Alhamdulillah...! i've secured 7% for Medical Microbiology.
tadi, pukul 9 ade quiz. BUT! this one was different from the conventional written quiz. it is a VIVA. what is Viva? basically, it's an oral quiz.
first time uh. we went into the tutorial room in our respective groups. so, mine was the first to go in today (about 5 groups already had the viva yesterday). bila dlm perjalanan gi sekolah, baru me teringat that it was open-book. ringan sikit.. tak pecah kepala nak hafal (actually, kat lecture notes sikit info.. tapi yang kat textbook tu yang susah nak digest).
pikir boleh duduk in any order.. rupa2nya, had to sit ikut registration number. so, i was first.. Ya Allah! gugup! mana taknya, semalam, farhana and the gang (as in, dia punye group) cakap susah.. application questions, quite unpredictable.
bila Dr Lee asked me the first question "describe the host defence", i was quite suprised. coz it was an easy, or shall i say, 'give-away', question. tapi tu lah, gugup punya pasal... jawapan tunggang terbalik.. and... selak2 notes cari answer. padahal, the answer was right in front of me.. boleh tak nampak. so, ade jugak points that i missed.
bila dgr soalan2 untuk my 4 other groupmates, boleh dikatakan mudah.. but i can understand why most couldnt answer correctly/completely. and then, Dr Lee gave feedback before he gave the 2nd questions. alhamdulillah.. i did ok. hmm.. ni part yang tak best jugak, sbb penyakit hati ni senang je nak dtg.. mendengarkan komen guru kat kawan2 yang lain.. hmm.. i tried to focus on reciting "rabbish rahli.." sbb silap2 Allah tarik ni'mat yang dah diberi, lantas i might not be able to answer later.
the next round. i thought he would ask from topic 2 'Diagnostic Methods'. ni yang seram sangat ni. dah pasrah uh soalan ape beliau nak bagi. sekali, dia tanya from topic 1 jugak.. "what are the different types of host-pathogen interactions" tapi kan! ni bukan medical microbiology tau. this is basic microbiology.. so it should've been general knowledge for us now. sayangnya, i CANT remember.. tak tahu ape nak jawab. normal flora, opportunistic pathogen, and a bit of stuff from textbook (haa.. this one terkeluar habis! coz that particular content wasnt talking exactly about host-pathogen interactions), tu yang me sebut. actually, sipi2 me ingat about the microbe harms the host, microbe and host benefit, lagi satu tak sure.. tapi me tak ingat the terms..
awkward jugak lah.. Dr Lee kasi hint.. "good and bad interactions". still tak leh nak kasi the exact answer. rase sedih jugak. tapi ianya cukup memberi kesedaran: this may be a kaffarah for a dosa i did just now, 3 hours ago, or yesterday..
at the end, i got 7 marks. gembira sgt2! sebab pikir i would get 5 or 4 marks. and 1 groupmate, he got 10 over 10. happy for him =)
as you can see, the viva has a high weightage. only 10 marks (2 questions x 5 marks), but it covers 10% of the OVERALL percentage for the subject. faham tak? 1 mark gone, 1% gone. so, for me, 7% secured dah cukup baik. coz i wont know how much of the balance percentage (90%, from assignments/term test/class participation) i will get.
once again, alhamdulillah~
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