oh no!! CA dah dekat!! tidakkk!!

ok..ok..it's been days since my last entry..im just not in the mood to write about the days ive been through..nothing special or bizarre..since national celebration tu...hah! about tu pon me malas nk ceritekn..! summary: GREAT DAY!

niwei..have i told you about the essay comp @ alarabiah?? i got the consolidation prize..sedih jgk ah..of course, ive been expecting to get saguhati..as my essay content was totally out! but, the sixth n last place??! haiz~ mmg lah diorang tk sebut periodically (???) tp mcm obvious gitu ah..alahai! gasak ah..wateva!

pasal CA2 plak...seram~seram~..i hope i manage to make it through easily..as always *it's easier said than done*