Assalaamua'laikum wr wb

Beloved brothers and sisters,

Would like to say a big syukran jazeelan to one and all for your dedicated resolve and sacrificing spirit today!

May you be duly rewarded indeed. Barakallahu fikum!

As of 2200 hours today, the operation ended with 218 donations all accounted for and safely transferred over to Certis Cisco for processing. Insya Allah we will have full knowledge on the amount of proceeds on Friday.

Meanwhile, the donation drive also saw the activation of 400 activists, youth and volunteers who came from all walks of life to help in this cause, muslim and non-muslim alike.

This is an interesting number, and I think affirms that with a collective effort and driven activists, the road to igniting others into activism and perhaps, just perhaps fabrics or early steps towards social (re)construction is indeed possible.

Also, I sincerely hope that this network of activist will be binded further together thus being able to create bigger change into the society in the future. Doesn't matter what platform(s) we ride on but simply with a common fikrah or ideals and principles hence functioning in a collectivism that manifest into some impact and, yes, change.

Let's be a part of this wave of activism!

Thank you again and Hayakumullah ...