I don't like to spend a lot of money on 2 things: daily shoes and handphone.
But Pansy shoes, oh man! I've been eyeing them for quite some time! 2 years maybe? And because of my usually tight budget and my habit of sticking to my principles, i managed to squelch this desire.. telling myself to 'be patient.. be patient.. next time, k!'.
Now is the time, when i felt ready to invest a bit more on a pair of shoes. By 'ready', i mean that i didn't have the usual hesitant feeling.. i just thought 'ok. Go for it'. My only hope (with a tinge of worry+doubt, I must admit!) is that this new Pansy shoes will last for at least 2 years. I'm going to wear them almost everyday. If it can withstand that, then it would definitely be value for money.
My previous pair of daily shoes was Crocs Women's Melbourne, which i loved loved loved very much. In Singapore, it cost a bomb! About $90! I got it at amazon.com for USD23.97, shipping fee included (to US address). That's about S$30.80. Crazy deal, right??! I was very lucky indeed, especially since those shoes lasted just shy of 1 year. (Imagine spending almost hundred bucks on a pair of shoes that is good for only a year! Disappointing) The brown canvas body faded due to constant exposure to rain and sun, a tear on each (but at different sites) most prolly due to consistent 'force' from 2 particular toes. Lovely as they were, i realised at one point that i need shoes made from leather or anything hardier than canvas, because water seeping into my socks and feet is pretty uncomfortable. But i did not want to go back to wearing those black Bata shoes. Boringly plain!
Turns out that the current trend is canvas shoes.. many interesting fabric designs! I am particularly attracted to TOMS largely because of their company policy (for-every-pair-you-buy-one-pair-will-be-donated-to-a-person-in-need). But, no, I tell myself, another footwear easily drenched by water will not do. Although, i still enjoy browsing thru the various brands (like, Sanuk, which I just came across a few minuted ago).
Anyway, so, i began my search for versatile, waterproof, comfortable, subtly stylish covered shoes by surfing amazon.com for a few hours at a time. The problem was (and still is!) I do not know what material it is made of, if it covers my forefoot (no toe shoes, please!), if its size 8 would fit snugly (different shoe designs may require a slight change of size). Oh well, now that i've got my Pansy, i can stop looking around. For the time being.
The next thing on my wish list is a pair of sports shoes. :)
By the way, have you guys heard or seen Vibram's Fivefingers? They look owhsome!! Tempted to try one, but not in the near future, i guess, coz my other Crocs is still in good shape (it's only 1-year 5-month old!) and i will have a pair of running shoes (inshaAllah!).
Remember, Liyana, buy only what you need ^_^
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