I watched a 19-minute video about "the real situation in Gaza". Saw it earlier today in FB News Feed; a friend 'liked' the vid. So I was curious.

The video showed scenes from Dec 08 - Jan 09 (I believe, coz that was the caption in the video). And.. well, I am feeling sick in my stomach right now. Not because of some dead bodies and blood. But because of the CHAOS, DESTRUCTION, CRUELTY, DESPAIR, and FEAR that the Palestinian people live with everyday.

I just can't grasp it. It's like, I am in a different universe. Yet I know damn well that I am just a vast ocean away. Same planet. I can't bear thinking about what's happening over there... Allah... help us all!

Seeing clips of a jet 'sending' a bomb down to a building.. whoa.. so fast! Zup! And then, BOM! Smoke and fire.. One is not safe. One doesn't know where it will hit next. Or when. A lot of uncertainties..

I wonder.. how are Palestinian girls my age going about their lives? What are they doing now? What are they thinking and feeling?

I know in my heart that the innocents will prevail, I know who will win in the end (for it has been promised), but the long and hard struggle.. is really really painful (even for someone like me, being so far away) that sometimes, one needs reminders.. encouragements.. to endure and continue living.