into my second year

school reopens, and im now a junior. i dont like that term..!! it sounds younger than freshman..

n the best thing is...

i got french for my cross-disciplinary subject!! woo-hoo~~ i hope i'll get A or B for this subject..

timetable, well, im satisfied with it. basically, i have lotttsss of breaks =) oh! but bad news: tuesday to friday, sch starts at 8 in the morning. *rolling on the floor, wailing like mad~~* i missed APEL lesson (a tutorial) yesterday =( it was really demoralizing, sitting in the bus, hands going numb due to super cold aircon, n stuck in the highway jam. so, i expect to get a warning letter soon.

cca, im selected for Quartermaster in ELF. im happy with that position, coz i asked for it :) tkd, we got a malay guy captain. yeah!

n silat is now officially in TP!! too bad im already in tkd, so although i'd like to join the seni part of silat, i dont think i can. oh well~~ in conclusion, i wont be adding another cca into my life.

oh, n i have several new classmates. coz biomed split up already. half goes to biomedical technology (BMT), another half goes to pharmaseutical science and technology (PST). im in BMT. then, BMT students are divided into 2 classes. im in TG02.

ok, got to go now. tutorial at 11am~ bye!!