since it's been 2 months.. so, my memory and enthusiasm to write have kind of, diminished. but i'll try to complete the story where i had left it..
to cut it short:
the participants sat on a large mat; ee-jang teams in front, sa-jang teams behind. i remembered the ntu tkd coach giving his speech. oh, n he looks more like a netball coach than a tkd coach. -.-"
my team is TP team 2: me, yanning, zai yu and pei yong (reserve).
when TP team 1, consisting of gui wen, catherine, janice and shin rong (reserve), performed, i just couldnt lift up my eyes to see them. ntahlah, mungkin sbb takut nampak mereka buat mistake ke ape ke.... hmmm... i was simply afraid for them.
sementara menunggu tu, me ade jugak ah doa2 untuk tenangkan hati.. berbual2 dgn participants kat sebelah.. (TJC and SRJC, i think).. nervous tu still ada..
when it was our turn, my mind was set. tak kisah sape2 yg lihat, i just wanted to concentrate. hmm... bila tgh buat pattern tu, in my head, and heart, i sensed that our movements werent the same. and there wasnt enough power. i had the feeling that i was the one who wasnt following the rest. i did try to increase my strength in movement, tapi takut2 dah tak synchronise dgn my team members.
ntahlah, ape nak jadi, jadilah. rasenye pattern tu selesai sekejap sekali. dlm hati, me rase quite puas. that we've done the best that we could, and that we couldnt possibly be the worst team. dalam mase yang sama, me tetap berdoa, that ape pon keputusannye, me tetap tabah and stay calm.
alhamdulillah~ i was suprisingly calm. it was as though i did not care about us not going to the finals..
*ouh, side-track kejap: the first round is automatically called 'the semi finals'. the top 7 or 8 teams will then proceed to the 'final round'.*
sekali lagi, me bersyukur kepada Allah, kerana Dia telah berikan me ketenangan yang sgt2 me harapkan. rase sedih tu ade jugak, tapi pada tahap minimal. yang amat dirasakan time tu ialah rase gembira untuk TP team 1. yeah~ i was happy and proud of them. sbb selama ni, masa trainings, they were like the underdogs. the seniors, even coaches, were kind of pessimistic about them. my team were the so-called 'harapan' untuk menang the competition.
as for my teammates, they were unpleasantly suprised. couldnt quite believe why we got lots of deduction of marks... yang memburukkan keadaan, our instructor/coach pointed out that zai yu was the one who made the obvious, if not most, mistakes. kesian kawan me yang satu tu... kenape mesti diorang point out the mistake cepat2... tak boleh tunggu ke... dah lah time tu tgh sedih sbb tk dpt masuk final, ditambah lagi dgn rase guilty kerana diri sendiri yang menyebabkan kekalahan pasukan.
as for myself, i dont believe that the mistake zai yu made caused our defeat. in my eyes, the two of us (me and yanning) must have also done quite a number of mistakes. plus, i had already seen that some teams performed way better than us. me tak sampai hati ah... that zai yu yang kena blamed..
actually, our performance was recorded in videocam.. tapi sampai sekarang me belum tgk camne performance kite sebenarnye. hmm~
as for the sa-jang teams (both TP teams are guys), TP team 1 got into the finals.
the final result: ee-jang team didnt get any medals. sa-jang team got medals for 4th place. yey!
i dont remember who were the top 3 winners for the two categories. but i know NTU, NP were among them.
anyway, time for pictures!
TP team 1 (ee-jang): from left - shin rong, gui wen, janice and catherine
TP team 1 (sa-jang): from left - hafiq, nazrullah (reserve), khidir and thiha
TP team 2 (sa-jang): from left - daniel (reserve), darrel... the other two, i forgot their names *covers face in embarrassment!*
TP team 1. i dont know their pattern name. oh, n they got SILVER!!! woo-hoOo~ from left: si ting, tiffany, kit (reserve) and grace
our coaches: keng boon (pattern), michael ho (main coach) and bryan (sparring)
with michael sir; n pei yong too =) *we're soo short lahh..*
group photo. last day of competition, after prize giving ceremony. with the sparring participants. not all TP tkd people were present. TP got the second place for overall champion. first place? who else if not NTU..
for more pictures, go to
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