Ada Apa Dengan Facebook?

siang tadi, pukul 3 lebih, i checked my mail. okay, semua emel dah clear.

sepuluh minit yang lalu, checked again. haa..? 34 new messages..???

ku pikir emel-emel baru tu mungkin yang penting2.. atau yang bernas2.. ada isi. ku picit tab 'Inbox'.

oh laaaaa.... rupe2nye notification that si fulan "tagged/commented on a photo of you". aiseyman.. banyak sgt! macam menyemak lah pulak.

hmmm... sejak beberapa hari nih, ade je emel yang bertajuk "-- added you as a friend on facebook". ye, saye ade facebook account. tapi klw awak tak add saye pon tak rugi (heh), sebab saya tak gunekan (or rather, belom gunekan) ape2 kemudahan/applikasi yang ade kat situ.

conclusion: i dont understand why people semangat nah dgn facebook. -_-"

found :)

Last Friday, hati ni tergerak nak gi KPR. selama ni, pernah dengar dari marl, mus, kak maryam.. so, memandangkan hari tu last day exam, jadi konon2 nak 'celebrate' habis2an (mcm betOl je eh), i tot to myself, jom ah gi!

sampai ghufran around 7pm gitu.. after solat maghrib then we made our way to the classroom. someone was already there. immediately after i salam-ed her, a sense of familiarity struck me. a name was forming in my head..

"what's your name?"

"sekolah mana..?"

"were you from alsagoff..?"

indeed! she is the Yasmin, my classmate wayyyy back in primary level. Yasmin Hamzah.. she transferred to another madrasah when she was in primary 3 gitu..

masyaAllah...! what a coincidence.. what a coincidence. k, i need not explain further how i felt. im sure you've read my previous posts about meeting people whom i've not seen for a loOng time.

primary 2 or 3 kot

from the left --

1. Shahriza, is it? i forgot her name.. she also left the school some time during the primary school days.. but i know she has an elder sister who has bulu mata yang lentik and suka cubit hidayah johari.. sebab hidayah johari ade bulu mata lentik jugak. hehe.. i've no idea how to find her.. :(

2. Yasmin! yeah, i remember her as a short, quiet girl.. suara serak2 basah. sekarang.. lebih tinggi dari kite kot.

3. Hafizah Sariupua. alhamdulillah... both of us stayed on til sec 4. altho we didnt graduate the same year. oh yes, she is tallll.. macam syarafina jugak. and sweet, too :)

4. Mariam Said. another lost friend. we were play mates back then.. together with Kamaliah and Suraya. would like to meet her again..

so yeah, after 11 years, with His Will, i was in the same room as Yasmin again~ were busy chit-chatting til right before the class started.. aahh.. so much to ask, so much to know ^_^

you know, moments like this, kan, or particular points in life where i found or met someone with whom i've lost contact or not seen for ages, remind me of how long i have lived. it's like, wow.. it's been 11 years.. Allah has let me live to see today, now, this moment. mcm 'benchmark' gitu.. ermm.. not sure how to describe it exactly.. another example is RR. when RR'08 and ramadhan 1429H arrived, i realised.. "Ya Allah.. i'm still alive. You've given me another year (that is, measuring from RR'07).. one long year..*reflective mood*.."

hmmm... recently, on 15 feb, i bumped into kak Hafizah.. kat luar tpt solat perempuan kat mks. terus peluk dia erat2. one of the best feelings ever! alhamdulillah~ alhamdulillah~~~ sayangnya, kita sempat bertanya khabar je, coz she was leaving for a meeting. takpe, takpe. another time. oh, i also saw kak Izzah.. earlier ah.. mase CPR last.. umm.. december?.. meskipun tak rapat/kurang kenal, kite tetap rasa gembira dpt jumpa a senior :) haaa... sekarang ni, tgl kak Raihana je kite belom dipertemukan lagi.. in time, InshaAllah~

here's another picture, taken on the same day as the above pic. back row from left --

1. Syarafina. met her recently mase raihana's nikah ceremony. haiz~ sungguh dah dewasa dia ni! hehe.. seriously ah.. i feel like a child sey next to her. she is currently in KUIS, taking usuluddin klw tak silap. final year.

2. Hafizah Sariupua. dah lama tak jumpa dia. 2 years gitu kot? i think she's working now.

3. Farhana. she is in ma'arif, taking pre-u. (or dah grad?)

4. Sharifah. she's another long lost friend~ her sister, Khadijah, was also in the same class. two of my good friends that time. they left during primary 4 or 5 gitu. after that, terus tak dengar khabar. i really really hope to see them both again..!

