seperti mana anti katakan dalam entry ini, kesian lah tengok remaja sekarang tapi kita kena ingat, dia mungkin tak seuntung kita yang dapat petunjuk Allah pada permulaan kita dilahirkan. terjaga sampai besar panjang ni. Itu juga bermakna amanah yang kita pukul lagi berat dari apa bro itu memikul.the ummah needs more people like you. Jgn tawadhu' tak kena tempat ye. Jadi kena lah usaha siapkan diri jadi org tercontoh dan juga sediakan generasi pelapis yang bakal memikul amanah itu."Itu juga bermakna amanah yang kita pukul lagi berat dari apa bro itu memikul."Hmmm... betul. *rase mcm kena slapped in the face* sigh.. the word "amanah" has this big weight in it. korang rase tak? cuba sebut perkataan itu sekali lagi: A-maa-nah!
Terima kasih, Tuhan.. di atas ni'mat Iman dan Islam.."Jadi kena lah usaha siapkan diri jadi org tercontoh dan juga sediakan generasi pelapis yang bakal memikul amanah itu."heheh, nak jadi orang tercontoh ni.. *tgk cermin*.. inshaAllah..
sediakan generasi pelapis?
YES!tiba2 me terpikir tentang NI, dan terutama sekali, my juniors in alsagoff. in PRISMA.
-fikir panjang-
Thanks, Bro, for your comment. i appreciate it!
two weeks ago, mase usrah kat mks.. anisah, sakinah n aiman were sharing about keadaan kat alsagoff.. hmm.. nampaknyer, mcm ade 'masalah' dgn adik2 kat sana. risau lah!
dari segi akhlak, mostly.
personally, im just soo afraid and worried pikirkan keadaan anak2 madrasah.. as the years go by. especially, in my alma mater. takut pengajian di madrasah tu, setakat belajar untuk exam. takut madrasah dah jadi mcm sekolah lain. takut madrasah tak dapat nak lentur adik2 ni menjadi muslim dan muslimah yang baik akhlaknya..
ade jugak ah, tgk2 blog a few juniors. hmmm.. sedih!
i dont want my juniors to think that madrasah tak boleh offer them the best environment, the holistic environment, for them to excel bila keluar nanti. ermm.. k, let me rephrase - i dont want them to think "ergghh.. bila lah aku nak graduate? aku nak masuk mainstream.."..
okay, that aside.
i want to talk about something else.
for more than a year now, i have this big urge to come back to school. to do something. to tell the teachers there, that madrasah plays a big, super duper role to didik pelajar2nye.
it's like, madrasah is the safe haven, you know? klw tak madrasah, mane lagi kite nak didik anak2 Islam tentang Islam? secara menyeluruh! and yes, and paling utama ialah mentarbiyah mereka dgn peribadi Islam. Subhanallah! bayangkan, my sisters and brothers from madrasah, graduate into the real world with personalities yang mengkagumkan dan berpegang pada prinsip2 agama. hmmm...
'Celupan Madrasah'is it too much to ask for?
hmm.. korang rase, ade beza tak perwatakan seseorang yang dulu dari madrasah dan yang dari sekolah secular? for me, kite tak boleh nak rase.. coz, i was from a madrasah.. jadi, biased ah..dari segi ilmu agama pon, i realise that madrasah has a lot to do to equip the students. for example,
fiqh. cuba tunjukkan, bincangkan, isu2 kontemporari. tiba2 me teringat usul fiqh. ustazah selalu beri contoh 'dadah' dibandingkan dgn 'arak'. balik2 itu. afwan ust, ana tak berniat untuk memperkecilkan ust. cuma.. ana fikir, ada byk hukum2 yang nampak remeh, tapi sebenarnya, ialah sesuatu yang basic, yang sepatutnya, pelajar madrasah tahu.
klw kita gi website2 soal jawab tentang Islam.. kita akan baca macam2 kemusykilan agama. why not, organise an assignment for the students to solve a few questions.. dah tu, present kat kelas. dgn ini, pelajar boleh make use of the library kat tingkat 3 tu (byk buku2 'intellectual' kat situ) and learn research skills.. dapat improve presentation skills. ni dah mcm problem-based learning ah. dan. mereka dapat belajar selok-belok mencari dalil2 yang sohih, tulisan2 ulama', to support their answers.
