"... macam orang Malaysia..!.."

"aaahh? takdelah..~"

hehe.. that was what i encountered just now. apa yang macam orang Malaysia? it's the way i talk i guess. k lah, telo.. personally, ntah. macam orang Malaysia ke? i would think that sometimes i talk like makcik2! hahaha.. im sure a lot of my friends agree to that! haha

teringat time raya.. i think it was two years ago. first ke second day of raya ah.. then, my family went to masjid al-mukminin to solat.. kat dalam ladies. klw tak silap, i was talking to my sister. dah tu, ade satu makcik ni tegur, "awak (cant remember how she addressed me) orang Malaysia ke?" or was it "orang Johor".. hehe.. i said "saya orang singapore, cik".. >.^

fikir2 balik, maybe i was influenced by ust salbiah kot. she taught us bahasa melayu.. sejarah Islam.. eh, ape lagi yang ust salbiah ajar eh? akhlak ke? and also, the influence may have come from my few-days stay kat DQ. fuh, dah berzaman sey tu.. 4 years ago, i think.

hehe.. kite cakap ni.. just nak share je.. tak terkilan.. amused adelah. hehe

Oh yes! and eid miilad to my dear friend, Kamaliah...!! ana tak lupa~ cuma mcm malas nak hantar sms. haha! gurau jek. ana doakan anti dilindungi Allah dan sentiasa mendapat taufiq dan hidayah(wa syafiq wa kamaliah.. hehe.. =p)Nya.. apa pun yang anti lakukan, iringi ia dgn semangat yang jitu k. and... im just an MRT station away if you ever need me.. tomorrow ke, next month ke, 2 years later ke.. last but not least, keep up the working-out routine! haha.. ;p

uwaaaahhh~ final. ly.

I've been wanting to upload this video for the longest time sey~ dari oktober tahun lepas.. dan dari oktober tahun lepas tu lah, the video tak di-delete2 dari kameraku. *makan space kat kamera*. akhirnya~ baru kelmarin tukar video format, dan kali ni, windows movie maker tak buat hal. so yeah~ aku telah berjaya meng-overcome challenge ini! (chett~ macam real! -.-")

so, anyway, the video below was one of the few (and it's the longest) i took during Forum Irama II held in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. tak sangka plak liyana boleh interested dlm this kind of event eh? heee.. sebenarnye, curious ah.. nak tahu jugak camne edutainment macam gini goes. so, $15 gwe terbang~~ oh, i went alone. but dpt meet up dgn haziqah afterwards (and having a late bite at McD [dah masuk bukit timah uh :S] with her padahal dah pukul sebelas [read: dah naik cemas coz nanti ayah -----]).

mind you, i never paid attention to the sajak. i was more fascinated by the silat moves, especially the second part (sparring). hmmm... suddenly, im wondering how it'll be like to integrate silat n tkd. i mean, in both sparring and pattern. mesti weird.

i took other vids too:

oh, and i've got some photos:

Forum Irama II: Getaran Jiwa 261007

i was supposed to give my feedback to ust zauwiah after the show... but, ermm.. ni dah lapan, sembilan bulan overdue. heh.

secara jujur, i wasn't clear of the meaning, definition and explanation of 'getaran jiwa' by the performers/organisers/ustazs.. im sure they tried to relate the performances [nasyids, sajak, skit, dikir barat] with the right content, with 'getaran jiwa'.. but i just didnt get it. i guess, to me, the explanation wasnt solid enough. tak mantOp ah. cant remember what they said.. but i remember vividly the feeling/impression i had that night.

maybe it was the mixture of seriousness of the actual message yang nak disampaikan and the entertainment offered/performed, so i guess people tend to pay more attention, or enjoy the latter more. again, this is my biased opinion. true, that it's time to spread the good words and reminders beyond the halls of syarahan, kuliahs, etc, etc, and i admit that the event was a wonderful effort from the organisers. something fresh, no? and from the way it was executed (smooth~, i would say), the organisers had worked hard, and practised hard.

hmmm... yes, it was an 'interactive forum'. so, even though i wasn't terkesan, i hope others were.

now, what exactly was the message, content thruout the show? errmmm... im not so sure right now. i recommend that you visit this web to know more: http://luas-getaranjiwa.blogspot.com/

last but not least, i remembered and liked one song from the show. finally found it at imeem. ;D

Bebaabeka Lan O3aderaho - Muhammad Al-Husayyan

On a happier note -

I didnt realise i had missed the date i opened my eyes into this world til about 3 days ago. and that '3 days ago' was 29 days after the Big day, klw tak silap.

Happy belated birthday, my dear =) sorry, belum punya rezki untuk belikan apa2. tunggu bulan november ya? but, i do have some words of wisdom for you to remember and reflect.


Masih dalam Istikharah - Finale

A snippet from my conversation with a bro whom i respect..

