I woke up this morning, groggy.

It's the 2nd time this month; that i couldn't sleep. Prolly 2 hours of light sleep? Or 3?

Still feeling shocked. Not 'surprised', but 'thrown off your wheels' kind of shock.

Hmm... mcm nak ambil cuti je.
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I dreamt that Aszafirah and Kamaliah got married on the same day. Cant remember if the dream was last night's or 2 nights ago.

Cute lah! I dunno why i suddenly dreamt of them. And i dunno whether i should share this happy dream with them.. i dont even know if either of them is getting engaged, is engaged or is getting married.

Rindu kat diorang kot? ^_^

Let's see how the future unfolds!
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.10

jalan raya yang sibuk

Masa tgh berbual dgn Aiman tadi, 2.15ptg waktu Kahirah, dia dan kawan2nya tgh ada study group. Lagi 7 kertas peperiksaan, katanya.

Teringat tahun lepas, bila mereka2 ni baru nak ke sana.. pergi workshop2 pra-keberangkatan..masih bersiap2.. :) Semoga Allah terangkan hati mereka.. semoga mereka ikhlas dalam belajar.. hati2 dlm beradab dan berakhlak.. sebab kat sana, Allah beri kat siapa yg deserving je, dan Dia uji siapa yg Dia kehendaki.

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