~

it's been more than a month since i last posted a proper entry.. lots of things have happened, and along the way, i gained new experiences and felt various, well, feelings. yupz.

let's see..

main examinations

all i can say is, sometimes i hate myself. why is it that whenever exam period comes, i would study late at night? why couldnt i prepare for my exams earlier? why, why, why have i not changed?

hmmm.... hamdan lillah, certain papers and questions were quite easy. and some, well, not to say 'not easy'.. rather, i didnt study or memorise those parts.. so, too bad, i lost precious marks there. takpelah, mungkin memang me deserve it..

the paper that i was most afraid of was molecular genetics. i failed my term test, my practical test, and i usually didnt do my tutorial, i knew that my CA percentage was near marginal.. i had really hope i didnt fail my CA component.. anyway, i could say that i studied hard for the main exam, coz i need to get sufficient percentage to ensure that i could pass the subject, never mind if it's a 'just pass'..

bila exam dah selesai tu.. rase lega jugak.. but negativity reigned.

coz i knew i screwed up a lot.
coz i knew i wasted a lot of time and opportunities.

the results? a distinction (french ^.^), B+, B, C+ and C.

im definitely not an A student.

and yeah, my gpa dropped.. still a 3.pointer though. alhamdulillah~


i was given the opportunity to be part of the organising committee. it's a great experience - got to learn how to organise an event, liaise with outside parties, do admin work, paper work.. plus, new friends =)

dari segi pembangunan diri, hmmm... memang banyak yang dipelajari. tarbiyah dari segi emosi, kepimpinan, keperibadian, spiritual... Ya Allah.. terima kasih di atas segalanya.

klw nak cerita ttg RR'07 kat sini, it'll take forever. heh. since im the sort of person who, after some time, looses the idea and enthusiasm to write and remember.. plus, it's cumbersome to find the right words.

a new camera... which drowned

the camera that we had since 2004 (or is it 2003?) had been showing signs of 'old age'.. so, we bought a new one, pentax 7.1 mega pixel, at a good price, $249. plus, we got free 1Gb memory card.

and then.....

during RR'07 recce, while a bunch of us were in a boat at kallang river, the camera slipped into the water.


it was gone. forever.

when we realised that the camera was nowhere to be found, i lost my enthusiasm and joy. all the way til the end of the recce, my mind was occupied with 'how to repay the money that my mother had paid for the camera'.. it was her hard-earned money. and i blamed myself for losing it.. although the fact was, someone else lost it. but i couldn't afford to blame or be angry at this person. all i could think of was to forgive him, and to not let him pay for what he had done. even though, at some points, the other me reasoned argued that he should.

but no. i was too busy feeling guilty for not listening to my instinct (i had a feeling prior to going into the boat that leaving the camera with other people+on water was a bad move), and for losing a new thing that belonged to the family.

hmm... ok, me mcm dah serik nak pegang camera sendiri. and aqila sometimes tries to be sarcastic and make me feel guilty. but you know what? i just dont give a damn about the incident anymore. i simply take it as a learning experience. anyway, aqila is insisting, or shall i say demanding?, that we get a new camera before raya. =S oh tidaaakk!!

ramadhan 1428H

alas! i live long enough to welcome this blessed month =) and i got the opportunity to mosque-hop on certain days for tarawih. and qiyam too.. tapi for that, me dapat dua masjid je: alkaff kg melayu and ghufran.

cuma... the last 10 days of ramadhan.. 1st few days dapat ah.. tapi sekarang smpi akhir ramadhan.. gonna miss 'em.. cheer up, wahai diri, pastinya ade hikmah di sebalik ujian ni.


im not looking forward to raya... can we have another month of ramadhan?

iftar events

tahun ni, i didnt get to go to any poly/uni MS iftar.. ade yang clash with RR'07, or other iftar sessions.. oh well, insha Allah, klw ade rezeki, tahun depan me nak nak nak pegi, nak gi NUSMS, NTUMS, NPMSS, and NYPMS iftars..