:: One senior :: says: i shall say nothing more than..
:: One senior :: says: to each, Allah has set his/her path...
:: One senior :: says: watever decision u make.. tts His beautiful path for u..

i think, i was unsure.
i think, i was gradually becoming sure.

but my judgement was becoming biased.
aah.. it was happening again - pelajaran ditolak tepi.
yet, i remembered - kalau kita lakukan sesuatu di jalan Allah.. Allah pasti tolong. hmm.. must tajdid niyyah. check and re-check my inner self. coz i always forget. and im always tainted.

And, in the very early morning of 24th May 2008, I've come to a decision. although, to be honest, yes, i remember, i wasn't completely definitely strongly sure with that decision. rupa-rupanya masih ade keraguan. tapi dibiarkan.

analiy says:
analiy says:
are you still awake?
her senior says:
wa'alaikumussalam wr (: yes i am
analiy says:
analiy says:
k, klw dah ngantok takpe tau
her senior says:
tak lah
her senior says:
blum ngantuk. cume tak tau nak buat ape.
her senior says:
hav u fnished ur assignmnt?
analiy says:
analiy says:
analiy says:
okay kak...
analiy says:
her senior says:
yup. im ready.
analiy says:
eh, klw tulis formal kat surat pon orite jugak eh
analiy says:
(k, ni cari alasan nak lambat2 bilang)
analiy says:
k k
her senior says:
analiy says:
i've decided that
her senior says:
jap jap.
analiy says:
with pleasure
analiy says:
i'll wait
her senior says:
apapun keputusan liyana, i believe it is for the best. and forgive me if all this while, my words cam not helping in ur decision making.
my point is i'm ready to hear =)
her senior says:
k dah.
analiy says:
I accept the responsibility as vice-chairperson of Nur Ikhwan AY08/09 Committee.
analiy says:
hmmm... after how many weeks and days... finally, i've made my decision
analiy says:
my parents are okay with it.
analiy says:
and i told them, the duty will start end of june
analiy says:
betol kan?
her senior says:
alhamdulilah. terharu nyer.
analiy says:

Tuhan.. ku rasa agak lemah membaca kembali apa yang telah ku tulis.

ku teringat semula malam itu.. kira-kira tiga tahun lalu.. semasa Orientasi Prisma. ust Zauwiah di sebelahku.
ku teringat kembali hari itu, tiga tahun setengah yang lalu, setelah aku diberi jawatan yang ku rasakan amat berat.
ya, kedua2nya berat.
dan pada malam dan hari itu, ku meratapi segala yang perlu aku sandang dibahu, segala kelemahan, segala kehampaan, segala harapan, segala yang telah berlalu dan akan berlaku.

Tuhan.. mengapakah masih ada rasa takut dalam hati ini?
Tuhan.. mengapakah keyakinanku begitu rapuh?
Jangan bersedih.. jangan gusar.. jangan takut. Innallaha ma'anaa..!
Tapi, mengapa aku masih belum dapat menjiwai kata-kata itu?

Tuhan.. permudahkanlah....
Everyone's out.

The house's mine.

The internet's on.

it's a lazy Sunday, alright.


and Wall.E is out...!!!!

k, i've watched it, not really happening ah.. or funny. but still, Wall.E is one cute little robot =)

and... i found this at youtube -

cant wait cantwaitcantwaitcantwait..~~

chit-chat with alumni

setelah berminggu-minggu saye asyik tangguh je untuk blog, kali ni, saye NAK BLOG JUGAK!! tak kisah yang skrg ni dah lewat malam, esok kerja, ade email nak dihantar, document nak dicompile. -.-"

okay, sebelum tu, nak reply tags jap. coz my pc ni, selalu tak dapat view my tagboard. bila dapat, tak boleh nak send reply plak. so here goes:

Brother - aah.. yes, i'm not facing it alone. Thank you for the gentle reminder.

Spiderman_pink - thanks for the info. memang bila pikir2, darah, along with other organs such as kidneys, or liver, are valuable lifesavers. sometimes, i imagine myself in the recipient's shoes.. so, yeah~ to be able to feel the satisfaction, knowing that we make a difference in people's life, with just 400mL of blood for example, and that we dont have to be too educated or rich or do some far-fetched stuff to help people... Hamdna lillah..~ semangat jugak bila nampak poster derma darah kat sc! but, i'm not sure if i can donate blood these coming weeks. nevertheless, i hope more Muslims will step forward to pledge their names in this 'Rahmatan lil alamin' project.

