im restless because exams are looming nearer. TWO MORE WEEKS, my dear!
and also because i messed up few quizzes, a presentation, and my image as a student (remember ddct?)
and also because im having mixed feelings about going to tkd trainings. and this time, it's more prone to not going to training
let's see.. positive matters and happy news that i'd like to share with you:
1. went to kak hidayati n bro rizal's nikah ceremony at ba'alwie mosque last saturday. suker!!
btw, i think masjid ba'alwie is not so accessible. nasih baik gue follow my guts to alight from the bus. right at the last minute, tau! klw tidak.. haiz.. tak tahu lah berapa jauh the next bustop is! and i wonder if it has a place for muslimah yang ma'zurah to sit eh? i didnt know where to sit, so i sat at the edge of the muslimah praying corner, right at its entrance. and most of the time, i stood. hmm.. ape hukumnye eh? i know kalau lintas je boleh. tapi klw stood for more than 30 minutes (coz i wanted to watch the akad, and take pictures of the bride and groom)..?
ooohhh... and another thing i'd like to admit: i actually thought bro rizal dah kahwin. oopppss! betul.. mati2 ingatkan dia dah kahwin,
and dah ade anak. huhu.. kak hidayati, if you ever read this post.. afwan sgt2! jgn ambil hati ye? i think i got the impression when i attended a particular meeting at saff centre. bro rizal was there, bro hafiz, bro mohksin, kak hidayati and kak aishah were there.. yup, could've been a vmd meet.
waduh~ rasa bersalah sey.. =(and... kak hidayati looked beautiful!! i think the make-up is nice (sorry for the lack of a better word).. i mean, it's not the mak-andam type. paham tak? plus, i dont usually comment on people's make-up ok? so, i really mean what i said.
2. im now taking arabic class.. with ustaz iskandar.. haa.. klw yang belajar kat wehdah dulu tahu lah siape dia.. or yang belajar kat tampines north cc. it feels really good to be learning arabic again - an arabic book, or sheet, in front of you, and you are busy putting the 'syakl' and scribbling the meaning of the words.
semalam, i went to masjid raudhah with kak aminah (from nypms). dia ajak gi kelas 'cara solat rasulullah s.a.w.' by ustaz hamzah jumat. gunekan buku 'sifatu solatinnabi' karangan syeikh nasiruddin albani.
bila masuk kelas tu, my eyes quickly laid upon few makciks yang pakai niqab (dalam hati: waahh~). that aside, the class is in english. bukan sahaja bapa2, pakcik2, abang2, makcik2 melayu yang ada, tetapi juga indians. klw chinese or caucasian or eurasian, takde kot.
and what i learnt from yesterday's class was that there are 6 ways of reciting tasyahhud.
3. semalam jugak, kakak datang rumah.. kakak nak tgk my tkd pics. fuyo, segan sey.. sebab i dont have a lot of pictures and takde apa yang nak ditunjuk pon. plus, bukannya me bagus sgt (though i didnt say it out loud). at last, tunjuk video pattern yang bersejarah tu (sebab mak dah mention that i have a video). embarrassed sey! kakak kata, liyana ni sajak jadi ustazah ke.. pensyarah ke.. hehe.. tergelak jugak bila kakak cakap camtu.. adelah lagi comment2 dia. ape-ape je lah, kakak ni! ditambah pula dgn komen ayah dgn mak. haiz~ padahal sebenarnya, takde ape yang perlu dibesar2kan.
4. im currently reading
the kite runner. watched the movie already, online. mengusik jiwa, movie tu! of friendship, betrayal, undying loyalty.. of potrayal of the life in afghanistan. i watched with an objective mind ah.. regarding the potrayal of taliban and such. coz to me, these are just snippets of how afghanistan is, and how it was. it may not be entirely accurate, but definitely not a lie, but i accept it as something that could have been, and is, happening.
for you a thousand times over.. kecewa jugak coz character hassan takde mase dewasa.. cerita ni diceritakan seolah2 ianya kejadian sebenar.. and if the adult hassan was alive, and that he and amir were reunited at last, i would have cried!! letter yang hassan hantar kat amir pon mengharukan.
ok, friends! i strongly recommend you to read and watch the kite runner.
and yes, i find the visual representation of the book satisfying. worth it.
*inhale.. exhale..* looking forward to the chinese new year holiday~