nak elakkan osteoporosis!!

skrg nie tgh buat research analysis ttg nutrition for elderly. jadi me bacelah artikel pasal osteoporosis... it means 'porous bones' aka the bones become weak and brittle.

wah~ gue tak nak tu berlaku pada gue bila dah tua nanti.. skrg nie pon, my leg bone mcm ade something wrong. nak kate bruise, bukan. but then again, me tk pasti whether it's my bone or muscle yang rasa sakit occasionally. the 'thing' starts after i took up tkd.. coz of the trainings, the pain, though not usually significant, never subsided completely. till now.

anyway, i got some tips that i read from the health promotion board website:

mcmane nak kurangkan risk of getting osteoporosis..

exercise: weight-bearing exercise - JOGGING, dancing and briskwalking... wah! mudah betul... heh.. nasib baik sejak masuk poly, me dah mula jogging (tp mase tkd training je.. =p)

another type of exercise is resistance exercise - PUSH-UPS and weightlifting. skrg nie, mase training jarang ade push-ups.... so i will have to 'cari semangat' to do it myself. heh.

dari segi makanan plak:

kite2 yang berumur 10-18 tahun perlukan 1000mg of calcium daily. my supervisor says that it's easy to reach that number daily. mula2, me pikir mcm byk sgt gitu... but bila dah tgk kt website HPB... ooh! senang je..
klw ade yg tk minat susu pon, ade food/beverage lain yg provide calcium =)

(brand ape eh?)
(good thing i've started eating yogurt since...last year? or was it last two years..?)
(no comment -.-")
(lalalala.... klw ayah tahu betape BANYAKnye calcium ade dlm ikan bilis... haiz~ tkkn akan stop lah me di'encouraged'nye untuk mkn ikan bilis BANYAK2...)
(me makan lah jugak.... tapi tk favourite sgt.. klw kombinasi lauk menyelarakan, barulah me suke)
(suke suke SUKE nyeeee!!! ^_^)
(sedap! tapi one glass - 250ml - tk provide byk sgt calcium ar.. 25mg je)
(happy betul bila me dpt tahu yg buah tin adalah sumber calcium yg oomph! 5 biji - 95g - provide 240mg of calcium!! dah terbukti dah bahawa buah tin yang disebutkan dlm alQuran mmg sah khasiatnye! and i'll be happy to eat 10 or more dried figs, doubling the calcium it gives... like 500mg?)
(waah~ berita gembira lagi! tk sia2 me suke makan dried apricot.. bukan sahaje sedap, tapi ber-calcium! hehe..)
(good news lagi!)
(pada zaman dahulu kala me tak minat makan buah nie...)
(nak kate, roti nie mmg complete segala nutrients yang kite perlukan... err.. betul atau tidak? anyway, rajin2lah makan roti ye!)

ade byk lagi source of calcium... tapi me tk letak kt sini. cari sendiri. hah!

oh! and get at least 30-60 minutes of sunshine per day. we need vitamin D which increases calcium absorption from the intestines.

plus, i just found out that smoking causes early menopause in women, apart from bone loss.

ok. that's all for now. gotta go! hope this information benefits you!

into the first week of holiday

1. i am accepted in this semester's differential research program (DRP).. i got my first choice. and apparently, i had forgotten what my 3 choices were, let alone the 1st choice! so, when i got a call from Ms Ong Eng Gim, who introduced herself as my research supervisor, i was like... wow! i got the opportunity this time! but... err.. what did i pick? O_o i checked my tp email just now and found out that the research is on nutrition; something about menu analysis.

2. my schedule from tomorrow till 16 march is packed!! wAaAAArrggghhh~~!! ehem. what i mean by 'packed' is that everyday i go out. NI matters, facilitating in a camp (more of that below), tkd, zoo outing with classmates, DRP briefing and labrador park outing with tahfiz friends. tiring, you know! all these eat up the one week school holiday.. camne nak adekan gathering dgn sec42005?! budak2 kuis, dq, poly ok ah.. tapi mwti, maarif, zuhri, pergas?

3. there was a briefing for Character Building Camp for Underprivileged Children at Sunbeam Place (the camp venue).. this camp is organised by SMU.. and they invite TP Community Club Sub-Comms to be volunteers for the camp.. there are 15 of us. 5 to help in the games, 10 to facilitate the groups. we didnt see the children, though the principal did give us the ground rules, the do's and dont's... oooOoOoOOoo.. the camp is for 2 and a half days, no sleeping over. that's good for me =)

4. now that the tkd ivp's over, it's back to kickin' targets and whatnots.. fuh~ i felt like i was doing the kicks for the first time on tuesday night.. we focused on pattern for like.. more than one month? so, my still-not-improving kicking skills have somewhat wilted. but then again, it felt good to be kicking around again.. lalalalalala... never mind that i improve slower than the others!

5. to be honest, i really dont have high hopes for my semester two results. my gpa was 3.02 last semester, and after some calculations (with actual incidents, not numbers) and measurements, i am afraid i may fall lower than 3.02. disappointed? OF COURSE im disappointed with myself! i have never failed to disappoint, on one occasion or another, havent i?

6. how come i couldnt access to aszafirah's blog page? aiyo~~ mcm tk sah plak klw me tk visit blognye.. heh.

7. the pursuit of happyness is soo ordinary.. soo subtle.. soo human, that my eyes were filled with tears of understanding, empathy and pure joy at the end of the movie.

stay tuned!

young sports leaders seminar at SMU - 3 march 2007

Taekwondo Open at NTU - 2, 3 & 4 march 2007