the time has come..jeng*jeng*

nggak ada apa2, actually. cume hari nie dah start CA2..haiz~~ baru berape bulan azam aku buat jugak! resolution ape nih?! nvm..alhamdulillah..paper td senang..biase ah..ust yaakob ajar..tauhid..but, BUT.. me tk dpt full marks *sad*..i think im going to get 52-55 for this aiming to score 90% overall utk CA2 tgk ah camne..dah lah hafal last minute - n i mean last..minute! - masuk dlm otak pon temporary..klw ingat lucky ah..moreover, i dunno what's going to happen to me in the next 9 days..harap2 sihat ah..jd mood blajar tu tetap ade..amiin..

ok ah, i think that's byk cerite ah..sowie..i noe this page's a bit boring lately..i just cudn't find the time to retell the stories of the day..