the time has come..jeng*jeng*

nggak ada apa2, actually. cume hari nie dah start CA2..haiz~~ baru berape bulan azam aku buat jugak! resolution ape nih?! nvm..alhamdulillah..paper td senang..biase ah..ust yaakob ajar..tauhid..but, BUT.. me tk dpt full marks *sad*..i think im going to get 52-55 for this aiming to score 90% overall utk CA2 tgk ah camne..dah lah hafal last minute - n i mean last..minute! - masuk dlm otak pon temporary..klw ingat lucky ah..moreover, i dunno what's going to happen to me in the next 9 days..harap2 sihat ah..jd mood blajar tu tetap ade..amiin..

ok ah, i think that's byk cerite ah..sowie..i noe this page's a bit boring lately..i just cudn't find the time to retell the stories of the day..

pantang larang...alahai~~

nur aisyah hantar me this email on monday 160804...*nice* berfaedah jugak ah...sedar tk sedar, kitwe buat bende2 cam gini..btw klw krg nk copy from here, boleh ah...then pass to other people,ok?? jd org lain pon dpt jgk ilmu nih! hehe.. ;p

Dalam Kitab Al- Baqarah Fii fadl Lis Sa'yiwal Harokah yang di susun oleh Abi Abdillah Muhammad Bin Abdulrahman Al Habsyi telah diterangkan perkara - perkara yang mempunyai hubung kait dengan kesusahan seseorang. Iaitu..

* Tidak Solat
* Bila hendak makan tidak membaca Bismillah
* Makan di atas pinggan yang terbalik
* Memakai kasut memulakan dengan sebelah kiri
* Menganggap ringan apa - apa yang terjatuh dalam hidangan makanan
* Berwuduk di tempat membuang air besar atau kecil
* Suka bersandar pada pintu rumah
* Suka duduk di atas tangga
* Membiasakan diri membasuh tangan dalam pinggan selepas makan
* Membasuh tangan dengan tanah @ tepung
* Tidak membersih rumah
* Membuang atau menyapu sampah dengan kain
* Suka membersih rumah pada waktu malam
* Suka tidur atas muka
* Membakar kulit bawang
* Menjahit baju yang sedang dipakai
* Mengesat muka dengan baju
* Berdiri dengan bercekak pinggang
* Tidur tidak pakai baju
* Makan sebelum mandi junub ( mandi hadas )
* Tergesa - gesa keluar masjid selepas sembahyang ( subuh )
* Matahari belum terbit sudah pergi ke pasar
* Lambat pulang dari pasar
* Berdoa hal yang tidak baik
* Tidak menutup makanan yang dihidangkan
* Suka memadam lampu minyak tanah atau lilin dengan nafas
* Membuang kutu kepala dalam keadaan hidup
* Membasuh kaki dengan tangan kanan
* Suka kencing pada air yang mengalir
* Memakai seluar sambil berdiri
* Mandi junub di tempat buang air atau najis
* Makan dengan menggunakan dua jari
* Berjalan antara dua kambing
* Berjalan antara dua LELAKI
* Suka meletakkan jari tangan di atas bahagian lutut
* Meletakkan tapak tangan di hidung
* Suka menggigit kuku
* Suka mendedahkan aurat di bawah sinar matahari @ bulan
* Mengadap kiblat ketika buang air
* Menguap ketika solat
* Meludah di tempat buang air

Letters Of Words

i received the email below from kak Nitty Murni (u noe her? :>) on Sunday, 150804... she was one of the camp facilitators at alsagoff/prisma camp@sentosa in 2001, still young, me that is, in primary 6..the camp wasnt a pleasant n memorable adventure for me..but it's okay, i guess..

The Word of Islam ?

