i went to fashihah's blog just now.
she withdrew from kuis???
i wonder where you're studying now, fashihah.... anti tulis kat blog anti yang sekolah anti tu jauuuuhhh nah... mmm jauh sangat ke..? klw gitu, kite tak dapat nak jumpe lagi 2, 3 tahun??
walaupun kite tak rapat, ana sedih jugak ah tak dapat nak jumpe anti... sedangkn kawan2 kt malaysia pon ana tk dapat jumpe bila mereka sedang cuti.
hmmm.... what i've been up to?
nothing much. just go to school, learn something, back home, watch tv, print notes, cca, adobe photohoshop, meetings. yeah. quite mundane.
but, but!
yesterday i got to watch spiderman 3 avec mon frère et ma soeur (with my brother and my sister). wah, wah, wah!! two thumbs up. and tobey looks especially good-looking with his fringe - and black suit. (not the black spidey suit, ok... im talking about the suit he wore when he took gwen to the diner/bar) oops! hehe..
there's an open house event at madrasah al-maarif this saturday... a friend of mine said there will be bazaar and tour around the school. nice!
concurrently, there's qiyamullail at alsagoff, n im happy to say that i'll be helping out. err... as a facilitator?? hmmm... whatever lah.. yang penting, me dapat jumpe ust sakinah and adilah. woo Hoo~~ sape2 lagi yang pegi eh..
btw, if you're wondering, the main picture in this layout: lyrics from the song Vois Sur Ton Chemin, one of the beautiful songs from the french movie Les Choristes (The Choir). i had been wanting to watch the movie ever since it was launched.... bertahun2 yang lalu ah... then, as i was flipping through my french workbook, i saw the 'movie screening' part... and i saw the word 'les choristes'. obviously lah kan, the dvd/vcd is in the school library.
punyelah sukeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr diri nie bila discover that the cd is within my reach! ape lagi...
and so, j'aime Les Choristes =)
afterwards, i borrowed the soundtrack. aiyo~ tak puas2 si liyana nih!
the soloist's voice is just so.. angelic, melodious.. bagai buluh perindu. betul! namanye Jean-Baptiste Maunier. physique nye pon.... subhanallah~ suara ade, wajah ade... *sentence left hanging* there's also one character 'pepinot'... budak yang lakonkan watak tu pon.. cute!
klw nak tahu cerite ni tentang ape, go and google, or yahoo, 'les choristes' yourself. thanks!
this is the real choir group behind Les Choristes. they are from Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Marc.
click here to listen to another song from the movie, n this time there's a solo part by jean-baptiste.
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