htech lab + semangat national day pics

found a photo album in my shutterfly account while going to upload pictures from 'adilah-azizah-liyana-zakiah outing.

got pictures from htech (histological techniques) lab session (slack habissssss! i think it was the last lab session for the subject), from the last french tutorial (my tutor's the dark-haired one), and pics of the AG12 malay girls at the back of Flavours, the AS canteen.

*the link has been removed. sorry.*

few pictures from thumbdrive (but no french tutorial pics)

finally! =)

Alhamdulillah~ akhirnya.. rinduku terubat jua..!

tak dapat dibayangkan betapa gembiranya aku dapat bertemu kembali dengan rakan2 seperjuangan. aku cukup terharu. rasa gembira bercampur sedih dan bersyukur silih berganti.. at several points, airmataku bergenang.. ku cuba sedaya upaya untuk membendung perasaan yang kadang2 terlalu overwhelming..

ahh.. aku dapat menarik nafas lega.

Terima kasih, Tuhan.. kerana memberiku umur yang panjang, kesihatan dan waktu untuk bersama mereka di bulan yang mulia ini. meski aku tidak dapat berinteraksi dengan mereka dengan sepuas2nya.. aku tetap bersyukur di atas ni'matMu ini..

meski seorang kawanku tidak dapat datang, lantas aku berasa sedih sekali kerana kami berdua masih diuji dengan perpisahan.. aku tabah, Ya Allah... jika ada rezeki, kita pasti bertemu, sahabat..


di bawah ada beberapa gambar yang dapat aku petik sewaktu jalan raya kami ^.^ sebenarnya, ada banyak lagi.. tapi yang lain tu, aku simpan dahulu.. bila aku sudah dapat gambar2 lagi daripada kawan2ku, aku akan kumpulkan dalam satu online album.. selepas tu, baru aku letak linknya di sini.

wah... dah besar satu2 kawan aku nih! aszafirah, kamaliah, mardhiah, kak hairani dan kak ummu.. masing2 kelihatan lebih matang.. ada juga yang cukup bergaya! hehe..

di rumah ust ratnadumilah..

"awak nak buktikan kat saya kan.."
masya Allah.. tersentak aku bila mendengar ust mengungkapkan kata2 itu sewaktu bersalaman dengannya. terus aku menjadi sensitif.. aku hampir2 menitiskan airmata. Ya Tuhan.. terima kasih di atas peringatan ini.. ya, aku terlupa, bahawa aku telah menulis kata2 janji kepada guruku di dalam sebuah kad dulu.. hmm.. kad apa ya? kalau tak silap aku.. kad hari guru..
rasa terharu bersulam dengan rasa berat di hati.. terasa seolah2 aku tidak mampu untuk mengotakan janjiku.. Ya Tuhan.. berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk memikul amanah ini.. harapan guru2 serta ibubapaku..

huhu... kamaliah maintain muka ke pe...? =p it's great to see aszafirah, kamaliah and khadijah.. buat mel and dja, ana doakan persahabatan korang kukuh... moga takkan ada perang besar antara korang lagi. tapi yang pastinya, permusuhan yang dahulu kini berubah menjadi satu ikatan yang erat. alhamdulillah~ to me, that's one amazing miracle! Indahnya aturan Allah..!

kak hairani, murni, 'adilah, kak ummu dan nafisah.
Murni, pengorbanan anti takkan sia-sia, insha Allah..
Tuhan, berikanlah kelapangan kepada rakanku itu.. kurniakanlah rezekiMu pada keluarganya.. amiin~

naqi muzaffar. 2 tahun. adik murni. aku suka mendengar suaranya.. comel! and he was a good boy the whole dayy..! ohh.. aku mendukungnya dari traffic light sampai rumah ust suhana. fuh~ berat..!! bila tengah solat tu, rasa sangat yang pergerakan lenganku dah jadi slowww.. must be the muscles. heh.

bersama ust saniah

bersama ust damawiyah

di rumah ust suhana

murni, nafisah, 'adilah dan kak ummu

di rumah ust kamsinah.. nak dekat pukul 11 malam - walau penat, masing2 masih mengukir senyuman..
buat seorang sahabatku: anti, ana faham yang anti dah penat, lantas tak sabar2 menunggu sesi 'fotografi' selesai. tapi, ana tak suka bila anti merungut tentang 'inefficiency' pemetik gambar tu.. anti kawan ana, and i care for you, my dear friend.. besar harapan ana untuk melihat anti bukan sahaja lebih baik dari segi penampilan, tapi juga akhlak. bila anti merungut sebegitu, ana terkejut sedikit.. coz that part of you is still there.
walau apa pun, ana tetap doakan yang terbaik buat anti =)

dear 'adilah, aszafirah, kak hairani, hazimah, kamaliah, khadijah, liyana, mardhiah, murni, nafisah, kak ummu...

thank you for the company.

kepada teman2 yang masih belum ku jumpa dan bertanya khabar,

im waiting for that day to arrive, let's wait together k? moga dipanjangkan umur.. and i want you guys to know that i'm missing you.. :'(

what i've been up to

assalamu 'alaikum, semua~

it's been more than a month since i last posted a proper entry.. lots of things have happened, and along the way, i gained new experiences and felt various, well, feelings. yupz.

let's see..

main examinations

all i can say is, sometimes i hate myself. why is it that whenever exam period comes, i would study late at night? why couldnt i prepare for my exams earlier? why, why, why have i not changed?

