every TP student is required to do a medical check-up to ensure that he/she is fit for his/her course.
and so, i went to raffles medical group @ causeway point yesterday morning, with my mum. i didnt expect that there would be many people at the place. as it turned out, there were quite a number of teenagers waiting for their turn to see the doctor. and as i was waiting for my turn, more teenagers arrived..
ada pelajar2 semangat bawak TP's enrolment guide. ada yang bawak dgn envelopenye sekali! fuyo~~ from what i saw n heard, those teenagers are TP-ians too..
actually, the medical check-up made me excited! really! i mean, i have never done any medical check-up, and i've been wanting to do it (coz i want to find out if i have any serious illnesses or something..)..so when this opportunity came, i was happy indeed!
i thought the doctor will check my whole body or something, but no. what happened was that a nurse (i think) called my name to check my weight and height, and to check for eye-vision and color-blindness. thanks to this check-up, i finally know that my height is 1.54m (i cant believe it! im shooorrrt!!) and my weight is 43.9kg. and my bmi is 18-point-something.. which means my weight is suitable for my height. yey!
unfortunately, as i've written somewhere in/on this blog before, my vision is becoming worst (or 'worse'??).. i definitely have to change my lens.ASAP! and thank goodness, im not color-blind =)
BUT! the most yucky, disgusting, unforgettable thing that i had to was..... GUESS WHAT????????????????????????????
urine check! which means i had to fill a small plastic bottle with my own u****..!! oh my god!! i was like..huh?? oh no! why do i have to do this stupid thing???!!
err...it was my first time, you know. so i was feeling stupid, embarrassed. and i didnt feel like u****ting..(urgh! writing this story here makes me sick! but i have to, so you know what it's like)..however, miraculously, my brain must have 'merangsang' my u****ry bladder, so there was little problem. ok, im not going to tell all the disgusting details here. figure it yourself! yang pastinya, when i got out of the small cubicle (it's in the clinic itself), i washed my hands like i've never washed before! really disgusting man!! oh! another minus point is that there was no water in the cubicle, only tissue. can you imagine???????????? yuck! yuck! yuck!
when i got home, i washed all my clothes, tudung and stokin... cuma kasut je belum cuci. unfortunately, i was able to eat my lunch at a coffeeshop without being too paranoid about my hands (yelah, kan me dah cuci dgn sabun! satu kt clinic, lagi satu kt kedai makan tu!)...
oh! after raffles medical group, i went to SATA @ woodlands civic centre to do a chest x-ray. haa! kt situ lah baru ramai sangat org! ada pelajar2 dari nyp, np, tp.. tk tau plak klw sp & rp nye budak ade kt situ..
hehe..pengalaman nk ambil x-ray ok ar... me kena pakai robe color maroon.. dahlah lengannye pendek, jadi me kena sembunyikan tangan bawah tudung..i thought x-ray kena baring, rupa2nye, kena berdiri sambil sandar kt satu board nie. sekejap je x-ray.. no fuss, no whatever. yang paiseynye, me kena bukak tudung masa nk x-ray tu..dah lah orang yg uruskan lelaki cina..tp nasib baik tk kena bukak serkup!
anyway, hidup nie memang tk sunyi dari ujian, ye tak? mana2 kite keluar je, mesti ada ujian, fitnah. fitnah ape??? fitnah mata lah!!
ish~~ me tk suke sey... yelah, bila ada rajul, me kena 'behave'... really cant be myself...really cant concentrate. me nk stretch kaki pon tk boleh..mak kata "hisy~ behave yourself..kan makcik tu punye anak ade kt sebelah.."... ok, ok... but the thing is, i dont give a damn about that stranger. bukannye me flirting pon! tkkn me nk duduk kt situ macam batu! n paham2 je lah, me klw duduk, tk boleh nk diam..asyik nk gerak je..
kt SATA tu lagi ramai org, ramai rajul! masya Allah~~~ ni baru kt SATA. bukan kt polytechnic! klw kt polytechnic nanti macamane?????????????????????? lagi byk ujian...hari2 kena uji.......hari2 ada fitnah mata....... Ya Allah~~~~~~~ berikanlah aku kekuatan!
ish~ me takut ar...me risau klw me akan terkena panahan 'cinta monyet' masa kt polytechnic nanti~~ risau sgt2! me pon risau klw my haya' level berkurangan bila kt sana nanti... me risau me gagal jaga akhlak...
if i want to be myself, as you all know, 'myself' is gila2, happy2, straightforward.. tp, how can i be myself with rajul around, when 'myself' may potray me as a girl with low-akhlak?!
ok.ok. me dah penat menulis...sampai sini je lah cerita hari ni..
oh! medical report akan siap within 3-4 days...so, in the meantime, im gonna fill all those enrolment forms, and then next week, im gonna submit them with the medical report.. =)