hey there, people!
one school holiday week has come n gone. and i've got pictures for you to feast your eyes on =) i mean, the pictures are not really a big deal. i just want to show them to you.
the whole week has been ok. lots of watching tv and eating. i stayed at my aunt's house for 6 days straight! just me, aqila, nenek and irfaan. ibu, farah, sabrina n farzana pergi pekan baru, so aqila n i were supposed to accompany nenek, who was a bit ill - headache mostly. irfaan mmglah boleh jaga nenek, tapi nenek tk lah keseorangan sangat...
niwei, farah, sabrina n farzana are my favourite cousin *smiles* irfaan plak...err.. entah eh. tk berbual dgn dia pon! nk kata, keluarga arwah cik mamat (my uncle) is my favourite relative ar...

yang kt sebelah ni namanye nur farzana. dia K1 tahun ni.. gempal kan? hehe...gempal2 pon, attitudenye cute! hahaha~~ klw berbual, siap gunekan 'i' 'you'! me pon terikut2 jugak! ramai org cakap yg farzana mirip arwah cik mamat.. mata, muka.. yep! nak kata, dia penghibur hati dlm keluarga..me pon suka main2 dgn dia..hehe~

ok, yang sebelah farzana is nur sabrina. primary 3. me ingat lagi..ada satu incident tu, masa tu sabrina masih baby lagi, me pulak 7-8 tahun gitu.. me tgh 'jaga' sabrina dlm bilik, n then, i must've let go of her or something, jadi sabrina jatuh! terhentak floor! fuyo~ menangis lah baby tu!! you know what i told ibu? "dia terjatuh sendiri.." aiya~ tknk bertanggungjawab eh, liyana? bohong lagi! kecik2 dah tipu! niwei, ibu tk suspect me..*rasa guilty lah pulak skrg nie*
*the entry stops here*
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