videoclip ni dari The Hannah Montana Movie. hehe.. you guessed it, I watched the movie. hah, ni kes tgh boring2 then takde movie best2 yang lain, so picked this one. i dont fancy the movie. pokok ceritanya taklah serious/substantial mana kot. but when it reached the scene above, i found myself concentrating on the song lyrics. relating it and reflecting upon it. yup, it was meaningful! touching too.
afterwards, kite teringat satu quote yang kite pernah cari dulu. bits and pieces. ape lagi, kite pon carilah kat notebook2 lama.. Yes! jumpa jugak akhirnya. di sini, kite nak kongsi dengan korang kata2 Joe Henderson. (tak ingat dari mana kite dapat ayat2 ni.)
Winning is finishing the distance you set for yourself, however humble it might be. Speed is a gift your parents either gave you or couldn't give you. You had little to say about it, so the time you take to run your distance doesn't say much about your spirit. But endurance and persistence are qualities that are largely trained and learned. Finishing is a victory of strong spirit over weak flesh.
dalam lagu The Climb, it's about going up. vertical. quote ni plak, gives me the impression of running. horizontal. (Joe Henderson ni seorang pelari kot?) haha.. ni tak penting lah sgt. apa yang penting, mesejnya sama :) serasi jugak lagu dengan kata2 nasihat ni. iya.. dua2 sebagai satu ucapan perangsang untuk kite. dan awak juga! ^__^