The Most Selfish One-Letter Word
Avoid It
(Surah Al Kahf 18:34)

The Most Satisfying Two-Letter Word
Use It
Surah Al An'am 6:71-72

The Most Poisonous Three-Letter Word
Kill It
Surah Al Qasas 28:78

The Most Used Four-Letter Word
Value It
(Surah Al Rum 30:21)

The Most Pleasing Five Letter Word
Keep It
(Surah Al Najm 53:43)

The Fastest Spreading Six-Letter Word
Ignore It
(Surah Al Hujurat 49:12)

The Hardest Working Seven Letter Word
Achieve It
(Surah Al Nur 24:37-38)

The Most Enviable Eight-Letter Word
Distance It
(Surah Yusuf 12:8-9)

The Most Powerful Nine-Letter Word
Acquire It
(of Allah & the Holy Qu'ran) Surah Ya Sin 36:2
Surah Yusuf 12:2

The Most Essential Ten-Letter Word
Trust It
(Trust in Allah's Guidance)
Surah Yunus 10: 9
Surah Al Tawbah 9:51

oh no!! CA dah dekat!! tidakkk!!'s been days since my last just not in the mood to write about the days ive been through..nothing special or bizarre..since national celebration tu...hah! about tu pon me malas nk ceritekn..! summary: GREAT DAY!

niwei..have i told you about the essay comp @ alarabiah?? i got the consolidation prize..sedih jgk ah..of course, ive been expecting to get my essay content was totally out! but, the sixth n last place??! haiz~ mmg lah diorang tk sebut periodically (???) tp mcm obvious gitu ah..alahai! gasak ah..wateva!

pasal CA2 plak...seram~seram~..i hope i manage to make it through always *it's easier said than done*

what a day TODAY was!! (huh??)

i have a confession to make: sometimes i HATE ust ratna, i HATE the way my school is, i HATE my friends, i HATE my responsibility - present n future, i HATE prisma, i HATE the members, i HATE the fact that my plans dont work, i HATE the feeling of embarrassment n giving up..bcoz of the neglected n rejected plans, i HATE my family, i HATE myself, i HATE my life..but then, i must not hate these things..i must accept a good girl..learn to like, love, cope, with these things..bla..bla..bla..

i was at my worst today..i've been a bit sensitive lately..on everage, i cry every 8 or 9 small factor can make me all tense up..stressed..tired..mind blurred..cry..n the factor isnt A factor anymore..lots of things n thoughts, being kept at the back of my head, jump out again..jumbled together..making me more frustrated n confused..i just want it to stop..all the tired of thinking.. a lot of thinking..too, today's catalyst was the prisma's so-called proposal to do an activity for the 'loiterers' n 'extras' at the national day celebration-cum-sports day was rejected..i guess it was a bit fine to me..but the one that hit me most.......i cant explain..i dunno how to explain..not sure..u might get the wrong idea..or I might give the wrong's in my head..but it refuses to come out..dunno..dunno..dunno..hah! another thing that makes my tears swell up (???) is when i cannot let my thoughts n feelings out while the space in my head, mind, heart has become sooo tight, airless..n yet i cannot exhale the, that's why i wont tell people my dilemmas n deep thoughts, even if i have many of them..coz i cannot explain it through words..

the story is too long..perhaps some of you might've seen my eyes at school around 2 alright..but..have i told you that im sick in the head??

i did make it..ho.ho. :|

ok, so... i won..yeah! wow! bravo! duh, as if i care! the problem is..just like the quiz..i dont feel the excitement of winning! i shouldve been proud..but im not..mayb i deserve the cup..since i stood out (or stuck out??) from everybody else..but to me..i shouldve performed better.. i thank Allah though.. of course, me terharu.. thank You, Allah.. for giving me the chance to win again..thank you... la'in syakartum la aziidannakum.. grateful.. for it couldve been worst..!
hmm..the competition was a bit tight though..pelajar maarif tu bagus! lancar..isi ade..mayb intonasi suara, gaye kurang sikit ar.. mwti pon best! eye-contact n gaye tk cukup...aljunied?? haiz~~ tok sah ckp... me ingatkn cikgu amini trained dier betul2, yelah, thn lepas, pelajarnye MENGARUT!...thn nie, walad aljunied tu siap pakai school dah seram! tp biler naik first impression went down the drain..whoosh!..tgk nota, teragak2, gaye kurang..eventually, he got the 6th the way, it wasnt a BIG victory, i got 87, almaarifan 85, mwti 82/83..punye lah dekat! narrow escape ah..i think that was one of the reason i didnt feel great about my winning the competition..another factor is that me tk lancar sgt, there were about 2/3/4 times where i forgot my that point..i already assumed that i blow it...but the rest of my speech... orite ah..i think my strength is the way i express my thoughts/speech..penuh gaye gitu good at that, i guess :)