5. Shari'ah. aaahh.. i wonder if i can recognise her if we were to pass each other in the streets?

middle row --

6. Khairunnisa Said. adik kepada Huda Said. i wonder how both of them are doing.. and how many kids Huda has now..

7. Mariam Said.

8. Shahriza.

im looking forward to more suprises that Allah has for me. i'm sure, bila Allah temukan kembali diri ni dan seseorang tu, it is at the right time. so, i shall wait =)

contoh anak mithali

Wasalam!on saturday really not sure bole tk coz tktau dad keje tak..but i'll try my very best to come n once i get e permission,i msg u ASAP..sori n thank you!


this message was about the retreat which was going to be held on that weekend.

cuba teka, yang hantar sms ni lelaki ke perempuan?




lelaki? perempuan?




if you guess 'lelaki', yup, you're right! heee... klw perempuan yang hantar message sebegini.. tak lah hairan sgt smpi post kat blog, ye tak? haha..

bila baca kiriman di atas.. dlm hati ni terdetik, "alahai~ sweeetnyer dia" tersenyum sendiri kite dibuatnya. mcm terharu ah lihat anak lelaki *remaja* yang baik (insha Allah!). ingat untuk meminta izin dari mak, ayah. (tapikan, klw umur dah masuk 20-an, masih ade ke yang teruskan amalan ni? atau dah 'upgrade' kepada sekadar beritahu "mak, ali balik lewat malam ni. ada hal dgn kawan"? atau langsung tak beritahu apa2?) ye lah, bukan dia seorang je, bahkan, alhamdulillah.. banin yang lain pon baik-baik belaka :)

Ya Allah.. Jadikanlah kami anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah buat ibubapa kami.
Semoga apa yang kami lakukan disenangi dan direstui mereka.
Assalaamua'laikum wr wb

Beloved brothers and sisters,

Would like to say a big syukran jazeelan to one and all for your dedicated resolve and sacrificing spirit today!

May you be duly rewarded indeed. Barakallahu fikum!

As of 2200 hours today, the operation ended with 218 donations all accounted for and safely transferred over to Certis Cisco for processing. Insya Allah we will have full knowledge on the amount of proceeds on Friday.

Meanwhile, the donation drive also saw the activation of 400 activists, youth and volunteers who came from all walks of life to help in this cause, muslim and non-muslim alike.

This is an interesting number, and I think affirms that with a collective effort and driven activists, the road to igniting others into activism and perhaps, just perhaps fabrics or early steps towards social (re)construction is indeed possible.

Also, I sincerely hope that this network of activist will be binded further together thus being able to create bigger change into the society in the future. Doesn't matter what platform(s) we ride on but simply with a common fikrah or ideals and principles hence functioning in a collectivism that manifest into some impact and, yes, change.

Let's be a part of this wave of activism!

Thank you again and Hayakumullah ...

the street donation

alhamdulillah.. alhamdulillah.. alhamdulillah..

im glad i was there, at mjd sultan today.

[oh, before i go further, i just wanna request something: please dont go and cut-n-paste this post or send the link to your friends/organisation(s) with that note - heyy, we got good feedback from a volunteer! *insertsmileyface*. this is for your own read~]

most of the time i just manned the booth. to kill time, i tried to continue reading a book about the life of a neurosurgeon [informative, insightful, and kelakar gak! hee]. or, i would listen to the brothers' chatters. best jugak dgr diorang berbual nih. tanye diorang ttg course yang diorang ambil. tanye pasal army. bla bla bla.. well, kite ni suker tanye. dapat gak ilmu sikit2, info2 baru dari diorang.

dapat berkenalan dgn 2 particular sisters.. kak ida and one more.. uh-oh.. i dont know her name.. from NUS.

bila tgh jaga booth tu, byk kali gak someone just came and inserted $$ into the donation tins. pakcik, makcik, kakak, abang.. foreigners.. non-muslims. masyaAllah.. masyaAllah.. terharu! kita ade letak signage kat 2 of the front gates. they must've seen. yes, cukup gembira bila lihat tangan2 yang menghulur.

before zohor gitu, the crowd outside masjid got bigger. coz there was a function kat audi, so mereka ni nak pulang ah. ape lagi, me and another bro angkut the collection tins and approach them. tahmid.. tahmid.. my spirits lifted. i went around the masjid. eager to approach anyone in my way. just do it!

