I focused on the lyrics, and enjoyed the melody. my reflective mode was almost turned on. but, i restrained myself. hmm... i must say, it was a song to be remembered!
I find Maher Zain's music appealing.. the genre that he adopts suits the ears of many, especially youths and young adults. well, it suits mine. heh.
2. stepped into Darul Andalus at Golden Landmark today. tgh browsing, sekali terjumpa majalah Solusi. Immediately grabbed a copy. haha. excited. first heard about it from kak Khadijah last year. she was sharing with me how hooked she was to that magazine, the different contents, relevant, fresh approach. then, recently i went to kak Huda Khamsani's blog, turns out she likes the magazine very much. hmm.. enough to make me want one. curious!
now it's beside me - isu nombor 17. the theme is 'Membina Keyakinan Diri'. Allah! kena betul dgn situasi kite skrg. ~Allah Maha Mengetahui apa dalam hati ni, apa yang diri ni perlukan~ cant help but feel that i was at the right place, at the right time, and got the right first copy.
inshaAllah, i'll share with you more about this after i finish reading the magazine.