the ones that i went were iftar with my 5 classmates - dina, fana, nana, rusy and tira, and iftar organised by impian. the latter was a good opportunity to familiarise myself with impian, its people and.. yeah, it felt great to be back in a 'madrasah students' bi'ah...

and... NI iftar! yeah~ it's good to be back, seeing the faces of the alumni, the comm members, and our friends from the different polys. plus, this time, there were also ITE students and few facis from RR'07. although... me tak dapat join the cleaning session, coz got grading. tapi takpe, me still suker, suker, sukerr. heh!

raya preparations

gone to geylang.. gone to arab st.. gone to johore.. the usual needs - clothes, tudung, kuihs - for raya have been fulfilled.. memang bagus klw kite settle benda2 ni awal2 ramadhan kan? jadi bila akhir2 ramadhan, tak usah kelam kabut, and kite boleh concentrate buat kerje2 lain.

in case you're wondering, no, i dont bake any cookies this time. tak kuasa..!

and as usual, the house, esp my room, needs tidying (err.. grammar betul ke?)

and speaking of grammar, someone has just finished taking her psle exams.. i hope she had done well, and that she will not be disappointed when the results come out (late november).. Ya Allah.. berikanlah dia kejayaan.. sesungguhNya Engkau Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik buatnya..

okie dokie, i think this is enough for now. untuk post ni je, it took me more than 1 hour to complete.

hingga bertemu lagi di post yang lain...!

-- fade to black --

videos for keepsake

Ramadhan Rocks v. Xtreme 1428

Logistics team with their antics
1st day, at CCAC, shortly before noon or afternoon, not sure..

nasheed performance by Saff brothers
morning of the last day

Feature in Berita Suria
22 september 2007, 8pm

feature in Warna Ramadhan
30 september 2007, some time around 6.45pm (the show itself started at 6pm)


feedback by admin head
during post-mortem, 1 october 2007



look at the everyday scene.

look at the families.

look at the houses.

look at the children.

and i wonder if those buildings still stand,
the families still complete,
the children still alive.

اللهم انصر اخواننا فى عراق

target sparring

14.8.2007 - my first training after 3-4 weeks of absence.

there were better ones.. but when i wanted to record a better demo of target sparring, my camera battery went flat. oh well~

pump it! LOUDER!

saw this video during one of the elf meetings. hilarious, i tell you! i was entertained by their antics. indeed.


warning: for those who dont like rap/hip hop songs, n those who dont like to watch crappy videos, please dont bother to watch this. well, there's no porn or vulgarities .. so it's really up to you.


some worries

should sisters be in logistics? coz based on experience from seniors... it's hard to control the situation esp one the event day.

will the concept paper be a strong, persuasive and impressive one? coz we need a good proposal to get sponsors.

how will the budget be covered? will it be covered? again, concept paper~~

how about wet weather programme? seeing the activities lined up, if it rains, it's gonna cause some major delay, or even, change of activities.

will the pax get the message that we want to put across to them? or will they be too tired and exhausted by the end of the day that they just want to sleep in peace? or will they have too much fun that the message just cant get into their heads and hearts?

will i be able to handle the last minute changes, interruptions, problems, dilemmas.. on the event day? will i be able to make a decision that it is needed so suddenly? will i be able to execute quickly yet effectively?

and i have exams to worry about~

national poomsae 2007

the day started off quite bad..... i woke up to the vibration of my handphone - pei yong was calling. and i realised it was 8.40am. the bad news was, i was supposed to be at the toa payoh sports hall at 8.30am. worst, i had 7 missed calls!!

feeling guilty n sleepy, i told pei yong something like 'im going out of my house soon', or was it 'im ironing my clothes'... such a liar!! and it turned out that pei yong had sensed it. heh, since my voice was the typical 'baru-bangun-tido-nye-suare'.

