
When I read novels, or newspaper clips (from Life section, most prolly), or some random articles on social interaction or motivation, I would sometimes come across excerpts stating that weather is always a topic for small talk. Y'know, to 'break the silence'. I would pause and think, really? People do that?

And so, lately, I start to notice that people do like to comment about the weather. Like, when my colleague was driving and I was sitting beside him.. and he mentioned something like.. "it's raining" "hot, isn't it?" or another colleague who said something about humidity and the weather being inconsistent. (or was it the same colleague? Heh.) Honestly, I am not interested in that conversation. But I would reply politely, go with the flow, as one would say. I prefer to just keep quiet or answer questions that are meaningful.

I wonder why can't people talk about things like..

1- So, what did you do yesterday?
2- What music do you like to listen to?
3- I was reading an article about ______
4- Do you know that _______
5- I heard you have a cat, what's its name?
6- Hey.. if you don't mind, I want to ask you about your religion.
7- Do you play sports?
8- Tell me about ________
9- What do you think of _________
10- Any interesting stuff you read from the net?
11- Oh! I bought (I watched, I went to..) ________ and it's awesome! [description, review here]

I am not saying that people are not chatting about these at all, what I am saying is when trying to bridge a conversation gap, let's pick a topic from which you and the other party can share further, rather than the weather. C'mon! Even if you don't know that person very well, surely you can find other common themes. And even if you both won't elaborate more, at least one would learn a little something new from the other and vice versa. Why talk about something damn obvious?!

Writing this, I really hope I won't be someone who brings up the weather topic in any conversation. 

I usually keep my mouth shut and look out the window during car rides. It is either because I simply do not have anything to say, or that I feel slightly awkward being in the same vehicle (the latter usually applies to people I am not close with). So I would like it if that person asks or share with me any of the above, except no. 5. Coz I don't have a cat. No pets.

Speaking of weather, I recorded a short clip while waiting for the rain to recede at Biopolis. We were stuck there for about 20-30 minutes. Last Monday. I want to show how heavy the rain was. Could hardly see the Fusionopolis building!

p.s. the gals in the vid are my colleagues and attachment students. Hee~~

The Room where I sat for a writing competition

Who would've thought I will be coming back here, after.. hmm.. let's see, 7 years?
I think, the first and last time I stepped into Madrasah al-Arabiah's old campus (now the building is Muhammadiyah's HQ) was on the day of the English essay competition. I think I was in secondary 2 or 3. On Sir Kamar's recommendation, if I am not mistaken (Eh? Mana Aszafirah, eh? For all I know, she's better  at writing stories in English than me. Or, maybe she participated also? Hmm.. tak ingat) I cannot remember what were the topics available, and definitely cannot recall what I wrote - narrative or descriptive or argumentative - and I am pretty sure I got saguhati. Hee.. What I remember clearly though, is that I did not do well, because of nerves and/or I couldn't think/create plots in my head fast enough.

Lemme try to find if I blogged about this event..

Nope, can't find any post even mentioning about it.

So yesterday I went to a camp briefing at no. 14 Jalan Selamat. We performed maghrib at level 1 (the prize giving ceremony for the English writing competition was in that hall too!). Was looking for kain, so kak Munirah directed me to the room in the video. I immediately recognised it! hee.. So yeah, was reminiscing about that day. In my memory, I somehow see Zafeerah Zakaria and Huda Ibrahim's female (younger) cousin.. Maybe Zafeerah was the rep for Madrasah al-Arabiah?

Anyhoo, speaking of Muhammadiyah.. I've bought a Muslimah swimwear. Like, finally!! *suker* Bought at Ova, Thaya brand. Expensive, in my opinion. But, 1) I guess that's the market price (even if I buy in Malaysia) and 2) I have saved up for this, so I did not mind. Aqila got hers from Andalus. Too bad that the smallest size Andalus has is 4-XL. We decided to purchase it, though, coz it is unknown when the new stock will come, and we do not want to wait. We've postponed our plan to enroll in a swimming class back in September, due to Aqila's chicken pox, her school exam, her O Level exam and my own busi-ness. So.. this December.. semoga Allah izinkan kami belajar berenang. nak fulfill sunnah ni~ =D

15 minutes after this post was published --------

Found it. I mentioned about the writing competition in a somewhat, errr.. pessimistic rant. Gosh! When I read those words.. I just thought.. wow.. I really sounded inferior, negative.. didn't I? Yet, I know that what I was feeling in that particular moment was frustration.. tired and pressured coz it was one thing after another. I wonder if my blood pressure was ever on the rise during my sec 3 year. Or maybe it was not inferiority - It was merely comparing oneself with something or someone bigger and better. So.. was I being realistic, but also a bit too hard on myself? I don't know. Am trying to analyse this note written by a 15-year old me, trying to look from the outside.

I think I've changed. A bit.

Alhamdulillah, Aqila lulus!

Kite pun tumpang gembira~

Pakai kasut hitam lah tahun depan =D

Abang's post-nikah

I was flipping thru Abang & kak Maya's wedding album at around noon today, while frying the spring rolls (heh). I realised that I like these two pictures.. May Allah bless our family with sakeenah, mawaddah and rahmah.. =')
I have always liked Abang's smile ^__^ I think it's because of his incisors. He also has a dimple.
And kak Maya looks cute when she smiles.
I love it all the more whenever I see them laugh.

Now there are 6 of us, since 8th May 2010
(Mak and Ayah got married in May too!)

"Yeah, but.."

Am having a FB conversation with Shikin.. Been a loNg time since I last saw or even talked to her. Topics range from uni degree, working life, interest, travel, migration, money... aahh.. We have the same problems, the same sentiments!

She just tagged me in a post about a blog article on "3 reasons to travel while you're young" by Jeff Coins. Sungguh terkena my batang hidung! Ohhhh, I reeeeaaallly cannot wait!

Patience, Liyana, patience..