Chit-Chat with Alumni

first and foremost, banyaknyerr makanan! alhamdulillah.... saye sangat gembira! (heh. nampak sgt orang tu suker makan) plus, sempat tgk Lord of the Rings. k, suprisingly, marliyana is also a fan, and..... her fav is Aragorn! *high five, girl!* yelah, mcm first time gitu.. selama ni, the people i met heran nah dgn Legolas.

hmm.. maybe i should change my msn nickname to Aragorn. k, tak penting.

anyway, it was enjoyable to be able to makan2 and talk2 with my NI alumni.. it would've been much much much (haaa.. tiga kali tu. tawkid!) better if 1. it was all-girls, 2. kak wani, kak fadz, kak diyanah, kak masturah, kak maryam O were there.

got to know about their family background, quirks, how they came into NI, personal experience, and some other stuff. it was a good opportunity too, to know more about the two upcoming chairperson and vice-chairperson.


you revealed too much lah, liyana!

i realise that i like to tell people stories, stories about my past, my everyday life, or just some random thoughts. simply said, liyana suker cerita panjang lebar~~
hah! so much for 'i dont like to reveal that much.. ask me questions, so i can answer accordingly...' sungguh contradicting.

i mean, sometimes it's good.. especially when you're with friends whom you're comfortable with.

tapi, liyana, kau tak sepatutnya cerita banyak sgt! kebanyakan jawapan2 yang kau berikan tak sepatutnyer didengari oleh lelaki.

ya! walaupun mereka itu kau anggap sebagai saudara se-Islam, pangkat abang/adik, tapi mereka tetap lelaki ajnabi!

dan kau seharusnya berurusan dgn mereka apabila perlu sahaje!

*sigh* my dear liyana, where have you thrown your principles? remember, when it comes to principle, you should stand like a rock!

some of the questions were about my family background, a bit about my alsagoff life, 3 strengths that i have, technical skills..

hmmm... bukan ape ah, tapi cara yang kau jawab tu, dan isi jawapan kau.. next time, should be more filtered, tersusun.. yang penting2 je k? klw semua perempuan lain lah.. bercerita sampai malam2 buta pun tak kisah. hehe..

ade question: are you a shy person?

macham nak ketawa bila pikirkan perangai saye dulu2.. shy eh? sometimes kot.. tapikan, i think, im the type of person who tak shy nak mencuba sesuatu, or angkat tangan to ask something.. melainkan time tu ramai sgt rijal ke.. or tahap shyness tu memang tgh tinggi.

yang pastinye, i've come to realise that im not a really peramah person too.. kinda shy lah kot, when im on my own. tapi, again, kadang2 boleh strike up a conversation.. tgk orang ah..

eh jap, yang kat atas ni bukan answer bulat2 sama yang saye berikan kat diorang tau. all these are what im thinking now.

are you a determined person?

haha.. this one, i answered, "i'd like to think (or was it, 'i hope') that im a determined person coz bla bla bla.."

hmm.. betul ah.. when people say im hardworking, or determined, rasa mcm tak percaya ah.. coz i dont believe so. though i want so much to believe.

tapi.. bila pikir2 balik, memang klw kita buat sesuatu yang kite suka, ade passion, we'll go thru it til the end. YES! til the end. biar ape orang nak kata. biar apa pun tekanan. biar pun kadang2 kita rasa sangat tak kuat.


hehe... well, when im happy, cheerful, you can see it. but when im not, you may notice it too. i realised this quite a long time ago. my facial expression tells it all - when im serious, pissed off, sad, depressed, tired (!!), angry, blur.. i do try to keep myself composed, so i wont reveal too much.

but i dont think i tell people what im feeling. i mean, not usually. they can only see my expression to guess, to assume..

hmmmm... entah eh. suddenly im reminded of my sec level days.. hmm...

yang ttg 3 strengths tu, i could only point out one. it's not that im really good at it. i can do it. but i still need to learn, practise.. so to be able to do it effectively. coz at the moment, im not an effective, well-versed speaker.

does 'enthusiasm' count as strength? if yes, then i would say yes, that's one strength i have. although, it's not really stable. can disappear gradually or suddenly.

baru2 ni, in my D-Talk 'reportbook', someone says about me being a person with 'positivenessnessness' (tawkid again~). ni betul2 kes tak percaya. coz pre-event, i saw myself as being fussy, a bit demanding maybe, and yes, i didnt stop wanting to finish, despite my spirits going lower and lower during that particular night/morning.

orite! what else...?
hmmm... i think that's all kot, the questions that caught my attention.

oh, and liyana.. i think you need to set yourself a curfew. seriously. tak guna klw kau happy2, or buat kerja2 yang baik, tapi buat mak ayah susah hati (marah pon ade). in the end, sape yang rasa bersalah? kau jugak. and it washes away all the happy feelings that you had before.

kawan2, lain kali kan, if you see that it's 10.30pm already, do alert me k. cakap ke, sms ke, call ke, nak laung pon boleh. "Liyana! dah pukul 10.30! balik!" klw boleh, sampai rumah before 12am. preferably, 11.45.. buffer time 15 minit. klw dah ingatkan tapi saye degil jugak, cuba ikhtiarkan sampai saye sedar and angkat kaki k. betul ah, liyana ni klw dah seronok kat prog tu, prog ni, asyik tangguh nak balik.

to end this post, i'd like to say that i like kak fiza's cookies. help the kids to improve ye kak, baik dari segi pelajaran, akhlak, mahupun bab bikin2 kuih ni. hehe. and i should've asked kak maryam to tapau her cute little cookies. and... i hope we can do this again, along with the sisters i mentioned earlier and other NI sisters =)