keluar rumah... sempat gi mcdonald's beli breakfast.. huhu.. tapi nasib baik ku beli makanan, coz kat sana takde jual makanan yang halal lagi memuaskan.

and so, the place was quite crowded. at this point of writing, i cant remember whether there were more people during poomsae or during grading. lots of kids, teenagers, adults.. i even saw people from races other than malay, chinese and indian.

yanning and i were in the female single category.
peiyong, yanning and i were in the female group category.

female single category:

i saw few familiar faces.. from the IVP last march. it was straight away the semi-finals as there were only around 12-15 participants (i cant remember exactly how many) vying for the top 8 places in the finals.

i was pretty nervous.. oh, yes! but personally, i thought that single category is much easier to handle since you have yourself to control, to focus on. i cant really describe the feelings when i was there on the blue-yellow mat.. sorry, it was months ago, and i just cant recall.

suprisingly, i was among the top 5 scorers. so was yanning. so both of us managed to get to the finals! alhamdulillah~~~~~~

it was such a looooonggg wait for the final round. i couldnt sit still, or even eat the pizza that we ordered for lunch.

anyway, for tkd poomsae, we need to know 2 pattern. sam-jang and sa-jang.

sam-jang pattern is like this:

click here if you cant view the video.

the sa-jang pattern is like this:

click here if you cant view the video.

of course lah, my sidekick is much worst than the girls' in the video. their frontkicks are impressive too.

the final round --------

again, i cant remember how i felt, what i hoped, but i do remember that the pattern went quite well... until the last part. (oh ya, before i forget: we had to do sa-jang in semi-final, and sam-jang in final).

as i turned to do low block-punch-low block-punch-low block-frontkick-punch-low block-frontkick-punch, i suddenly, utterly did the front kick at the wrong order. (kicking is supposed to be during the last two sub-parts of the last part, not anywhere during the first two) fuh~ rosak, rosak~ n from there, my pattern was not in order.

i was disappointed with my score. if i had not screwed up that last bit, i would have gotten a higher position. i got the 8th place. tapikan, the trophy is the same as the 3rd place's (yanning got 3rd) but a bit shorter.

tapi bila pikir balik... masya Allah~ mudah je Allah nak tarik balik ingatan kita.. betape byk kali kite practise/hafal, dgn sekelip mata, you can forget. hmmm... me pasti, ade hikmah di sebalik ape yang berlaku. takpelah... Allah nak ajar me supaye lebih sabar and tabah dgn unexpected things, n redha dgn keputusan. n mungkin Allah nak balas dosa2 me (now that i think of it, it could be coz of lying to pei yong) dgn cara ni. nasib baik, bukan dgn cara yang lebih buruk.

liyana, nick, daniel, darrel, andre, janice, yanning and gui wen

tiffany, nick, bryan sir, darrel, daniel
grace, janice, gui wen, pei yong, yanning

female group category:

believe it or not, there were only 3 teams competing in this category. TP, meridian JC and a group from a club.

we were the last team to go.. meridian JC team score quite well - 7.something. ok, so we lined up at the side of the mat, walked to our positions (the walking part, i screwed up too, my hand n leg movements werent the same as pei yong's and yanning's -.-"), bowed, and got ready in the start position (the command is 'JOONBE' [june-bee])

and then, something happened.

yanning and i heard the commander saying the pattern name. while pei yong heard him saying 'start'. so, she started to move. yanning was suprised. I, was shocked! yanning quickly recovered and followed pei yong, while I was stunned. it was like, my body refused to move, my mind said "guys~ we should restart!".. but then, i started my pattern, quite rushing (and thus, incomplete moves) since i wanted to catch up with pei yong and yanning. i could hear pei yong saying 'slow down'.. maybe to herself n yanning (so i can catch up) or to me (so i wont go rushing all the way).

man, it was disastrous!!!!!!!!!!! while i was doing the pattern, i remember thinking that "oh no~ our hopes just went down the drain~~"

but we ended the pattern quite in unison.

click here to see the video.

