the week before term test

latest update: the tkd pattern poomsae is not on june 17th *huge sigh of relief* it's on 17 july.

here's my term test schedule:

monday 4 june: fundamentals of pathology
tuesday 5 june: molecular genetics
wednesday 6 june: applied immunology
thursday 7 june: csas3
friday 8 june: histological technique

and, would you believe me if i say that some people only have 1 term test paper? yeah, you should. and some people have 6 papers.

it's quite relaxing, this week. coz some subjects got no lecture, no practical... so i can study peacefully. but so far, my progress is very slow..

i really want to do well, but seeing my quiz 1 results (fpath: 17.5/25, htech: 16/25, aimm: 26/30), hmmm... i must work super hard.. haiz~ penat betul bila pikir pasal pelajaran ni..

oh well..

let's talk about something lighter, shall we?

im happy to say that i now know how to use adobephotoshop. heh. =p

it's a big deal to me, ok? sebab dah berzaman me cuba nak fahamkan terms dan tools yang ade kat situ. leceh betul! alhamdulillah... sekarang ni, ade jugak skills.. before adobephotoshop, i used (still using, occasionally) the gimp, another picture-editing programme.

here are some of my 'works':

above is one of my earliest works.. cant remember whether it was from photoshop or the gimp. from the design, nampak sgt yang me ni beginner, ye tak? but i still like this picture..

this one is from the gimp. yep. actually, there's an original one: purple/dark pink background, golden yellow border and letters.

this was from the gimp too, i think. at that stage, dah tahu gunekan two colours for background, rather than one solid colour. and, main2 dgn aligning words..

this is one of my favourites.. from photoshop.

above is one of the two NI namecard samples that i've done so far. it's damn simple, which is not so... professional looking. hmm... got lots to improve. oh! did you notice the brush on the right side of the namecard? it's quite faint..

ok, i guess that's all for now.

i'll be writing another entry soon!