another alsagoffian!

yup, yup!

i was dang happy when i met nusaybah on the stairs at ITAS.. tengah turun tangga nak gi kantin 'Flavours' ah.

first week of school plak tu. tgh sorang2.. sekali, ternampak a familiar face! *sukerrrr*

never mind that she didnt go to TP from alsagoff.. she transferred to wak tanjong in... hmm.. tak ingat; sec 1 or 2, maybe.. and kita taklah rapat. but still, to finally have someone i know personally, in TP..

heh. k k.. dah tu je nak beritahu.. juniors dari madrasah lain ade uh.. so far, dah jumpe maarifians, arabiah-ians.. wak tanjong, mcm tak de gitu.nusaybah sorang je ah that i know.