and the most unbelievable thing is, we won the 1st place!! bizarre~ bizarre~ we were only 0.2 points higher than mjc. err... that was what people say ah... but main point is, it was a really close shave.

yeah~ this is one event to remember, dear self! quite amazing.. and to really think about it, we dont deserve the 1st place. for me, this win doesnt reflect our hard work, rather, it shows how a miracle can happen in a quick flash. and fortunately for us, that miracle was on our side.

while waiting for our turn

with the bronze-coloured trophies for single category.. we were waiting for our gold trophies.. heh.

beside yanning is girlene, bryan sir's wife. they got gold for mixed pair category.

yeah, we won something.. ^.^

at the hotel reception

"You have just arrived at the reception desk of a hotel in Marseilles. indicate whether you have a reservation. you need a room for 2 persons witha a double bed and a bathroom with shower and toilet. you want to find out more about your room (price, floor, etc...), the hotel services and the premises. you may want to add value by asking directions to a place of your choice."

above is the guideline for the french speaking test which i took on tuesday, 7.8.07. i must say, me n partner, we did a good job! ^.^ my tutor recorded a bit in her handphone. aiyo~ quite embarrassed ah... she wanted to show, umm.. im not sure who. -.-"

here's the dialogue:

dyana: bonjour, mademoiselle!

liyana: bonjour! bienvenue à l'hotel. je suis liyana, à votre service. vous avex une réservation?

dyana: non, je n'ai pas des réservations. vous avez une chambre pour deux personnes?

liyana: pour combien de nuits?

dyana: pour cinq nuits. je veux une chambre avec un grand lit et salle de bains avec douche et WC.

liyana: attendez mademoiselle....... oui, mademoiselle. nous avons deux chambres pour deux personnes. une chambre près du jardin et une chambre en face du centre commercial.

dyana: c'est combien, la chambre?

liyana: pour cinq nuits, ca fait quatre cents euros.

dyana: est-ce que le petit déjeuner et la service sont compris dans le tarif?

liyana: oui, mademoiselle.

dyana: et quelle heure le petit déjeuner?

liyana: de sept heures à dix heures.

dyana: d'accord. je prends la chambre près du jardin.

liyana: ah bon... comment vous vous appelez?

dyana: je m'appelle Dyana Rahman. voilà mon passeport.

liyana: merci... oh! vous étes singapourienne?

dyana: oui, je suis singapourienne. vous étes française?

liyana: oui, je suis française. je travaille ici, à Paris. mais je suis de Toulouse.

dyana: Toulouse? j'ai une amie à Toulouse. elle dit c'est trés beau.

liyana: oui, c'est super. j'aime Toulouse!

dyana: umm... il y a une station de metro près d'ici?

liyana: oui, c'est près du théâtre, entre la rue St Pierre et la rue Lily.

dyana: près du théâtre? entre la rue St Pierre et la rue Lily?

liyana: oui... voilà votre passeport, et la clé. le numero de la chambre est un un deux (112).

dyana: merci. c'est (à) quel étage, la chambre?

liyana: la chambre au sixiemme étage.

dyana: ah bon! merci beaucoup....... oh, où je peux changer des dollars?

liyana: pour changer des dollar... oh! il y a un magasin au bout de la rue. vous pouvez aller à pied.

dyana: c'est loin?

liyana: non.

dyana: ah bon.. enchantée!

liyana: enchantée aussi. bon séjour, mademoiselle!

want to know what on earth we were talking about???

here are some helping words:

bienvenue - welcome

à, à l', au - to, at

votre - your

vous avez - you have

chambre - room

pour - for

combien - how many

nuits - nights

grand lit - big bed aka double bed

salle de bains - bathroom

douche - shower

WC - toilet

jardin - garden

centre commercial - shopping centre

près - near

en face - opposite

petit déjeuner - small lunch aka breakfast

compris - is/are included

je prends - i take

je travaille - i work

de - of, from

j'ai - i have

amie - friend (female)

dit - say/says

trés - very

entre - between

étage - floor

je peux - i can

magasin - shop

à pied - on foot

enchanté(e) - nice to meet you

bon séjour - have a good stay

what's my major?

i kind of agree with the result. hehe..
maybe i'll take this into consideration. =)

You scored as History/Anthropology/LiberalArts, You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in History, Anthropology, or related majors (e.g., African and African-American Studies, Chinese, Classics, Cultural Studies, Economics, English, French, Geography, German, Greek, Hebrew, International Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, Women's Studies, or other Liberal Arts majors).

