still fresh in my mind..
"Kak, can I hug you?" ... i hugged her tight.
and i'm sure the day will come where i will get to know Huda more. bi idznillah..!
my teammates. no, she's not my adik, ye. heheh.
oh, and btw, i like my sandals very much!!! paham2 je ah.. dah 6-7 tahun tak pakai sandal.. so, mcm excited gitu. (hahaha.. liyana merepek!) altho masa first2 tu, rasa a bit awkward. but nvm. i finally got to buy one with my own money~
ni lah dia, faci-faci muslimah yang sepatutnyer menunjukkan good example kpd peserta2. haiz~ -_-"
anyway, what came to my mind was.. facilitators nih, mcm satu community/group gitu.. like, we're part organiser, part participant.. kita tak terikat dgn mane2.. but we're the bridge.. like what people have said, "facilitators, you either make it or break it!"
for me, it was nice to be in this close-knit group =) a different experience (oohh.. i'll talk about my experience in another post~)
my ermm... bunk mates? basically, we were seating where we would be sleeping uh. heh. anyway (eh, berape byk anyway daaa..?), i got the opportunity to get to know kak azimah, the one in purple. she was my alsagoff senior, tapi transfered to al-maarif during her secondary level. selama ni, pernah nampak dia je.. alhamdulillah.. bila on the first night, while waiting for the rest to finish tarawih, i got to break the ice (after so many years, to think of it!).. with hani (in blue) as the 'bridge'. =)
participants playing "SimonEmcee Says".. batman, superman, cicakman, spiderman semua keluar eh.
one of the propped games - walk the alphabets. uwah~ sabar je main game ni. i lost count how many times my group tried. as for myself? i didnt join til the last bit, coz i was on my 'observing' mode.. to try and figure out the lesson points from what the pax were experiencing.
after propped games, we had treasure hunt on bikes. one station was the minefield. hah! teringat time primary 6 dulu, i played this game masa camp sekolah.. kat sentosa. then, there was a 'number game' where the pax, without prior planning/coordination, have to shout out a number in sequence. yeah, they have to close their eyes. sape2 overlap, kena restart.
actually, we had to hunt for body parts. at the end of it, we would be allowed to use the body parts that we got to play this "transfer-this-cup-of-water-to-another-pail" game.
hmm.. i didnt join most of the games. one part of me didnt feel like playing. rather, i thought i should be the one to observe what was happening (my co-faci was the one 'in' the group). perhaps, keeping note of some things that i could use for debrief later. hmm.. i guess i was quite influenced with the ELF way. i mean, slipping in and out ah.. kadang2 join, kadang2 tak. altho im one who can get enthusiastic at times, i must be mindful that i am a facilitator, not a participant.

we then proceeded to the high ropes course. ooohh~ you wouldnt want to see the pictures. no, not of the pax who got up there. rather, of the pax/personnel/faci down below. or in the shelter. or in the buggy (is that what it's called?). haha.. it was indeed, a lazy and sleepy afternoon. zZzzZzz~
i was hesitant.. unsure, when was the best time to debrief my teammates.. betOl~ dilemma sgt2! finally, had a simple one before asar prayers.. hmm.. ntahlah, my gut feeling said i should do another one. coz the points explained, erm.. mcm tak cukup 'deep' gitu. surface2 je. hmm..
there was a mass debriefing too. the personnel did their best, i believe.
after tarawih, ada 'reflection session'. uwah! ni saya betOl2 tak suka! apa tidaknya, the environment is not suitable laaahh~.. yes, i understood totally that we had to be cramped inside the MPH due to the bad weather. i had thought of bringing my team at least jauh sikit.. somewhere ah.. seriously, i had a tough time convincing myself that the message could be sent across.
tapi takpe. i just shared what i felt. and briefed them about what to do (they were supposed to write on a piece of paper about... err.. ape eh? i think it was what they have learnt in RR'08 thus far). tried to stimulate them to think deeper.. feel more. hmm.. susah sgt. sebab diri tak rasa selesa.
k, in case you are beginning to wonder where my co-faci was.. she was beside me =) she was quite helpful, alhamdulillah~ in terms of getting the pax hyped up.. giving inputs/prompting the pax during the debrief.. yupz, she took care of the pax and befriended them. hehe.. honestly, i kinda think the pax were more comfortable with her than me.
and then, there was the supper! with the signature ice-cream. chett! i have a feeling the organisers sengaja include this in again. finale lah katekan~ haha.
dah tu, around 12 midnight, we facis (sisters) came together to crack our brains (i didnt crack mine ah) for the faci performance the next morning (uwarrrrggghh~ kalau takde tak boleh eh? leceh sey~).. tgh duduk2 tu, ade beberapa idea yang dihidangkan di atas meja (k, lame).. dah set, we went to a more secluded space to practise. part ni kelakar maut sey~ dgn gelagat2 yang merepek, melucukan, lagi gempak! ish ish ish~ malam2 ni tau. shhhh! tertahan2 kite ketawa.
next, faci debrief and feedback session. then, sleep time! but no, i sat with kak hanis, kak eszra and kak rufi. listened to kak hanis' dilemma.. and we (or rather, the 3 sisters) shared stories and experiences. sampai pukol 2 lebih. @.@ but i cherished that moment! another bonding opportunity with the 3 individuals, especially kak eszra and kak hanis.
this is one of the rare brother-sister pictures that i have. rasa2nyer, ade dalam 5 je kot.
hmmm... what can i say?
this was the second activity we had together. the first was IGM. tak pernah2 me ajak my brother. but i began to feel and see the need for me to get my brother involved. you know, sometimes, i can see that there is goodness in him. needs to be pushed to the open. nurtured. everyone is like that. especially now that he's engaged. so, i thought that it will be good to introduce him to the bros that i know. hmmm... takpe, bit by bit, my dear self. apa pun, jgn putus2 berdoa untuk dia dan keluarga k!
hmm.. i encouraged him to go for the stong trip.. but, 1. he was busy 2. i couldnt join (klw free pon, mesti tak boleh punyer~). ye lah, klw abang pergi sorang, nanti awkward pulak dia.
and so, for RR'08.. i felt that it would be a good start, no matter how small. alhamdulillah.. that abang digerakkan hatinye untuk membantu. hmm... now i need to find suitable follow-up(s). and i do hope my brother was at ease the whole time there, and made new friends. yupz!
syukur.. syukur.. syukur padaNya di atas ukhwah ini..
what do i think of RR'08? how was the ending? hmm... i'll keep my thoughts and the rest of my story for another post. inshaAllah.
last but not least, i did a bit of tweaking here and there. below is the final piece (one of 3 actually, different borders). i call it "my favourite expressions".

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