Finally, after 3 or 5 years, He let us meet again.

Me and Kak Fairuz.

2nd Nov 2008. at about 3pm. blk 752, choa chu kang. at kak liana's walimah.

*chett, mcm jumpa kekasih lama plak -gags-*

prior to that, i had hoped, that there might be a slight chance for me to see her there, after kak aishah arshad, during kak zakiah's walimah, mentioned that she is back in singapore. and that the rest (oohh, kak aishah, kak afia, kak liana, etc) knows her.


i was very very happy. i still am.

for those of you who do not know, Kak Fairuz is my senior at alsagoff. i first got to know her (better) when i joined Kelab Kebajikan dan Sukarela PRISMA in primary 6. she was the chairperson. that was when i got to know kak hairani too. She then moved on to become the vice-chairperson of PRISMA, then the chairperson. i guess, her personality and spirits influenced me. funny, coz i kinda thought that every 2 generations, PRISMA was brought to better heights by its chairperson and her comrades. first it was kak susilawati's generation, then kak fairuz's, then someone else's.. but i do not know how PRISMA fared under the hands of the 1991's generation. but that's another story. oops~ i got it wrong.. kak fairuz's is the 3rd after kak susilawati's.

jap, let me refresh:
2000 the chairperson was kak faezah safaruan (kan, nabilah?)..
2001 kak musfirah, then 2002 kak salimah (both dah kahwin. alhamdulillah~~).
2003 kak fairuz, 2004 kak shahida (coughnidengar2dahCOUGHtunangcough).
2006 was nirwana, 2007 was huda (the junior in my sec42005 raya entry).
2008 sumayyah, next year.. i wonder who~

oh! not to forget, the generation before PRISMA was officially born. ehem. Persatuan Muraqibah Umum, eh, ust sakinah? *winks*

anyway, i've heard only good things about Kak Fairuz. she's a cili padi, alright! Alhamdulillah~ May she excel in everything she does, and May Allah ease her path..


Sakinah Saptu said...

Terima kasih kerana menyebut nama ana. "Persatuan Muraqibah Umum"..mmm...owh...amat menyakitkan! Susah...sedih...stress...Allah sahaja yang tahu. Tapi, kalau Alsagoff tak nak kenang pun tak pelah.At least, usaha itu telah mewujudkan Prisma sekarang. Alhamdulillah :)