It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.

Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.





























created with QuizFarm.com
Terima Kasih, Tuhan..

kerana mempertemukanku dengan mereka

ukhwah ini masih bertahan walau beberapa tahun telah berlalu

Terima Kasih, Tuhan..

kerana mendatangkanku kepada mereka

di waktu aku terkapai-kapai dalam hidup yang seolah-olah tidak bermakna

Terima Kasih, Tuhan..

kerana mengingatkanku

peringatan yang Kau sampaikan melalui mereka

Terima Kasih, Tuhan..

kerana menghadiahkanku teman-teman

ikatan persahabatan yang terjalin ketika sama-sama menghafaz KalamMu

Ya Tuhan,

rahmatilah teman-temanku itu

lindungilah mereka

tanamkanlah dalam hati-hati mereka ketabahan dan kesabaran

jadikanlah mereka wanita-wanita solehah.. anak-anak yang solehah


dia itu..

hari ni merupakan hari yang bersejarah buat kau, liyana!

kau tak pernah bermimpi yang kau akan berjumpa empat mata dgn orang tu. well, pernah jumpe ah.. as in, setakat nampak or ternampak je.. kau tak pernah terpikir yang kau akan duduk, berdiri, dgn orang tu kat tempat yang sama. kau tak pernah menduga yang kau akan berada dekat dgn orang tu - less than 2 metres!! 2 jam lebih pulak tu!

ape ke benda yang aku cakapkan nih?! hah, buat panduan kau (bila kau bace balik post ni), cube tgk balik kat diari/calendar 2007 'saturday, 21.7.07' dan kau akan ingat ape yang aku tgh refer to.

klw kau nak tahu, bila kau dgr name orang tu disebut sebagai salah seorang wakil institusi, kau rase.... "hahhhh? dia? alahai~~" hmm.. rase panik sikit pon ade lah. tibe2 kau macam dread gitu untuk berada kat tempat tu. bila orang tu datang, dan akhirnya kau nampak muka orang tu setelah.. mmmm.. let me see, nak dkt setahun..., kau tak rase ape2.. tak berdebar pon. yang kau rase ialah "hmm.. whatever. aku buat keje sendiri diam2.."

baguslah~ nasib baik perasaan kau tu dah lame terpadam. klw tidak, mungkin kau tak boleh duduk diam tadi.

terima kasih Tuhan, kerana memudarkan perasaan kawan aku yang sememangnya tak patut dan membuang masa. terima kasih Tuhan, kerana telah menenangkan hatinya..

cuma, aku harap orang tu tak kenal kau sape ah... or ade ape2 idea, atau hint, tentang kau.. ish~ malu sey kalau orang tu tahu yang kau pernah dotdotdot...

oklah, aku tak nak cakap banyak... seperti yang pernah kau katakan (dlm sms kpd seorg senior kau kat TP): "semoga hati ana tak bergetar disebabkan mana2 lelaki dan semoga tidak ada lelaki yang tergetar hatinya disebabkan ana", aku harap kau akan istiqamah, stay focused dlm mengejar cita2. jaga hati, jaga iman. haa, jaga pandangan jugak, sbb takut terkena panahan syaitan! minta dijauhkan...~

old blog??

eh, i just found an old blog of mine http://www.123freehost.co.uk/sites/khaulahufayrah/default.asp

wah, terperanjat sey...