then, i kinda felt im not doing what im supposed to do. why on earth am i sitting in this chair? i was getting too comfortable and lazy ah.. hmm.. so,

after asar, 5.15pm; ohh.. 45 more minutes to 6pm. supposedly end at 6pm. so me ajak the sisters, "jom! lagi 45 minit je. let's do what we can!"... so me and the NUS kakak walked along sungei road *first time whoaaooo* turn to ophir road, then to bugis village. wah, kat sini baru kite nampak: people's behaviour and their response towards those who are collecting donations. their indifference. wooww [saying this slowly].. and myself, how i had this 'reluctance' to approach people.. kira pilih bulu ah.. you should just go, liyana! go! just do it!

we left bugis village and walked outside BHG, crossed the small field to raffles hospital and made our way back to mjd sultan. along the way, yeah, we held out the donation tins. i realise i like to smile. i mean, i feel happy.. no wait, it's more like, i feel good greeting people with a smile.. even though they may respond by looking away.. looking straight ahead.. yada yada. ntah lah eh.. i say to myself, go liyana.. just go.. show your enthusiasm. your spirits. treat people with courtesy. "thank you very much!" smile "thank you..!" heh, ade some moments gak nak cakap jazaakallahu khair out loud. managed to suppress it though. klw tak, mesti orang tgk kite lain macam.

haha.. i kinda braced myself when approaching a group of mat saleh teenagers.. my gut said they wouldnt donate. but what the heck? just go ah. yeah, and so, they didnt donate. it's okay. at least, i overcame the apprehension feeling, or whatever you call it lah.

i think, basically, what i got from here is.. to just forget about being shy. just do your thing, ya know? smile and ask politely. forget about being hesitant. yeah, i was trying to shed that.

but at the same time, perceptions were forming in my mind.. e.g. who are the ones who show most indifference and/or ignorance.

and it's touching to see people putting $$, especially notes.. some big notes too, into the donation tin.. especially, non-muslims.. Ya Allah, mudahkanlah urusan mereka.. Ya Allah, kurniakanlah HidayahMu pada mereka..

felt the warmth of joy when listening to sisters sharing their stories, some are cute, some are funny, some are 'grrrrr', some are 'awwwww'.. all in all, i enjoyed myself. since most of the time, i was glued to the booth.

it's humbling. knowing that He puts me in this, to learn, to experience. tahmid.. tahmid..

adding to that, i became more informed about 2 particular initiatives by our muslim youths: IM4U and MGN. im thankful for the conversations i had with bro ashraf and kak nadiah. it's humbling. knowing that there are fellow malay muslim youths, students, whom despite their school workload, have this passion. to islah. to improve. to change. now that, is inspiring!

[start lament]
hmmm... should've done more. should've taken one tin and gone all the way to cityhall or esplanade. raffles would be nice too. i admit, i sat more than i walked. guilty. somehow, i didnt go all out like i thought i would.
[/end lament]

btw kan, klw kita tgk, aktiviti ni macam biasa je. tak gah pon mcm RR. tapi, pengajarannya.. hmmm.. packaged in subtle ways. *breaksintoasmile*

alhamdulillah.. alhamdulillah..

when you read this post again, remember that you were thankful for today, liyana..

and then, i thought to myself.. about where i wanna go after this. should i stay, and contribute through these initatives and/or organisations.. or should i venture out, taking what i've learnt and sharing 'em with those out there.. and get a better worldview. coz i know i will learn something from new people, new places, new situations.

go out, and be the strength that people need.

be the strength.
be. the strength.

-inhale deeply and let go-

should i really go out?

there are already many people working towards the betterment of the community here. im glad for that. a lot of initiatives, movements, groups, programmes..
but what about outside singapore? do they have as much effort done there as here? how are the muslim youths there creating change to their muslim communities? how? who? how much? can i play a part too?

i gain strength from the wonderful people, brothers and sisters, i've crossed paths with, and from the experiences that Allah has allowed me to keep, remember, reflect upon and share. i know very well that it's not enough. maybe not yet enough for me to step foot on a new, foreign ground and start giving.

but the people here need your strength too. need not go far. look around and you'll see there's a lot of work to be done.

Ya Allah... help me..

[about 2 more weeks til NUS/NTU admission exercises end]

i shall end this post with a sort of conclusion, or rather motivational reminder, that could sum up today's lesson:

Give all that you've got.
But if you can't -
More importantly,
Never stop giving.. never.

Are You pleased with what we have done today, Ya Allah..?
*head bows down*