sampai ghufran around 7pm gitu.. after solat maghrib then we made our way to the classroom. someone was already there. immediately after i salam-ed her, a sense of familiarity struck me. a name was forming in my head..
"what's your name?"
"sekolah mana..?"
"were you from alsagoff..?"
indeed! she is the Yasmin, my classmate wayyyy back in primary level. Yasmin Hamzah.. she transferred to another madrasah when she was in primary 3 gitu..
masyaAllah...! what a coincidence.. what a coincidence. k, i need not explain further how i felt. im sure you've read my previous posts about meeting people whom i've not seen for a loOng time.

from the left --
1. Shahriza, is it? i forgot her name.. she also left the school some time during the primary school days.. but i know she has an elder sister who has bulu mata yang lentik and suka cubit hidayah johari.. sebab hidayah johari ade bulu mata lentik jugak. hehe.. i've no idea how to find her.. :(
2. Yasmin! yeah, i remember her as a short, quiet girl.. suara serak2 basah. sekarang.. lebih tinggi dari kite kot.
3. Hafizah Sariupua. alhamdulillah... both of us stayed on til sec 4. altho we didnt graduate the same year. oh yes, she is tallll.. macam syarafina jugak. and sweet, too :)
4. Mariam Said. another lost friend. we were play mates back then.. together with Kamaliah and Suraya. would like to meet her again..
so yeah, after 11 years, with His Will, i was in the same room as Yasmin again~ were busy chit-chatting til right before the class started.. aahh.. so much to ask, so much to know ^_^
you know, moments like this, kan, or particular points in life where i found or met someone with whom i've lost contact or not seen for ages, remind me of how long i have lived. it's like, wow.. it's been 11 years.. Allah has let me live to see today, now, this moment. mcm 'benchmark' gitu.. ermm.. not sure how to describe it exactly.. another example is RR. when RR'08 and ramadhan 1429H arrived, i realised.. "Ya Allah.. i'm still alive. You've given me another year (that is, measuring from RR'07).. one long year..*reflective mood*.."
hmmm... recently, on 15 feb, i bumped into kak Hafizah.. kat luar tpt solat perempuan kat mks. terus peluk dia erat2. one of the best feelings ever! alhamdulillah~ alhamdulillah~~~ sayangnya, kita sempat bertanya khabar je, coz she was leaving for a meeting. takpe, takpe. another time. oh, i also saw kak Izzah.. earlier ah.. mase CPR last.. umm.. december?.. meskipun tak rapat/kurang kenal, kite tetap rasa gembira dpt jumpa a senior :) haaa... sekarang ni, tgl kak Raihana je kite belom dipertemukan lagi.. in time, InshaAllah~
here's another picture, taken on the same day as the above pic. back row from left --
1. Syarafina. met her recently mase raihana's nikah ceremony. haiz~ sungguh dah dewasa dia ni! hehe.. seriously ah.. i feel like a child sey next to her. she is currently in KUIS, taking usuluddin klw tak silap. final year.
2. Hafizah Sariupua. dah lama tak jumpa dia. 2 years gitu kot? i think she's working now.
3. Farhana. she is in ma'arif, taking pre-u. (or dah grad?)
4. Sharifah. she's another long lost friend~ her sister, Khadijah, was also in the same class. two of my good friends that time. they left during primary 4 or 5 gitu. after that, terus tak dengar khabar. i really really hope to see them both again..!
5. Shari'ah. aaahh.. i wonder if i can recognise her if we were to pass each other in the streets?
middle row --
6. Khairunnisa Said. adik kepada Huda Said. i wonder how both of them are doing.. and how many kids Huda has now..
7. Mariam Said.
8. Shahriza.
im looking forward to more suprises that Allah has for me. i'm sure, bila Allah temukan kembali diri ni dan seseorang tu, it is at the right time. so, i shall wait =)
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