i was doing a yahoo search for 'nor liyana'. saje je.. http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oGkjJAB59GUuwA_NBXNyoA?p=nor+liyana&fr=yfp-t-501&fp_ip=SG&rd=r1&meta=vc%3Dsg sekali, nampak the description:

a girl, age 13, muslim, studying in alsagoff arab school....get to ... teens : Nor Liyana. Home. Your Ad Here. The Spoken Word Dies, The Written ... Nor ...

and i thought... eh????? sape ni......??

wow! dah nak masuk 5 tahun sey.. and i dont remember creating an account in 123freehost!

i find this statement very intense, deep with meaning and seriousness indeed.

of three wishes

did any of you watch Three Wishes today, 10.30am - 11.30am on channel 5?

i did. and it made me ponder about wars, and lives, and sacrifices..

seeing the soldiers being hugged and kissed, simply surrounded by their loved ones at their homecoming event, when the officer said "fall out" and the soldiers broke into smiles of relief and happiness..

oohh~~ i was just so touched.

as much as they're americans, they're also humans. men of families, men of nation who go to war under the order of their country.

and some of them got injured, some of them died, while the lucky ones, truly lucky i'd say, finally got to go home.

mcm sedih gitu. and im not talking about the soldiers featured in the show just now, but soldiers all over the world. hmm... they fight, uncertain about their own safety, whether they were going to be kidnapped, bombed, ambushed, or shot.. only God knows how hard their situation is..

alangkah baiknye klw kat dunia ni tak de peperangan, tak perlu ade peperangan. jadi takde sape2 yang perlu takut, baik keluarge si askar, ataupon mangsa perang, kedua2 saling hidup dgn kebimbangan.. one is afraid to get a phonecall, or a knock on the door, that may suddenly bring heart-breaking news, the other one is afraid of going to the shop, or letting his/her child go out to play, for a tragedy might happen..

memanglah kite kat singapore ni sukar sangat nak empathise, nak bayangkan diri kite dlm keadaan yang serupa dgn mereka2 di luar sane... sbb kite belum tempuh war yang sebenar.. but for me, watching the show was enough to make me realise how peace is important, how family is important, how brotherhood is important. and how disruption of peace and understanding can bring unwanted doom and sadness. and loss.

just to be back home, safe and sound, is very hard and seemingly impossible for the soldiers out there. can you imagine??

i dont care whether they are soldiers or freedom fighters... in the end, they're just humans and they have their own families..

i pray that you will be safe. and ultimately, i pray that you will find the hidayah from Allah.. Ameen~

microtome blade

i feel cut off from my alsagoff friends.
yeah, whatever.

a different light

went to ust sakinah's blog just now. seeing her camp explore's pics made me think: hmm.. what a small world indeed!

i mean, i saw lots of familiar faces.. from TP, Nur Ikhwan, Saff Perdaus, fellow madrasah students.. imagine, the people i had known first, now known by ust sakinah herself. wonderful isnt it, how fate gathers us together in the same circle, eventually =)

on thursday, i went to ahlulquranpts usrah.. you know, i think our usrah is a bit different. coz we dont have a permanent naqibah. but that doesnt matter, right? coz most importantly, the content and sharings are there. right?

during the last part, ust sakinah shared about her reactions when she got her exam results. i must say... it made me think (that word, again) how desperate i want A's in my results transcript this semester, how i had felt the sheer disappointment knowing i didnt work hard and thus would definitely not score well in my term tests.

all these lead to me reflecting, why is my motivation the want, the need, to get in the TOP 10% of the cohort? why is my motivation to be on the same parr as the malay girl, who has the same name as me, who is in the top 10 students for 1st year? why..?

and why isnt my motivation based on the desire to please God? why do i feel a bit estranged from the fact that Allah is always there for me? why do i not trust and put all my hopes and prayers in Him?

why everytime i face failure, or even sense failure, i quickly become discouraged? why cant i be stronger, realising that Allah has me in His hands?