another subject yang boleh diperdalamkan lagi skopnya ialah
hadith. secara terus terang, kite rase tak salah, malah menguntungkan, klw pelajar2 didedahkan dgn contoh2 perbahasan tentang hadith2 dho'if.. bid'ah or ape2 ah.. this exposure kan, will at least give the students a sort of 'advanced standing' bila keluar nanti. lebih2 lagi for those yang tak continue into religious field.
anak2 madrasah kita perlu dibekalkan dgn ilmu yang substantial. not just theory, but practical.klw
quran dan tajwid pulak.. wah, ni penting! alhamdulillah.. one can see that those from madrasah dapat membaca dgn baik. tapi tajwid perlu dipertingkatkan lagi.
hmmmm... tapi, yang paling necessary ialah.. tarbiyyah rohani.. coz i think that kita masih lack kat situ.. pelajaran, ilmu is one thing ah.. tapi, kesedaran dlm diri masing2 tentang tanggungjawab kita sebagai seorang muslimah.. kesedaran.. kesedaran.. is another thing. need to instill the right values, to make them understand why we learn this, why we do that, guide them so that they can appreciate and experience for themselves, the beauty of Islam. okay, if this is too much, at least, get them to be aware that they need Islam, and Islam needs them.. so that in the future, ape pon steps they take, they will have Islam in their hearts and Allah as their common goal.
lagi2 klw dah masuk alam menengah.. this is where the spiritual development is crucial.. haiz~ teringat usrah.
k, i realise that im blabbering. ---
just to share, mase hari raya dgn kawan alsagoff.. kat rumah ust kamsinah.. i voiced out my concern.. that our students need more exposure.. to develop themselves in terms of communication skills, leadership skills and whatever else. pokoknyer, masa kat madrasah nih shouldnt be just about studying. this is where PRISMA can be utilised fully. and that, tarbiyah tu perlu. usaha dan peranan para ustazah dan ustaz sangat2 penting.. i want to tell them not to give up on these students.. merekalah murabbi.. and we need you, teachers!
some of my friends pon support jugak.. that madrasah needs to do more for the students.. tapi ape reaksi ustazah? ermmm... she nodded and all.. but she was not as enthusiastic as i thought she would be. perhaps i should go to ust zauwiah. maybe she would understand better.
so, mase usrah tu, me and kak mariam dah semangat.. i see the need for us,
alsagoff alumni, to come together and help our juniors. i mean, we've seen the world, right? and im sure, a lot of us have different experience and expertise that we can share. (lebih2 lagi, kakak2 who are much2 older than me) it shouldnt be about us. it's about them. we want our juniors to be ready for the world. and not just like everyone else.. we hope to see our juniors become a full-fledged Muslimah. Mu'minah, Solehah, inshaAllah!
i said to kak mariam, "eh, klw adekan sistem usrah, bagus eh?" tak boleh disangkal, usrah merupakan satu platform yang sangat baik untuk membentuk adik2 kita. lebih efektif to focus on small groups.. hmm..
i also asked the trio, "kan PRISMA ada?" like i said, PRISMA is where our students can hone their organisational skills, etc. help bring colour to the school ah. since we dont have CCAs and we're mostly shut away from extra-alsagoff activities. but, they told me that the 'office' has lots of restrictions, although ust zauwiah supports the activities that PRISMA wants to do. hmmm.. i thought the school is more flexible now. k, this is just one side of the story. so, i guess, i may have to ask the 'office people' myself about this. or ask ust zauwiah. chett, liyana ni mcm berani nak tanya sekolah macam2 eh?
tapi kan, betol lah! the urge tu kadang2 kuat. rasa nak sangat berkhidmat kat sekolah balik. not as a teacher. but i want to do it through PRISMA. see, i told you, i still cant get over PRISMA even though it's been three years! haha tak lah.. it's just that, i see it has a potential.. takkan nama je alsagoff ade student body, tapi tak dapat gerak secara aktif mcm itmawat. i dunno how itmaj, asc and al-arabiah student council are doing. and i dunno if irsyad got their own student body. but what i do know, is that the other madrasahs got quite a number of activities/CCAs that the students can organise and participate in.
in summary, i hope to help my juniors, one way or another.
-the end-
p.s. haaahh.. ust sakinah nak proposal eh? ana takde proposal ah.. ni angan2. tgklah camne. do'akan eh? mudah2an, suatu hari nanti, kita (alumni) ramai2 dan guru2 dapat saling bantu-membantu to bring a positive change to the school, and the students. better still,
let's spark a revolution!