feeling guilty n sleepy, i told pei yong something like 'im going out of my house soon', or was it 'im ironing my clothes'... such a liar!! and it turned out that pei yong had sensed it. heh, since my voice was the typical 'baru-bangun-tido-nye-suare'.
keluar rumah... sempat gi mcdonald's beli breakfast.. huhu.. tapi nasib baik ku beli makanan, coz kat sana takde jual makanan yang halal lagi memuaskan.
and so, the place was quite crowded. at this point of writing, i cant remember whether there were more people during poomsae or during grading. lots of kids, teenagers, adults.. i even saw people from races other than malay, chinese and indian.
yanning and i were in the female single category.
peiyong, yanning and i were in the female group category.
female single category:
i saw few familiar faces.. from the IVP last march. it was straight away the semi-finals as there were only around 12-15 participants (i cant remember exactly how many) vying for the top 8 places in the finals.
i was pretty nervous.. oh, yes! but personally, i thought that single category is much easier to handle since you have yourself to control, to focus on. i cant really describe the feelings when i was there on the blue-yellow mat.. sorry, it was months ago, and i just cant recall.
suprisingly, i was among the top 5 scorers. so was yanning. so both of us managed to get to the finals! alhamdulillah~~~~~~
it was such a looooonggg wait for the final round. i couldnt sit still, or even eat the pizza that we ordered for lunch.
anyway, for tkd poomsae, we need to know 2 pattern. sam-jang and sa-jang.
sam-jang pattern is like this:
click here if you cant view the video.
the sa-jang pattern is like this:
click here if you cant view the video.
of course lah, my sidekick is much worst than the girls' in the video. their frontkicks are impressive too.
the final round --------
again, i cant remember how i felt, what i hoped, but i do remember that the pattern went quite well... until the last part. (oh ya, before i forget: we had to do sa-jang in semi-final, and sam-jang in final).
as i turned to do low block-punch-low block-punch-low block-frontkick-punch-low block-frontkick-punch, i suddenly, utterly did the front kick at the wrong order. (kicking is supposed to be during the last two sub-parts of the last part, not anywhere during the first two) fuh~ rosak, rosak~ n from there, my pattern was not in order.
i was disappointed with my score. if i had not screwed up that last bit, i would have gotten a higher position. i got the 8th place. tapikan, the trophy is the same as the 3rd place's (yanning got 3rd) but a bit shorter.
tapi bila pikir balik... masya Allah~ mudah je Allah nak tarik balik ingatan kita.. betape byk kali kite practise/hafal, dgn sekelip mata, you can forget. hmmm... me pasti, ade hikmah di sebalik ape yang berlaku. takpelah... Allah nak ajar me supaye lebih sabar and tabah dgn unexpected things, n redha dgn keputusan. n mungkin Allah nak balas dosa2 me (now that i think of it, it could be coz of lying to pei yong) dgn cara ni. nasib baik, bukan dgn cara yang lebih buruk.
liyana, nick, daniel, darrel, andre, janice, yanning and gui wen
tiffany, nick, bryan sir, darrel, daniel
grace, janice, gui wen, pei yong, yanning
female group category:
believe it or not, there were only 3 teams competing in this category. TP, meridian JC and a group from a club.
we were the last team to go.. meridian JC team score quite well - 7.something. ok, so we lined up at the side of the mat, walked to our positions (the walking part, i screwed up too, my hand n leg movements werent the same as pei yong's and yanning's -.-"), bowed, and got ready in the start position (the command is 'JOONBE' [june-bee])
and then, something happened.
yanning and i heard the commander saying the pattern name. while pei yong heard him saying 'start'. so, she started to move. yanning was suprised. I, was shocked! yanning quickly recovered and followed pei yong, while I was stunned. it was like, my body refused to move, my mind said "guys~ we should restart!".. but then, i started my pattern, quite rushing (and thus, incomplete moves) since i wanted to catch up with pei yong and yanning. i could hear pei yong saying 'slow down'.. maybe to herself n yanning (so i can catch up) or to me (so i wont go rushing all the way).
man, it was disastrous!!!!!!!!!!! while i was doing the pattern, i remember thinking that "oh no~ our hopes just went down the drain~~"
but we ended the pattern quite in unison.
click here to see the video.
and the most unbelievable thing is, we won the 1st place!! bizarre~ bizarre~ we were only 0.2 points higher than mjc. err... that was what people say ah... but main point is, it was a really close shave.
yeah~ this is one event to remember, dear self! quite amazing.. and to really think about it, we dont deserve the 1st place. for me, this win doesnt reflect our hard work, rather, it shows how a miracle can happen in a quick flash. and fortunately for us, that miracle was on our side.

beside yanning is girlene, bryan sir's wife. they got gold for mixed pair category.

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