why am i so afraid that i wont reach my goal of getting the A's? is it super important that it blinds me from the pure intention of seeking knowledge?

think, my dear self,
think of your primary intention.
the others will come later.
once you set your innermost intention,
sure about it, work within it,
then you dont have to worry.

dear self,
remember what you have written and meant here, ok?
remember the mist of feelings that shrouded you when you wrote this:
inpired, worried, sad, hopeful..
may you perceive things in a better way now.
in a different light.

watch this space for more info..!

i want this. i want that.

sometimes i wonder
what's best for me.

my term tests are over. and i can safely say that the chances of any improvements are somewhat tilted to the no-no land.

ok, im being merepek. just ignoRe.

i would really like to spend time with my friends this term break. hmm... i'd like to see khadijah, kamaliah, aszafirah, mardhiah, liyana, huda ibrahim.. mm.. who else?

and i would like to go rockclimbing!!! sape2 nak gi rockclimbing with me??

and i want to play badminton in the school's sports complex. or jog around the bedok reservoir park.

i dont want to go to cca trainings or meetings. or any project meetings.

i just want to sit and talk and joke (or more likely, listen to jokes) with my friends whom i've long ceased spending time with them, let alone seeing their faces 'live'.

oh!! and i want to see Hazimah and take a tour around RP.

eh, before i forget: the tkd poomsae is indeed next week, 17 june. *lemah sey semangat biler pikir yang aku ni belum practise!*

ok. enough said.

enjoyable read

i believe some of us have our own favourite blogs that we visit each time we have the chance, if not frequently. we would anticipate new posts by the blogger, waiting to be entertained, awed, inspired by the stories shared, or maybe, by the seemingly effortless, interesting way of his or her writing.

as for myself, i especially enjoy reading 3 blogs (so far), owned by people that i know.

aszafirah's blog
i simply like her writings. be it formal or informal, singlish or english, deathnote or not. she always finds the suitable words, font styles (simple things like bold, italic etc) to describe her day, her feelings. simply said, she expresses well in writing.

kak khadijah's blog
her personal entries are always amusing, and at some points, enriching. playing with the font colours and size, her message/ideas/thoughts become well understood, and readers like me can imagine the feelings/moods that she's putting in her posts. and knowing kak khadijah, she is one funny yet insightful gal, and sometimes, quite a drama-mama!

kak hidayati's blog
im impressed by her use of language when describing things, or explaining things. she takes the time to tell one part of the story to another. it's like reading a fiction book sometimes. and seldom do i find grammatical errors in her posts. i guess it shows that she's quite a perfectionist when it comes to details, yes? the contents of her posts are usually good too. i mean, it's not what people call 'rubbish' or 'insignificant extras'. oh, n i think her simple blog layout motivates people to read too. =)

yes, im jealous of their writing talents. but at the same time, i admire their abilities.

well, keep up the great job guys! ^.^

like me! hmmm...

i was bloghopping and one particular blogger post something about birthday calendar and interpretation of names. lucky me, she also posted the link.

so i tried.

wah...~~ i found it interesting. coz of the facts related to my birthdate, and the analysis of character and personality, which is derived from my name only, is quite true. unlike analyses that i've come across so far, this one is the closest to reflect my own character and personality, and also, what i hope to be (in terms of positive character lahh.. not the business thingy).

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~


some info that i found interesting/relevant for my own knowledge:

Your date of conception was on or about 9 March 1989 which was a Thursday.
*just so you know, my birthdate is not on 9 march 1989*

You were born on a Thursday
under the astrological sign Sagittarius.
Your Life path number is 5.

Life Path Compatibility:
You are most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 1, 5 & 7.
You should get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 3 & 9.
You may or may not get along well with those with the Life Path number 8.
You are least compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 2, 4, 6, 11 & 22.

The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2447860.5.
The golden number for 1989 is 14.
The epact number for 1989 is 22.
The year 1989 was not a leap year.

