...a little time off...

alhamdulillah~ nmpknye me dah pulih...ard 90% ar..there is still mucous (or isit mucus? or mucuous?) in my nose (n lungs, or maybe bronchi) n phlegm in my throat..nvm..the important thing is..dah tk semput! *smile* tk gi doctor pon!

btw, hari nie ade kelas biology..hmmm...me ingat nk hadiahkan Ms Leela jam tangan smpena belated teacher's day..sbb dier asyik tukar jam tangan..padankan dgn baju ape dier pakai..so, konon me nk menambahkan lagi koleksinye..dier pon tukar2 anting2 jugak..hmm..ntah lah, mcm malas gitu..biler pikir2 balik, akhir tahun je lah kasi..as a token of appreciation yg dier dah ajar kite2..

cakap pasal teacher's day, hari selasa 300805, mase nadwah..budak2 sec4 nyanyikan lagu 'DUHAI BONDA' untuk guru2...cewah~..bidan terjun sey...smmgnye kite tk prepare ape2 pon..mcm tk heran gitu..tp tk baik plak..yelah, at least kite sepatutnye buat something untuk teacher's day..n so, kite decide untuk nyanyi je ah..senang!..tmbhn pulak, mase pon singkat, setakat 10-15 minit je..

malam selasa tu, ana sempat cari lagu2 yg sesuai..so, ana bwk cd yg ade lagu 'duhai bonda' tu..hehe..naseb baik tk kene rampas..wOooOoO..biler free periods kite rehearse ah dlm kelas...alhamdulillah~ kite dpt pull it off dgn baik..naseb baik jugak kelas kite hari tu tk full house! klw tidak, stage tu tk muat ah nk tampung 46 pelajar! *grins*

n so, for the first time, me jd one of the soloists! ish mepekz betul! kenape lah kamaliah n fashihah tk dtg?! eh, isyanti pon tk dtg kan?! haaa...me jugak yg jd mangse ke jd solo...tp bukan me sorang je, kak khairun pon same..sume first time.. yelah, nie kan tahun akhir (Amiin~), jd ambik je ah ape2 peluang..untuk dijadikan kenangan... mase rehearse tu suare orite..tp biler dah byk kali rehearse..plus nk arahkan kwn2 yg lain ape2 yg patut..suare dah jd tk bermaye!..tkpelah..penat pon ade jugak!

tp, kt dewan, tkde ramai guru..tkpelah nvm.. lepas nyanyi, me kene buat ucapan plak.. ish~ tkde org lain ke?! dah lah sebelum tu me dah 'nangis' pasal prisma..nie nk buat ucapan plak! silap2 nangis lagik! buat malu je..niwei, me ckp je lah ape yg patut..me tk nmpk expression guru2 camne..ish~ manelah tau, guru2 muke orite..cool je, tp kite2 yg kt stage dah bermate merah! me pon tk tau samade ucapan yg dibuat mengharukan atau tidak..bagi me, biase2 je..biler tgh berucap tu, me tk tgk kawan2 yg lain ar..tp khabarnye ade yg broke down..alahai~ kesiannye! tkpe lah..sekali sekala nangis...lagu yg kite nyanyi pon sentimental jugak..

dah, tu je cerite teacher's day...nk cerite ape lagi eh?? *thinking*

ALAMAK! dah 1.20 ptg..nk kena siap2 nie..ok lah people...klw ade cerite, nanti me beritahu lagik ye? bye now!

P/S: the song that is played currently is called "Punjab" sung by "Karunesh"... its genre: new age...FYI, i fell in love with this song after a couple of times listening to it...i especially like the violin and the flute part...feels like outta this world - somewhere peaceful n serene~~ :)