i was meant to be there, and then here!

On Monday evening, 17 Sep, i made my way to Darul Arqam to attend the Stories of Prophets class. The day before, Marliyana shared that on last Monday (ie 10 Sep) the topic was Nabi Musa & Khidir. Couldn't help thinking, what a coincidence! The subject was about Nabi Musa, n there i was, rigghhtt.. in Sinai, a significant land in his story, on the same day (10 Sep) but different timezone. I also thought that particular session would've been particularly useful to me, coz believe it or not, during the time i was there, i was somewhat regretful that i came without having refreshed myself with Nabi Musa's history. 

And guess what?

When i saw the topic that was flashed on the screen, on the night i came to this class for the first time.. this past Monday, Allaaahh.. I felt like exclaiming out loud: this was indeed Fate! The speaker was going to share about Nabi Musa & Bani Israil: their life in Sinai! you know that warm fuzzy feeling? yeah, I was full of it during the class. Allah moved my heart to attend that session just as He had stirred a desire in my heart several months ago; a desire to go to Egypt. There must be something that Allah wants to tell me.. :')

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