an example

di bawah adalah satu contoh orang yang nak berkenalan dengan orang lain.

"Hey liyana eh boleh bual2 jap im boring kat camp"

kisahnye begini: ade satu hamba Allah nie, dia sms me, asking "Liyana eh".. i replied that i am liyana and asked this person who she/he is..

then, erm.. i couldnt quite remember.. well, turned out that he is my coursemate's brother, n that he got the wrong number, wrong liyana. hah! so i said ok, hope that you will find the correct person's number. then.... the above sms was sent to me.

duh! ape lagi, me pon reply yang me ni 'bukan wanita yang berbual dgn lelaki kt talipon' n i suggested that he talk to his same species friends. i mean, come on lah! mcmlah dia ni tkde kwn2 lelaki... tkkn nak berbual dgn perempuan kot! merepek!

his reply:

"bukan mcm gitulah bebual msg je lahh"

n i replied something like "klw saye ade urusan dgn lelaki, saye sms.. or call klw terpakse. saye tkde urusan dgn awak, bahkan tk kenal pun." and something like, "i hope you respect my principle/decision"..

dia tk reply balik, klw tk silap. so, the end =)

nak kate, i think this is my first time dealing with a total stranger of the opposite sex who wants to start a conversation. n my first impression was, ergh! menyampah nye aku! tapi, mcm nak nasihatkan dia, tegurkan kesilapan dia tu..

hmm.. learnt any lesson, anyone?
