the taekwondo ivp 2007 - my story

note: this piece of incomplete entry was written on 27 march 2007, aroung 12.57pm

i know, i know.. it's been weeks since i wrote 'stay tuned'.. and i apologise if i've kept you readers out there waiting..

the competition was held at NTU sports and recreation center. it was a 3-day event. 1st day - pattern competition. 2nd and 3rd day - sparring competition. the prize giving ceremony was on the last day.

i heard that it is the first time NTU organize this Taekwondo Open.. and i heard other stuff too. from my seniors.. hmm.. su'uz zhon ah... like, how there could've been bias-ness in the judging section. but you know what, i dont really care. maybe im naive of this tkd politics.. but i believe my group's mistakes are the real cause of our loss.


i started off the day quite badly. yeah. i was getting nervous by the minute. i asked my parents again and again to pray for me. not just for success, but for calmness, perseverence etc etc.. doa ibu bapa tu mustajab kan?

i was just soo afraid that i might mess things up. if not i, we. or go blank. n then, nak kena ikhlaskan hati.. but mostly, i was nervous coz of the pressure i put to myself. and i actually cried in 969 on the way to school. in broad daylight. *hope that none of the passengers noticed...embarrassing lah!*

even in the coach bus with my tkd friends, i didnt talk. partly because no one sat beside me. another was that i didnt feel like talking. i wanted to just keep quiet. pray. contemplate. think. hope. pray. and my eyes were brimming with tears.

tenangkan lah hati ini, ya Allah~

when we reached the center, straightaway we went to the changing room. fuh~ i like the room! spacious! then, we walked into the waiting area where we saw the teams from other schools - JCs, polys and unis. ade yang pakai school windbreaker.. i like NUS punye colour.. oren and biru.. so refreshing! n NTUnye slogan kt at the back of their windbreaker is 'NTU Spirit' fuyo~~ aku pon naik semangat! *klw gitu, kite pon nak join NTU coz of its sports team, can?*

selalunye, tkde JC yang masuk pattern competition.. but this year, we had TJC, PJC, JJC, SRJC, IJC. ade hwa chong institution jugak. poly - TP, SP, NP. universities - NUS, SMU, NTU, SIM.

n so, tpt waiting area tu crowded ah... available spaces were being used to rehearse the steps.. n occasionally, some institutions shouted their 'lets-put-our-hands-together' cheers.. very the enthusiastic! and loud.

i must say, i was a bit 'jakon' tengok ramai2 org nih... hehe... first time masuk tkd competition lah katekan...