Brother bought me a Happy Meal this morning. haaa.. percaya tak? tak percaya? hehe.. I had wanted pancakes. and he thought that $3+ is expensive. So he bought Happy Meal.. got Milo. -.-"

Tapi comel lah.. dah 7-9 tahun tak beli Happy Meal. Whee~ *eksyen mcm budak2* and the toy gift is the hippo character from Madagascar. *k, tak heran*


Hanisa, adik Kak Hida, sekolah kat al-junied laaaahhh... tak pernah tau. terserempak seorang pelajar nih kat ghufran tadi. so, kite senyum, dia senyum. then, she said, "eh? kenal tak?" and i was like, "ehhhhhh? dah kat al-junied?...sejak bila...? ehhh.."

haha.. nampak sah kite tak boleh percaya. then i was curious, "kenapa tukar sekolah?"

oh... she wants to 'major' in agama/arabic.. coz in mwti she got the science stream.

anyway, she transferred at the beginning of the year. okayyy... coz dah lama tak hadir kat mane2 banat thfz gathering.. and dah lama tak jumpa dia.. so.. kite ni ketinggalan zaman.

i wonder if there are other updates that i dont know of. i guess i've been too.. ermm.. busy, tak jugak.. ermm.. katak bawah tempurung kot. jadi mcm2 benda tak tahu.


okay. im going into hiatus (or is it 'on a hiatus'?) -------- for one week or so.

nak kena submit MP report next Monday. oh tidaaaaaakkkkkkkkk!