Your birthday falls into the Chinese year beginning 2/6/1989 and ending 1/26/1990.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Snake.

Your Native American Zodiac sign is Owl; your plant is Mistletoe.

You were born in the Egyptian month of Menchir, the second month of the season of Poret (Emergence - Fertile soil).

Your date of birth on the Hebrew calendar is 2 Kislev 5750.
Or if you were born after sundown then the date is 3 Kislev 5750.

The Mayan Calendar long count date of your birthday is which is
12 baktun 18 katun 16 tun 10 uinal 16 kin

The Hijra (Islamic Calendar) date of your birth is Thursday, 1 Jumadiyu'l-Avval 1410 (1410-5-1).

As of 6/6/2007 12:07:22 PM EDT
You are 17 years old.
You are 211 months old.
You are 914 weeks old.
You are 6,397 days old.
You are 153,540 hours old.
You are 9,212,407 minutes old.
You are 552,744,442 seconds old.

Celebrities who share your birthday: *i picked the names that i've heard of before*

Clay Aiken (1978)
Winston Churchill (1874)
Mark Twain (1835)

There are 177 days till your next birthday...

Your birthstone is Citrine

The Mystical properties of Citrine

Citrine is said to help one connect with Spirit.
Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)

Yellow Topaz, Pearl, Diamond

Your birth tree is

Ash Tree, the Ambition

Uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with its fate, can be egoistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over heart, but takes partnership very serious.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~


You entered: Nor Liyana
There are 9 letters in your name.
Those 9 letters total to 46
There are 4 vowels and 5 consonants in your name.

Your number is: 1

The characteristics of #1 are: Initiating action, pioneering, leading, independent, attaining, individual.

The expression or destiny for #1:
A number 1 Expression denotes the skilled executive with keen administrative capabilities. You must develop the capacity to be a fine leader, sales executive, or promoter. You have the tools to become an original person with a creative approach to problem solving, and a penchant for initiating action. Someone may have to follow behind you to handle the details, but you know how to get things going and make things happen. You have a good mind and the ability to use it for your advancement. Because of these factors, you have much potential for achievement and financial rewards. Frequently, this expression belongs to one running a business or striving to achieve a level of accomplishment on ones talents and efforts. You have little need for much supervision, preferring to act on your own with little restraint. You are both ambitious and determined. Self-confident and self-reliant must be yours, as you develop a strong unyielding will and the courage of your convictions.

Although you fear loneliness, you want to be left alone. You fear routine and being in a rut. You often jump the gun because you are afraid of being left behind.

The negative attributes of the 1 Expression are egotism and a self-centered approach to life. This is an aggressive number and if it is over-emphasized it is very hard to live with. You do not have to be overly aggressive to fulfill your destiny. The 1 has a natural instinct to dominate and to be the boss; adhering to the concept of being number One. Again, you do not have to dominate and destroy in order to lead and manage.

Your Soul Urge number is: 8

A Soul Urge number of 8 means:
With an 8 soul urge, you have a natural flair for big business and the challenges imposed by the commercial world. Power, status and success are very important to you. You have strong urges to supervise, organize and lead. Material desires are also very pronounced. You have good executive abilities, and with these, confidence, energy and ambition.

Your mind is analytical and judgment sound; you're a good judge of material values and also human character. Self-controlled, you rarely let emotions cloud judgment. You are somewhat of an organizer at heart, and you like to keep those beneath you organized and on a proper track. This is a personality that wants to lead, not follow. You want to be known for your planning ability and solid judgment.

The negative aspects of the 8 soul urge are the often dominating and exacting attitude. You may have a tendency to be very rigid, sometimes stubborn.

Your Inner Dream number is: 11

An Inner Dream number of 11 means:
You dream of casting the light of illumination; of being the true idealist. You secretly believe there is more to life than we can know or prove, and you would like to be provider of the 'word' from on high.

to those who know me: so, what do you think? in your opinion, is the analysis correct, or mostly correct, about my behaviour/character?