hmmm.... hamdan lillah, certain papers and questions were quite easy. and some, well, not to say 'not easy'.. rather, i didnt study or memorise those parts.. so, too bad, i lost precious marks there. takpelah, mungkin memang me deserve it..

the paper that i was most afraid of was molecular genetics. i failed my term test, my practical test, and i usually didnt do my tutorial, i knew that my CA percentage was near marginal.. i had really hope i didnt fail my CA component.. anyway, i could say that i studied hard for the main exam, coz i need to get sufficient percentage to ensure that i could pass the subject, never mind if it's a 'just pass'..

bila exam dah selesai tu.. rase lega jugak.. but negativity reigned.

coz i knew i screwed up a lot.
coz i knew i wasted a lot of time and opportunities.

the results? a distinction (french ^.^), B+, B, C+ and C.

im definitely not an A student.

and yeah, my gpa dropped.. still a 3.pointer though. alhamdulillah~


i was given the opportunity to be part of the organising committee. it's a great experience - got to learn how to organise an event, liaise with outside parties, do admin work, paper work.. plus, new friends =)

dari segi pembangunan diri, hmmm... memang banyak yang dipelajari. tarbiyah dari segi emosi, kepimpinan, keperibadian, spiritual... Ya Allah.. terima kasih di atas segalanya.

klw nak cerita ttg RR'07 kat sini, it'll take forever. heh. since im the sort of person who, after some time, looses the idea and enthusiasm to write and remember.. plus, it's cumbersome to find the right words.

a new camera... which drowned

the camera that we had since 2004 (or is it 2003?) had been showing signs of 'old age'.. so, we bought a new one, pentax 7.1 mega pixel, at a good price, $249. plus, we got free 1Gb memory card.

and then.....

during RR'07 recce, while a bunch of us were in a boat at kallang river, the camera slipped into the water.


it was gone. forever.

when we realised that the camera was nowhere to be found, i lost my enthusiasm and joy. all the way til the end of the recce, my mind was occupied with 'how to repay the money that my mother had paid for the camera'.. it was her hard-earned money. and i blamed myself for losing it.. although the fact was, someone else lost it. but i couldn't afford to blame or be angry at this person. all i could think of was to forgive him, and to not let him pay for what he had done. even though, at some points, the other me reasoned argued that he should.

but no. i was too busy feeling guilty for not listening to my instinct (i had a feeling prior to going into the boat that leaving the camera with other people+on water was a bad move), and for losing a new thing that belonged to the family.

hmm... ok, me mcm dah serik nak pegang camera sendiri. and aqila sometimes tries to be sarcastic and make me feel guilty. but you know what? i just dont give a damn about the incident anymore. i simply take it as a learning experience. anyway, aqila is insisting, or shall i say demanding?, that we get a new camera before raya. =S oh tidaaakk!!

ramadhan 1428H

alas! i live long enough to welcome this blessed month =) and i got the opportunity to mosque-hop on certain days for tarawih. and qiyam too.. tapi for that, me dapat dua masjid je: alkaff kg melayu and ghufran.

cuma... the last 10 days of ramadhan.. 1st few days dapat ah.. tapi sekarang smpi akhir ramadhan.. gonna miss 'em.. cheer up, wahai diri, pastinya ade hikmah di sebalik ujian ni.


im not looking forward to raya... can we have another month of ramadhan?

iftar events

tahun ni, i didnt get to go to any poly/uni MS iftar.. ade yang clash with RR'07, or other iftar sessions.. oh well, insha Allah, klw ade rezeki, tahun depan me nak nak nak pegi, nak gi NUSMS, NTUMS, NPMSS, and NYPMS iftars..

the ones that i went were iftar with my 5 classmates - dina, fana, nana, rusy and tira, and iftar organised by impian. the latter was a good opportunity to familiarise myself with impian, its people and.. yeah, it felt great to be back in a 'madrasah students' bi'ah...

and... NI iftar! yeah~ it's good to be back, seeing the faces of the alumni, the comm members, and our friends from the different polys. plus, this time, there were also ITE students and few facis from RR'07. although... me tak dapat join the cleaning session, coz got grading. tapi takpe, me still suker, suker, sukerr. heh!

raya preparations

gone to geylang.. gone to arab st.. gone to johore.. the usual needs - clothes, tudung, kuihs - for raya have been fulfilled.. memang bagus klw kite settle benda2 ni awal2 ramadhan kan? jadi bila akhir2 ramadhan, tak usah kelam kabut, and kite boleh concentrate buat kerje2 lain.

in case you're wondering, no, i dont bake any cookies this time. tak kuasa..!

and as usual, the house, esp my room, needs tidying (err.. grammar betul ke?)

and speaking of grammar, someone has just finished taking her psle exams.. i hope she had done well, and that she will not be disappointed when the results come out (late november).. Ya Allah.. berikanlah dia kejayaan.. sesungguhNya Engkau Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik buatnya..

okie dokie, i think this is enough for now. untuk post ni je, it took me more than 1 hour to complete.

hingga bertemu lagi di post yang lain...!

-- fade to black --

videos for keepsake

Ramadhan Rocks v. Xtreme 1428

Logistics team with their antics
1st day, at CCAC, shortly before noon or afternoon, not sure..

nasheed performance by Saff brothers
morning of the last day

Feature in Berita Suria
22 september 2007, 8pm

feature in Warna Ramadhan
30 september 2007, some time around 6.45pm (the show itself started at 6pm)


feedback by admin head
during post-mortem, 1 october 2007
