"... macam orang Malaysia..!.."

"aaahh? takdelah..~"

hehe.. that was what i encountered just now. apa yang macam orang Malaysia? it's the way i talk i guess. k lah, telo.. personally, ntah. macam orang Malaysia ke? i would think that sometimes i talk like makcik2! hahaha.. im sure a lot of my friends agree to that! haha

teringat time raya.. i think it was two years ago. first ke second day of raya ah.. then, my family went to masjid al-mukminin to solat.. kat dalam ladies. klw tak silap, i was talking to my sister. dah tu, ade satu makcik ni tegur, "awak (cant remember how she addressed me) orang Malaysia ke?" or was it "orang Johor".. hehe.. i said "saya orang singapore, cik".. >.^

fikir2 balik, maybe i was influenced by ust salbiah kot. she taught us bahasa melayu.. sejarah Islam.. eh, ape lagi yang ust salbiah ajar eh? akhlak ke? and also, the influence may have come from my few-days stay kat DQ. fuh, dah berzaman sey tu.. 4 years ago, i think.

hehe.. kite cakap ni.. just nak share je.. tak terkilan.. amused adelah. hehe

Oh yes! and eid miilad to my dear friend, Kamaliah...!! ana tak lupa~ cuma mcm malas nak hantar sms. haha! gurau jek. ana doakan anti dilindungi Allah dan sentiasa mendapat taufiq dan hidayah(wa syafiq wa kamaliah.. hehe.. =p)Nya.. apa pun yang anti lakukan, iringi ia dgn semangat yang jitu k. and... im just an MRT station away if you ever need me.. tomorrow ke, next month ke, 2 years later ke.. last but not least, keep up the working-out routine! haha.. ;p