quick updates

1. alhamdulillah... i've got a part-time job. 5 days a week. but i need to find another work, probably.. weekend ah..

2. volunteered to teach ngaji at dotdotdot wink at ust sakinah - yup, ustaz dah call.. and turned out that he is ust zauwiah's adik! what a smaaaallll world!!

3. do you know that there's KL international bookfair on 3-14 april, at PWTC?? you dont? well, now im telling ya! currently trying to make plans with adilah to go there and to ajak other alsagoff friends along.

4. wont be in singapore from this friday to sunday.. doakan ana selamat pergi dan selamat pulang ye?

5. went to NI usrah last friday "Ciri-Ciri Wanita Solehah".. it was the best NI usrah yet!!

6. two weddings this month: kak afia and bro hafiz mustaffa. *throws confetti* know them both from saff.

k, itu sahaje..